Assassination Attempt




Written Jul. 14 3:30 pm EST


   As the awaking process continues in America all is not what it seems. Yes the media is responsible for the polarization in this nation and almost all fingers would point to them as to radicalizing the shooter. Should the media be seen as a threat to Democracy, when they incite the nation to really take out political rivals, or the false flag event allowed to happen. As unknown outside operatives spurred the crowd to occupy the Capitol, check the tapes. Where Pelosi told added security to stand down by design and those who would talk died by suicide. Jan. 6 was rally, which was allowed to escalated by design. As there was no chance it would succeed, but it would seal the future of Trump or so it seems.

   The assassination attempt is now painted in the media as an individual attempt. You were told the shooter was killed, which was a suicide mission, but he had help. Standard practice is surveil all roof tops and windows, which has a direct line fire to a rally stage. Buildings locked and access to roof top locked. Backed up by constant observation. Secret service was on rooftops and easily should have seen the shooter, as he try to setup and take him out. Some from the ground saw him minutes before shots were fired. The shooter was allowed to take up position and fire by inside security moles who arranged the lapse in outside security protocols. You do not even know if the alleged dead body in storage is the real shooter. All it takes is Hollywood blood splatter kit, to convince those who get a glimpse at the shooter, that he is dead and arranged EMT operatives to arrive at the scene first and replace the body.

   The shooter knows his car and house will be searched, so he going to leave bombs there to be found to solidify guilt. Who does that? Those that orchestrated the assassination attempt are part of the new world order deep state and pulls the strings of the top of the Democratic party. As a group they gave the order to terminate Trump. Biden has no chance to remain in power and because of the Democratic stance on DEI they can not remove Harris without serious blow back. The polls showing her handling Trump are a lie, as she has a far lower approval rating than Biden. She repeats meaningless sentences and she is going to go against Trump in a debate and stand on what?

   Trump can thank the Almighty and the team which altered the path of the bullets. The brave firefighter who gave his life as a martyr in the final fight of good vs. evil now playing out on earth. Now we hear all the sad remarks in the tragedy of this event and how sorry they are the event happened. Stop lying the Almighty told me that many of you in the Democratic power structure and media are only sorry that the shooter missed, you know who you are. No I will not reveal your names, as the pieces of sh.t that you are. I will say this, the Almighty has a special plan for those at the top who executed this plan, Heed This. Watch as big names just drop. What was done was a true threat to Democracy, not what is made up from the mouths of politicians. As a nation we need to step back and look at what is being done to hold on to power. Your eyes do not lie. Back to the warning to the media and politicians, this is strike 2.

   Biden’s speech today did nothing to address the true source of division in this nation. We hear let’s not make assumption as to why this happened. We all know why as you continuously spout the greatest threat to democracy. The highest protection is offered, but the most forward roof was not observed and allowed to be breeched. Biden, your words are empty. There are wolves in your hen house and you have no clue.

   So lets look at the strategy to win the Presidency. Option 1 prop up Biden to win the debate and skew the bought and paid for media. It failed. Option 2 prop up Harris as head of the ticket, this will fail even with the help of the media false narrative. Option 3 encourage the elimination of Trump. It failed. Now what?

   Yes plant evidence that blames the shooter as a lone rogue, so no one would even look at the top group of political operatives, who gave the order to take out Trump. The shooter would have been killed, before getting into his shooting position had it been a Biden rally and Trump would have been blamed. You were told, the truth would set you free, start listening and watch how events play out. To the media, it is time to jump from the sinking ship to save your careers. Report the truth, as all that is rotten shall fall.

Update 7/15 1 am EST

   The Secret Service was betrayed, as they allowed local law enforcement to control the outer perimeter against protocol, but orders came from the top. A ladder leading to the prime perch for a shooter unprotected was by design. This was not a lapse in protection, but a designed process. Will the administration throw the men and women who serve in Secret Service under the bus, or reveal the truth? Biden was not in on the plan, but those who control him was. The head of the Secret Service will fall, as she allowed this operation to proceed. There was no radio contact of a shooter on the roof before climbing the ladder, then when the shooter was discovered, he ran instead of neutralizing the threat. Secret Service was not allowed on the outside perimeter so the moles could operate. This is the deceit of those who lead you. When the lies of Climate Change fall, you will know why.

   Biden states we shall all come together, but was spewing hate 24 hours before. Why the sudden change, as those who perpetrated the event if investigated may lead to those who pull his strings? Do not worry America, they will fall, Most will die without being associated to the assassination, but there will be clues for those who inquire. Just how are you going to invoke change, when you can not control the women of the View, Maddow, Maxine and Joy? You can not, but you can offer hope lies. And why did you offer to go to celebrate Civil Rights signing when if you were in the Senate, you would have voted against it like most of the Democrats, who were Jim Crow? Check it. Trump is labeled a racist by the media, but you were KKK. Check it again, media. Yes, there was an honorary white hood given to you by Senator Byrd, remember, please someone bring it forward with pictures and end this hidden racism.


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