Aurora Borealis
The introduction of a new theory concerning the structure of the atom and how magnetic particles flow, lays the foundation for explaining the spectacular display of lights at the poles.
The Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights and its counter part, Aurora Australis in the southern hemisphere is a phenomenon created from a set of complex interactions between the Earth’s and Sun’s magnetic fields, in conjunction with the passage of photons emitted by the Sun through the Earth’s gravitational sphere of influence. Photons and other high-energy particles are refracted downward by Earth’s gravity as they transverse through its magnetic field with concentrated energy flows at the poles.
The inner core, the initial source of Earth’s magnetic field is composed of a non-homogeneous swirling mass of molten iron and other heavy elements. Shortly after the localized big bang, which was responsible for the formation of the Milky Way, the Earth was one of almost infinite masses coming out of the explosion that coalesced and became what was to become a cosmic mass. Heavy elements present in the proto semi-molten Earth pooled and settled in its center. The core in its excited, compressed, and heated state is primarily composed of iron in an ionized state. The subatomic particles associated with the electron initiating a particle flow for magnetism, which in their natural state are always on the move, are shed from the nucleus of the associated iron atom. Although science has a grasp on the atomic structure of iron and how it affects the Earth’s magnetic field, a mystery surrounds its make up and that subatomic particles emanating from it, which are responsible for magnetism. To explain magnetism, we have to start at the basic structure of the atom. Conventional science revolving around the field of Physics has built a model of the atom where the neutral and positively charged particles resides within the nucleus. The electron, the negatively charged particle or particles revolves about the nucleus without physically interacting with the nucleus. This concept is the foundation for physical science and nuclear physics, but this model has achieved its purpose as a scientific theoretical icon. I will now introduce new concepts and the changes to provide insight to the next level of scientific understanding. There are questions associated with the interaction of the theoretical subatomic particles like quarks, muons and other obscure particles of high-energy particle physics, which are only vague shadows or broken fragments of the mixture of the basic subatomic particles unfolding the true picture. The main question sparking new insight into subatomic particles is finding that elusive particle or force that will bind all of mankind’s major forces such as gravity, magnetism, nuclear and disputed others into one grand unified theory. The particles discovered by scientists working at Earth’s best particle accelerators initiate random collisions during experiments. The result is only smaller fragmented segment of the atomic structure leaving a trailing expansion pattern, which is trying to find a state of equilibrium after the collision. We need to grasp the total picture concerning the electron. Mankind theories paints a picture of the electron as a basic root particle when in fact it is a mass composed of hundreds primary and secondary subatomic particles related to an opposite charge of the nucleus. The balance of protons, neutrons, electrons and subatomic particles located inside and out of the atomic structure and their associated movement, can be explained with newly introduced concepts. An alternate theory of an atom perceived in science proposes a new model, represented by a moving stream of electron related subatomic particles, which pass-through the nucleus and enter the core of the atom. Once ejected from the opposite of the nucleus at a random pole position about its surface, they spread into a field of particles flowing around it, only to reenter the nucleus through the opposite pole position on the other side of the atom. There is leakage of negatively charged subatomic particles, which does bleed from all parts of the nucleus in small numbers. The total combined negatively polarized force or charge of the subatomic particle stream or multiple streams and its related mass that flows about and through the nucleus, is what science defines as an electron or groups of electrons and shells. This concept will form the foundation for the principles of the atomic structure, molecular bonding and an explanation for magnetic subatomic particle flow. To grasp this new concept, a sphere will represent the nucleus and its various positive and neutral components. The enveloping static field of electron subatomic related particles takes the shape of a torus with varying entry and exiting positions that shift about the surface of the nucleus due to equalization about low and high-pressure subatomic particle density fields. The current accepted scientific theory states the overall charge on the nucleus is positive with the amount of neutrons ranging from zero to an unknown number only affecting its mass not the charge. Counter to this theory, I will state the overall charge placed upon the sphere or the nucleus is null overall. As all particles associated with the proton, neutron in the nucleus and electron sub atomic particle field, which passes-through the nucleus, is in an overall static state of equilibrium. Particle flow is established from the movement of electron-associated subatomic particles bleeding from the nucleus, which are randomly expelled from the nucleus due to overcrowding in its core. Particle ejection occurs as subatomic particles organize and stack up in the core of the nucleus. Internal pressures build until a burst or flow is initiated towards the north-pole hot ejection spot leaving in its wake a low-pressure void. Upon exiting the nucleus, the electron related subatomic particle stream rushes towards the low-pressure area on the opposite side, a random surface point on the nucleus’s sphere. The subatomic particles associated to the present-day version of the electron, flow independently and have minimal interaction with each other due to the repulsive force generated between them from the charge and field density. A stream of particles rushes into the South Pole to fill the void left by the exiting particles, which cascades into a shrinking a tube formation that stretches to the core from the created partial vacuum at the pole. Approximately 180 degrees longitudinal, opposite the hot subatomic particle ejection point and adjacent to the angle in latitude of the imaginary equator of the sphere, low-pressure zone is created in the wake of subatomic particles moving towards the core filling the partial vacuum created by particles ejected into the streams towards the North Pole due to core overcrowding. The South Pole entry point and the subatomic ejection point at the North Pole randomly oscillates continuously about the surface of the nucleus while maintaining a line between their opposite relative positions. The line between them pierces the central point of the nucleus. Movement of the pole positions occurs as the low-density entry point and the high-density ejection point seeks an equilibrium or dispersion within the total subatomic particle field surrounding the nucleus. The high and low-density fields scattered about the surface of the nucleus work in tandem; because it is the total combine pressure variants about the edges of both pole locations that equalize with the mid-density ambient field of surrounding subatomic particle field. This ambient field is maintained by a constant arbitrary bleeding of subatomic particles escaping the crowded nucleus, creating an uneven density field about the surface of the nucleus, which perpetuates the random movement of the poles about the nucleus. If we start at the ejection point (the north-pole) of the atomic nucleus, subatomic particle streams leaving the surface take one of two paths, dependant upon outside influences (like molecular bonds).
Static Atomic Structure Diagram:
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Diagram 1 |
In path 1, which was introduced above will be broken into detail. The quick ejection of negatively charged subatomic particles from the nucleus, which is trying to achieve a state of equilibrium because of overcrowding in the core of the nucleus, affects the charge of the local particle exit region (which is the North Pole, but will be reassigned as the positive pole). The northern region adapts a positive charge due to the drain of negative subatomic particles streaming out of a nucleus, which has an overall neutral charge or is in a state of equilibrium. The potential differential between the charges of the poles is directly related the pulse or ejection rate and the volume of the electron subatomic particles flowing through the ejection point (the north-pole) of the nucleus. In its singular state, the atom and its subatomic particles whirl around the nucleus in a dense field, which surrounds the entire sphere of the nucleus. This differs from mankind’s version, which explains the negatively charged particle as individual particles that revolve about the nucleus without physical interaction between the particles. The like charge of the electron related subatomic particles repulse each other, but they maintain a close static position in relation to each other because of compression of other unrelated subatomic particles crowding the surrounding outside space. This process determines the distance of the field about the surface of the nucleus. They reenter on the other side, attracted buy a random low pressure area formed at a varying positional south-pole, which the electron related subatomic particle field flows into in an otherwise crowded field surrounding the outside of the nucleus. This causes an overload of electron related subatomic particles at the south pole of the neutral charged nucleus upon piercing the entry point, which acquires a localized negative charge in that zone.
In path 2 where molecular bonds occur, (Molecular
bonding: (new definition) is a
constant compromise between the electron subatomic particle density fields
surrounding interacting atoms. It is where all atoms involved in a completed
bond; reach a state of temporary or permanent equilibrium. The connective
process begins as the outer fields of the atoms with density gaps of electron
related subatomic particles are looking to achieve stability or total saturation
of the outer field or mankind’s term a completed electron shell. Once random
elements combine in such a way that the outer field reaches maximum carrying
density exactly, a field lock occurs and the corresponding atoms share the
common field. The stronger the flow and charge between the polarities, which is
dependant upon nuclei density, the stronger bond and the more energy released
when the bond is broken. It is the interaction of shedding or absorption the
various subatomic particles of the related to the original independent atomic
nuclei is what determines the new properties of the resultant compound)
the charge on the nucleus corresponding to the flow and the density of the
subatomic particles streaming through it reaches a point where the polarity
differential between the north and south sides of the nucleus attracts and
aligns with other compatible atoms trying to achieve molecular bonding. Linking
occurs when atoms with opposite polarities to a close proximity after balancing
with the natural repulsive force of crowding that keep the atoms apart.
Subatomic particles on the move along pick the path of least resistance. A
choice between flowing to other atoms that have low electron related subatomic
particle density gaps (in mankind’s terms an incomplete electron shell) in
their expulsion cycles around their nucleus as opposed to circling the nucleus
and reentering at the low density negatively charged area on the opposite side,
which has a higher flow resistance for subatomic particles. The field traveled
primarily determines pulse rates of subatomic particle streams. The pulse rate
is determined by the density of the electron subatomic field, its density gap
and closeness to field completion (full electron shell). Each completed field
starting from the inner, which is composed of sufficient particles to equal a
mass of mankind’s two electrons to the next, capacity eight and so on.
Stunning the scientific field is what little mass the electron streams carry; it
is highest in the inner rings or shells. The flow of electron subatomic
particles affects the density and the characteristics of the elemental atomic
structure. Mass of a nucleus is dependent upon the
electron related subatomic particle flow rate while maintaining the total
electron charge. The higher the flow rate in the electron stream, the tighter
proton and neutron associated particles dance together in their mutual orbits
about the nucleus as the repulsive charge between the what mankind assigns as
positive and null charged particles are neutralize by the electron flow. Details
of this process, is to be revealed at a future date. Presented with these new
theories, this will form a basis and ground floor understanding into the physics
of the Earth and its phenomena the Aurora Borealis and its counter part.
Movement in the core of the Earth occurs as segmented parts within are
attracted or repulsed by various random objects surrounding this solar system.
Perpetuating a circular motion as attracted parts move towards the zone
overshoot and then repulsed away, like a dog chasing its tail. The cycle of
movement reinforces motion within the core. Iron, has an unusual property in
that the electron related subatomic particles clump together creating a large
density field gap in the flow of the electron subatomic particle field. As
electron associated subatomic particles from the iron atoms are ejected from the
core of the its nucleus, a low-pressure density particle gap wake is left
behind, in which the subatomic particles related to magnetism, which are always
on the move seek an escape from an overcrowded iron atom core. They quickly fill
this gap as oppose to slowly diffusing in the random particle density gaps
naturally exiting the nucleus. It is the wide variations in the electron field
density that contributes to a higher potential between the north and south sides
of the atomic nucleus of the iron atom. Like miniature magnets, the iron atoms
readily attract each other due to the high potential between positive and
negative poles. This leads to some of the atoms linking together. As bonds form
between atoms, magnetic related subatomic particles travel the path of least
resistance, the low-pressure wake of the electron particle stream that has
linked due to the attractive charge of the iron atom. This makes it is easier
for the magnetic related subatomic particles to jump the gap between the linked
iron atomic structures and fill a void as opposed to flowing around the atom of
origin and its low pressure zone located at the south pole of the nucleus or
molecular structure. The attractive force of the low density zone emanating from
the nearest linked iron atom is greater than the low-pressure zone causing
subatomic particles to return to the other side of the original iron atomic
structure, which the magnetic related subatomic particles were expelled from. A
pattern develops as subatomic particles jump to new atomic structures, they link
and the pressure voids maintain their extremes on the edge of the group as the
number of atoms grow, allowing subatomic particles to bridge farther gaps.
Alignment of the iron ions grows at an exponential rate until the total core is
in a negative to positive or south to north-pole arrangement. What has to be
noted is that electron related subatomic particle streams flow about either an
atom or a molecular structure, while magnetic subatomic particle flows can
bridge all available iron atoms or molecules linked within the attractive zone
dependent upon polarity flow strength. Rotation of the
Earth does play a part on the shape of its core. It causes the equatorial
rotational plane to bulge as centrifugal force counters incoming force of
gravitational particles, but as you move away from the equatorial plane, the
counter force lessens and the core gets squeezed towards both poles. The cycle
of magnetic subatomic particle flow begins upon reaching the center of the
Earth’s core, which is grounded. The attractive charge between the particles
once encounter the center of the core, drops a neutral reading.
Over crowding of the magnetic subatomic particles occurs in the core, as
the particles, which are void of direction, bounce about the neutral zone. This
squeezes an ever-increasing number of particles away from the core into the
northern hemisphere as new subatomic particles flow in from the southern core.
Once past the mid point of neutrality, an opposite charge builds on the north
side of the core. Here the particles adapt to the new charge related to the
North Pole, which increases in magnitude as the subatomic particles move further
away from the center of the mass’s core in this case, the Earth. These
subatomic particles initiates flow pattern in a tube formation with the magnetic
axis of the Earth as its center. As they are pushed towards the North Pole the
repulsion force becomes the dominant factor. The like charged particles begin
moving away from each other as the density of the constraining field, incoming
gravitational particles lessen as magnetic subatomic particles move away from
the core. The tubular flow pattern morphs into an ever-expanding cone formation,
the opposite of what happens at the magnetic South Pole. If you could
examine a slice of these particles flowing in the conical tube, the radius would
reach its maximum at the magnetic subatomic particle exit point of the total
mass, the magnetic North Pole on Earth. The expansion of this exit ring of
magnetic subatomic particles is countered by the incoming gravity subatomic
particles, which are entering Earth’s mass primarily through the poles
(Gravity particles blanketing the Earth create an equal downward force. The
majority of particles returning through the poles rip through affected mass
without applying a force). They crowd out and push the magnetic subatomic
particles back towards the Earth’s magnetic axis. So, the radius of the ring
of magnetic subatomic particles is related to equilibrium or balanced between
the repulsive outward expansion force on the ring particles from the magnetic
north pole and the repulsive force between each other. The compression factor at
the poles is composed of a flood of returning gravity particles, the diffusion
factor of the crust and other particles still unknown to present day science,
which exert a force shrinking the ring of particles back towards the poles. The
magnetic subatomic particles once ejected from Earth’s mass, flow in particle
streams with separation of these streams dictated the strength of the repulsion
force between the like magnetic subatomic particles, the incoming subatomic
particles related to gravity and other forces and the interactions with the
Sun’s magnetic field. The streams all ejected in a 360-degree ring,
progressively. To visualize this occurrence examine a horizontal slice of a
trunk of a tree, a pattern of expanding rings is exposed. The first and primary
ring closest to the pole finds equilibrium between magnetic axis and the
dominant repulsion force between the magnetic subatomic particles and the
backpressure applied by incoming subatomic particles related to gravity and
other forces. Each successive new stream then finds its equilibrium between the
interior subatomic magnetic particle stream and other subatomic particles
gravity and dark matter,
which controls expansion of the outward repulsive force emanating from the
magnetic axis. This pattern goes on almost infinitely as each successive stream
of particle volume flow and intensity approaches zero but never gets there
(nothing new here, it follows the principles of derivatives). The magnetic
subatomic particles flow toward the South Pole where they reenter the Earth and
are attracted to its core. As they are drawn in towards the core, their charge
dissipates towards neutral, due to the grounding effect of the Earth. This along
with the increasing density field of returning gravity particles subjects the
cylinder formation of like particles to larger forces as they approach the core,
allowing them to gather closer. This modified formation resembles a thin
hourglass as an ever-shrinking cone advances towards the core only to expand
after passing the mid point of the Earth’s core. A cycle
that does repeats again and again.
The effects of the Sun’s magnetic field modify the external flow
pattern of Earth’s magnetic subatomic particles. The Sun affects the Earth’s
magnetic field in two primary ways. First on a micro scale, the subtle
interaction between the Sun and the Earth’s magnetic fields produce an
undulation or wave like movement of the northern and southern lights curtain.
The Sun and its magnetic field undergo many changes. Fluctuations and the
intensity of the solar wind vary due to subtle changes within the Sun’s core,
which is addressed in further detail in Sun
Spots. The cause of magnetic fluctuations lies deep within the core of the
Sun where the fusion
process varies due to random zones of heavy elements mixing with hydrogen
fuel pockets. This cycle moves from peak to ebb in an eleven-year phase. It is
the time it takes for a rogue group of heavy element bubbles to make the round
trip from the edge of the inner core into the outer core and return. The maximum
activity of photon expulsion occurs in conjunction with the peak appearance of
sunspots, as the maximum amount of heavy elements is away from the core. The
fusion rate with fewer damper moves into full bore. Constant movement of pockets
of iron and other heavy elements causes eddies and side currents. These
the flow of magnetic particles producing subtle fluctuations that diffuse the
directional projection and intensity of the Sun’s magnetic field. Once
projected into space its random strength and intensity of subatomic particles
tend to confuse the Earth’s field by crowding and deflection of the ambient
magnetic field on the micro level. Thus causing the dancing and wave like
undulations in the curtains of light surrounding the poles. Atmospheric currents
have no effects here. Second on a macro scale, the Sun’s magnetic field
compresses the near side of Earth’s magnetic field and stretches the far side.
The movement of magnetic subatomic particles, if unaffected around Earth would
look like the magnetic lines of force emanating from a standard magnet,
symmetrical in form. The Sun’s magnetic field interferes with the Earth’s
field by causing it to take on the shape of a teardrop with the pointed end
facing away from the Sun. This phenomenon of a teardrop formation of the
Earth’s field can be explained. Some astrophysicists have associated the solar
wind with causing this phenomenon. This is true, but it is only a minor factor
in the scheme of things. The dominant factor is the Suns’ projection of its
magnetic field outward into the solar system. Enter into the equation the Earth
and its magnetic field. The magnetic field emanating from the Earth first
encounters the magnetic field of the Sun on its lit side as the two fields
collide head on. The result is the weaker field of the Earth being compressed by
the overwhelming pressures emanating from the Sun on that side. On the dark
side, the Earth’s magnetic field is stretched as both fields have to expand to
the outer solar system in order to reach a static equilibrium between magnetic
subatomic particles originating from both the Sun an the Earth. If one could
vary the intensity of the sun’s magnetic field with a stable solar wind,
compression or expansion of the Earth’s magnetic field would vary in
proportion to the Sun’s magnetic strength. The varying intensity of the solar
wind is a by-product of the 11-year cycle, which expels a greater amount of
photon related subatomic particles at its peak into space as fusion reaction
rates in the core of the Sun increases slightly. Photons are dispersed away from
the Sun into cosmic space, a medium that is primarily composed of gravity,
repulsion particles and Dark Matter. Gravity and repulsion subatomic particles
once achieving a static relationship, cancel each other’s force when any
wandering mass in the field or medium is enacted upon creating a neutral field,
which is seen as weightlessness in mankind’s eyes. While dark matter is the
glue that cements the universe as one. When the photon subatomic light particles
approach Earth, the principles of refraction enter into the equation for
auroras. Incoming gravity particles overwhelm the concentrated streams of
repulsion particles exiting the Earth creating new dynamics to the medium or
particle field in close proximity of Earth. Light, which is composed of many
similar sized photon subatomic particles has varied masses. Particles emitting
red light contain the most mass, which bends the easiest in a gravitational
field. This is why at sunset or dawn when the angle of refraction is the
greatest; red light overwhelms the visible light spectrum. The mass dictates the
carrying capacity of energy, which a subatomic particle related to light, a
photon can hold. This in turn determines the its vibrational frequency level of
the visible light emitted. As the photons approach Earth they move from the
neutral field of outer space or a medium of weightlessness to a field heavily
laden with gravity particles, the photons emitted from the Sun bend and
separate. This creates large segmented fields of similar mass photon subatomic
particles vibrating in narrow frequency windows. Scientists are familiar with
the principles of refraction as light photons move from one medium to another,
like air to water or glass, this causes light to bend or break down into its
principal components as light of specific frequencies overwhelm the ambient
white light. These separated
fields of photon subatomic particles contained in the solar wind strike the
charged magnetic subatomic particles exiting from the North and entering the
South Magnetic Poles and absorb some of its energy. Once passing through the
magnetic lines of force, the charge the excited photon subatomic particles
dissipated their energy into various frequencies of light in the upper
atmosphere. Creating curtains of segmented light fields that dance about the
upper Earth’s atmosphere. Auroras are an effect that is present in all places
around the globe. It is only the amount of transferred energy from the magnetic
flow eddies, which diminishes away from the poles and the intensity of white
light diffused by gravity from the lit side of the Earth and background star
light, that prevents auroras from being
visible away from the poles.
For the Grad Students, here is a
question to ponder?
Air is composed of a predominate mixture of
nitrogen and oxygen. So how are there curtains of segmented light vertical and
horizontal observed, when the two elements are excited in a lab give off
different frequencies of light?