Red Spot
Mankind has long pondered the source of the Red Spot anomaly on the surface of Jupiter since its discovery by the first telescopes. Current theories in planetary astronomy has proposed this hypothesis; where a centuries old atmospheric disturbance has continued to rotate in a somewhat static position affecting the surface, similar to the hurricanes and typhoons occurring on Earth, as the cause. Yet in the midst of the many bands of high-speed wind currents racing horizontally in varying latitudes along the surface of Jupiter, the Red Spot has maintained its position, size, and form over the last several centuries. The red hue and cyclonic flow, unusual properties of the Red Spot does not seem to fit any pattern observed on the other known planets, but a secondary site, though smaller exhibits the same properties. Therefore, one must look carefully at the total planetary processes occurring not only in its atmosphere, but also consider the subsurface and core, to find the cause to this mystery.
Photo Courtesy of NASA |
The principles that occur within the planetary core and its anomalies that carry these disturbances to the surface of Jupiter is similar to that of a small star. Reviewing the advent of stellar and planetary creation in this galactic sector of the universe, lets examine a brief sequence of events. The local Big Bang initialized the expansion of matter and energy from a massive black hole that swallowed all mass within its gravitational pull where absorption reached galactic proportions. The expansion of the local area immediately was dampened due to loss of heat subatomic particles, thus molecular compression and gravity initiates the formation of mass that clumps within the interstellar medium. At the center of the localized big bang, the affected environment leaves a remnant mass and a black hole is reinitiated or slowly evolves over creating a new dominate gravitational source that holds and provides rotation for the newly formed galaxy.
Matter left over from the formation of stellar objects coalesced into ever-growing planetary masses among the gaseous nebula cloud and solidify until gravity and repulsion forces organized rotation about a central point, the primary stellar object. So what processes does a stellar object or in this case our Sun and the planet Jupiter have in common?
The heavy elements, which makes up most of the coalescing matter during the initial stages, quickly grows, due to gravitational forces, trapping hydrogen gas and other light elements indiscriminately within its structure, permeating what is to become the cosmic object’s core. In Jupiter’s case, its planetary formation was dependant on the heavy elements, once in abundance in the neighborhood during the early stages of development of Jupiter, now are in short supply in the local spatial area. The planet’s rate of formation and size relied on the strength of the gravitational force emanating from the future rocky core of Jupiter, and the continuing availability of light elements, which is at a higher density than the area depleted by the Sun containing the inner planets spread about the local spatial area. Jupiter’s core, now sufficiently massive to attract the light elements from its gravitational field, begins to grow. The process continues, until all the available hydrogen nebula matter in the proto solar system is so sparse gravity can no longer gather enough light elements to offset its losses escaping back into space for a positive expansion, thus planetary growth terminates.
Jupiter’s mass is now sufficiently large enough, that gravitational compression can initiate random sporadic internal fusion reactions and does, but differentiates itself from a star by its composition and the amount of energy produced its core. In a star, hydrogen pockets are distributed in a frequency, that when fusion reactions start due to compression, the energy, heat and light produced exceeds the caring capacity of the stellar mass. Thus it lights as a result of the excess energy, such as the solar wind and subatomic particle emissions are diffused into space, which is exhibited as a hot luminous object.
Examining the process of fusion energy production occurring within the core of Jupiter, there is a fragmented dispersion of hydrogen pockets surrounded by larger ratio of heavy elements within its core. With the usable area that undergoes gravitational compression, due to Jupiter's total mass reduced in comparison to a star, those heavy elements introduce as a part of the core at planetary creation are a dampening factor. Thus, limits the rate of the fusion process in the core to proceed as a sporadic slow burn, dissipating the heat and light energy into the mass of Jupiter. This controlled release of energy is great enough to surpass the absorption rate of the mass of Jupiter, making it a net producer of heat and energy, but not sufficient enough to be classified as a low end hybrid between a star and a Jupiter sized planet, now classified as a minimal Brown Dwarf.
The core of Jupiter, which is also responsible for its rotation, presently is in a state of motion. Resulting from a constant need to equalize differences in pressure and gravitational forces and subatomic particle movements occurring within various zones of the core. Movement starts as core matter flows across the least path of resistance, a perpendicular path to the north south magnetic alignment of the iron elements present in the liquid core or parallel to the equatorial plane. Movement of matter, which occurs in the core, could be represented by a set of thin parallel discs of core matter that maintain their latitudinal positions during rotation. Circular motion is initiated as flow patterns setup moving from areas of attraction then overshooting areas of no attraction to attraction perpetuating circular motion within the containment of Jupiter’s core. A cyclonic flow sets up around the axis of rotation in the same direction, with each disc of stacked flowing matter reinforcing each other.
It is stated that Jupiter in Zetatalk has no magnetic field, yet there is iron within the core of Jupiter, that responds to a magnetic subatomic particle flow differentials in the galaxy resulting in spin. This is base, but you need to look further. You can have a core that responses to a magnetic field due to its iron content, but does not allow organization and field projection beyond the planet's surface instead adapts and aligns with the flow. This is what is occurring on Jupiter and the other gas giants.
Where the iron in the core should project an established magnetic field and align with the Sun, instead aligns with the magnetic particle flow, which moves from the geographic north pole to the south pole. This creates a charged pole related to the dynamics and features of a magnetic south pole, when formed operates as an intake for charged magnetic particles expelled from the north pole of the Sun. Jupiter's south pole would be related to the charged north pole as an exit, a reverse of what is seen on Earth. This all due to the magnetic mass related to iron within the core as the planet gains mass, the field drops below the surface.
Now that the reversed magnetic field emanating from Jupiter has been explained, lets look within its core. During the mixing process of planetary matter, which occurs within the core of Jupiter, an occasional large spherical pocket of hydrogen accumulates and merges with other pockets within the local area. Slowly the hydrogen pools and migrates towards the center, but only moves where the threshold of very heavy elements that sink to the center cannot be displaced a rotational force. These anomalies in the core as they drift due centrifugal force as the heavy matter is forced to the outside pushing hydrogen into a zone within the interior core of the planet Jupiter. During the slow oscillation of an expanding and compression, where gravitational flow and the pressure of upper layers of mass upon the core, sparks a fusion process that sputters. The production of heat and light accelerates within selected areas depend upon local dynamics. The energy created is quickly absorbed by the planetary mass and particle movement related to photons generated do not have force to establish an organized wave, so it collapses and is reabsorbed.
As viscosity of the planetary core mass thins in the area of the core fusion anomaly due to heat subatomic particles, sporadic and completely random allows more fuel pockets to occur, due to a lower density of the surrounding core mass. The anomaly, now in a hyperactive state within the core of Jupiter, radiates energy and pressure into the nearby surrounding mass. This creates a somewhat static spherical shape bubble of superheated mass around the anomaly. The top half of the bubble boils away providing a stream of superheated matter constantly flowing towards the surface in the shape of an ever expanding, undulating elongated tube. This tube responds to the varying compression applied to the boarding walls of containment during its ascent. The rotational spin of the planet Jupiter applies a Coriolis effect to the ascending mass within the tube. Providing planetary density is somewhat stable as it is momentum guides and maintains the same latitude in relation to the rotational equator through the migratory transition from the core to the surface. During this movement, the hot compressed tubular shaped mass from the core to the surface undergoes a change as heat is absorbed by the surrounding mass.
The laws of inertia affect the fluid state of Jupiter’s core. The super heated mass within the tube has a lower density and higher temperature than the surrounding cooler planetary mass, resulting in mass that composes the tube flowing faster towards the surface than the surrounding mass. Simultaneously, this tubular mass due to a lower density does not have the same moment of inertia about the axis of rotation of Jupiter. Thus, an accelerated flow of planetary currents perpendicular to the outside perimeter of the tube ensues once reaching the planetary surface. Thus, deforming and stretching the cross sectional circular shape of the ascending tube into an oval parallel to latitude lines. Drag created from the passing faster currents of dense planetary matter applies a force to the circumference of the lighter matter contained within the tube.
Once reaching the surface, the muted light and heat produced is the diffused through the translucent surface and appears to an observer as the "Great Red Spot". The color due to the iron oxide released from the core getting caught in the updraft. The area’s higher temperature causes a low-pressure atmospheric area to form above the surface. The density differences between the atmosphere and the Red Spot form a cyclonic flow within the effected area, similar to our storms, as the air masses try to find temperature equilibrium. Only subtle differences in the internal currents of the planet cause varying longitude positional changes, which would be represented by a line perpendicular to the equator that terminates at either pole, over time. This caused from a mixture of planetary matter in the moving bands, which are not homogenous. Resulting in a slight variance in the planetary longitudinal location the Red Spot. One only has to look at Jupiter’s net energy output where the planet should be absorbing due to its distance from the Sun instead projecting heat back into interstellar space to question present theories. Mankind’s’ observation of the oval Red Spot, is one of many surface anomalies, but the most astute and has failed to realize, that Jupiter’s red glow emanating from the spot, is an internal phenomena produced from within its core.
Jupiter's Bands
If one needed an observation to confirm that planetary rotation is derived from a liquid spinning core, Jupiter is your answer. Currently physicists assumed rotational torque was conserved as the object cooled and its radius about the axis of spin was reduced and this increased rotation continues today. An examination of Jupiter's semi fluid surface shows bands of surface material moving at different velocities to each other. Mankind's rule of conservation of angular momentum states the mass as a whole increases the rate of spin as the radius shrinks. So why are there surface variations contained within established bands parallel to equatorial rotational plane?
The core in motion as a result of finding equilibrium as the attracted area overshoots until attracted again thus reinforcing rotational spin. It is the transfer of energy through the frictional contact of the core to the mantle and its efficiency is a function of the angle formed by the equatorial plane and its intersection with the axis and an imaginary line that passes through the contact point at the mantle of the planetary object. Since Jupiter's mantle and surface is semi fluid the surface mass breaks into bands due to velocity differentials as the angle increases towards 90 degrees instead of a somewhat constant speed observed on Earth due to a harden crust. Break points develop as a result of where it is easier to slide pass each as oppose to moving as one, which is achieved on terrestrial planets.
This is the source of the parallel series of wide bands semi-fluid mass flowing at different rates on the surface of gas planets due to the average mass of the material flowing in the parallel bands and it’s distance from to center of rotational axis. A differential in surface flow rates is confirmed by your telescopic observations.
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Mankind's Current Theory on Jupiter's Red Spot