Off World Technology Brief

The Secrets of Gravity: Lesson 1



Written Sept 3


   As the Earth Changes ramp up you depend upon your inept scientists for answers. They have spent a lifetime backing theories that are wrong. So for the nerds’ lets breakdown in plain English what has eluded mankind and is this nation’s number one black project Gravity. Oh yes this is going to piss off the US Military Group DARPA, because they wasted billions of your dollars on projects that go nowhere. Anti gravity technology is this nation’s top goal and is above H bomb and laser technology

   First throw out all that you have learned to start. Gravity is not an affect from masses attracting, but as you approach a local field distance is a factor of strength. Gravity is an affect of particle movement. The subatomic particles responsible for gravity reside within the nucleus of all masses and are constantly on the move. It is only when the mass is sufficiently large enough, do you observe the effects.

   The gravity sub atomic particle flows towards a mass in proportion to its size. Look at a mass like a heat sink that attracts. When these particles flow through any mass on their way to an attractive sink, they apply a small force to any mass or particle as they pass through it in the direction of the flow. It is this field or flow of particles when you are on the surface of a mass that when combined the pass through creates weight.

   The radius from the center of mass and its density determines the intensity and rate of particle flow establishing the gravitational field. This is why gravity is minute with small masses and the gravitational field is localized. Because of the many objects in the universe once outside the flow the gravity sub atomic particles are passing through a mass from all directions, thus you see this as weightlessness when in space that is outside of Earth’s local field. With Black Holes the attractive gravitational sink is so large the flow of gravity particles intensifies to where it bends the particles of light back towards its source. There is no such thing as an event horizon unless you realize it is a point that light cannot pass the gravitational source. Nothing is special there.

   So now consider what happens when the attractive sink maximizes? It builds up pressure and is released in spurts along the weakest points. For a mass that has rotation this along the equator and release points would be equally separated and the exit points a determinant of the incoming flow. This will create a forceful stream that passes through a mass is it is concentrate applying little or no force. As the stream spreads from a mass in a pin wheel fashion again this will affect a large mass. You ask for proof then look at your spiral galaxies. The arms of stars you see are being pushed along again the number of arms vary dependant on the Black Holes at the center of these galaxies which you have just learned.

   You say what about elliptical or spherical galaxies? Good question, the gravitational component of force is more concentrated, and thus the force of the streams exiting from the gravitational source are dispersed about the Black Hole. As rotation accelerates the streams set up a pattern that aligns along the equator of rotation. Spherical is very slow, elliptical has a rotational torque of a little more thus deforming the sphere into an elliptical shape as more streams exit nearer the equator than the poles.

   So what example do you have about the incoming flow of 360 spherical field and the outgoing streams along the equator? With the larger planets and your solar system sometimes debris settles in the path of least resistance. You see this with the rings of Saturn. The incoming gravity particles are countered by streams exiting along the equator. Any dust or particulate caught in nearby field is compressed into a static plane where the exiting streams push aside the incoming gravity particles. The rings then are separated by a mass of similar size particulates as distance, width of the bands and density all come into play as they just float in the absence of gravity when the outgoing streams they engage maintains the compromise in position and rotation. You can see current and past outgoing streams  that were bushed aside particulates thus creating spokes. On a larger scale the planets that were part of our original solar system all lying along the Sun’s equatorial plane. This is a fact.

   The last effect is orbital distance. This is determined as a compromise between of the incoming stream and the push back from the outgoing streams that spread. These particles not only apply a force that creates a static position, but the distance of orbits changes upon the mass of the star over time. Thus, creates orbital rotation due to the pinwheel affect of the stream seen in the galaxies. The streams have rotation and again if a mass is in its path it is pushed around a planet, star or galaxy.

   In a multiple planetary system the mass of the next outside plane will either compress or expand planetary distribution about the orbital plane. This is the basics in a simplistic form for gravity.

   Now so how would this work for light speed travel? Create a gravity sink that attracts particles at an increased rate from all directions, the key is to look at what charge changes as the size of a mass increases. Then interrupt the flow of gravitational subatomic particles from the opposite direction of your desired direction of movement. You do this by creating a charge associated with sub atomic particle crowding diverting sector of the gravity sink without a directional particle flow. This would create an unbalanced force on the gravity sink in proportion to the density subatomic gravitational particle flowing through. In the universe there is an infinite amount of particles that can be tapped. Acceleration of that gravity sink embedded in the somewhat central portion of a ship would attain velocities of partial light speed as the universal flow of all gravity particles affect the mass with a force of gravitational sub atomic particles flowing towards stars.

   Switching direction is as easy as interrupting the flow from another angle, thus you can achieve a 90 degree turn with ease. Acceleration from a hover to speeds of Mach 30 in Earth's atmosphere is easy. Hovering however is more complicated as the particle flow to stabilize would be a constant refresh rate as to compensate for the anomalies for the mass and its gravitational field. Finally create a local field within the ship, easy, displacing outside gravity particles. It is here elimination of g forces and the ability to remain on the floor no matter the position of the ship. This is lesson 1.


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