Why and How Water Expands as its Temperature Falls Below 4 Celsius




D: It is only when the force of magnetism is introduced in a relationship to a molecular model that has dipolar characteristics of a polarized charge place upon its molecule can rules of physics and chemistry take advantage of a narrow temperature variation around pivot points of matter stasis’ transformation points, known to mankind as freezing and boiling points of various at specific matter rules of states of matter can vary. All of which we will cover here. So how would this concept in chemistry explain the many mysteries of one of the most abundant surface molecular components on Earth? Water, the essence of all life has several unusual features. I will explain two of the most basic, the ability of a liquid state of water to be at maximum density near 4o C than its solid form and water surface tension (mankind’s explanation).
   The dipolar characteristic of water molecules allows a new variable to be introduced. Where the relative state of matter in relation to the quantity of heat subatomic particles per defined mass and its relationship to matter as it transposes thru a specific state of liquid to solid. Although there is a twist, as the water molecule achieves maximum density at 4 Co above its transformation to a solid molecular format.
   There is a resolution to the mystery of how the mass of water in the liquid state approaches maximum density and then expands while transmuting from a liquid to a solid, counter to the laws of physics, there is an explanation.
   Shrinkage of water molecule due loss of heat subatomic particles is unique in that these subatomic particles are diffused slowly, part 1 of the equation. The properties and characteristics of heat subatomic particles (detailed definition to be explained at a later date) or its proportional counter force pressure, has a relative affect on a mass, and when responsible for the diffusion of a mass’s core, it is the flow of gravity subatomic particles that affects the transitional process of matter and its various states. It is here that the relationship that controls the state of matter, relays on a mix heat subatomic particles the pivot point that transpires water to solid and its reverse process. The twist is that the magnetic dipolar characteristic decreases exponentially as it approaches the pivot point, the translational zone where matter jumps from one state to another. The magnetic component responsible for molecular core compression, in conjunction with a retarded linear loss of heat subatomic particles due to mass vs. time face tension. The magnetic component tweaks the natural transitional pivots points to where water to the reach it maximum density 39.164 F as new part of the equation.

   Now that you have the basic concept gravitational diffusion of the subatomic particle flow maintaining the structure to the nuclear shell within the atom as a determinate for the state of matter, lets add to examine the next level. An introduction of the standard variable of heat subatomic particles, which manipulate the electron stream affecting the core, thus tweaking gravitational flow and ability to maintain a coherent point for a surface barrier to form. This is not new, but how we look at the interaction will be. Insert into the equation, the magnetic attraction due to dipolar characteristics of water. This added attraction occurs at the various nuclei of the molecular formation of water. As the temperature drops, the heat subatomic particles evacuate the electron stream. Compression occurs as the electron flow affects smaller cross sectional area for pass thru. With a tighter stream, there is a greater ability to carry a larger amount of mass per a defined area due to increased gravitational flow. Include the additional the attraction of the force related to magnetic properties, but consider

this is not maintained in a linear fashion. All are familiar to the fact that temperature affects the flow electron related subatomic particles within the natural temperature range of Earth. The force related to shell rigidity due to magnetism, drops off sharply as a result to the loss of heat subatomic particle with the maximum density of water occurring at a artificially created point with the additional magnetic subatomic flow contributing to the overall containment force. As an exponential rate of decreasing force occurs, once passed the equilibrium point of maximum density of water, an oddity of nature occurs. The mass once relieved of the added attraction due to magnetic dipolar effect expands until stabilization as matter transposes to a solid form.

   Secondary, lets examine surface tension. The characteristics concerning magnetic attraction of water molecules due to the charged poles. This attraction has the ability to bond and form an outside containment skin due to mutual attraction. Thus allowing water molecules to build above a rim of a container until the weaker force, gravity affects the total mass on the molecular level. The resultant is an interaction of gravity and additional mass above the natural point of equilibrium the elevation of the rim, until it compromises the magnetic bonding due to the dipolar force, causing spillage over the rim.
   Examining surface tension of water, it is a form of supportive structure countering the force of gravity by replacing volume displaced by the foreign matter in conjunction with cohesion of outer edge of a mass composed of water molecules linked by a mutual dipolar charge initiating a magnetic bond. The support is provided by the molecular magnetic linkage of the outside skin that counters and somewhat neutralizes the gravitational force in relation the displacement of water that allows low mass or diffused surface mass objects to float on the surface of water.


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