Orbital Perturbations


   The universe is vast with its many wonders just waiting to be discovered, but old foundations and ideas could impede progress. Astronomers through due diligent have discovered orbital perturbations. The observation does have merit, because it does lay the foundation to a new level of understanding of astrophysics. What we need to do is to consider the next step. With our high power telescopes scanning the cosmos, a planet size object has not been discovered since the early 20th century. So we must consider the unusual, planets with their varying orbital paths and periods are not lined up except on a rare occasion like May 5, 2000. A new planet also orbiting the Sun could not exert a pulling gravitational force on some of the outer planets in the same direction unless its point of origin was fixed. Has anyone though about the mass needed to perturb an orbital path from a distance of 60 to 30 billion miles? This eliminates a rogue planet, but we can consider the unlikely, a stellar size mass, which failed to light since the effects are presently felt on the orbits of Neptune, Uranus and others though the source is not visible. Do we not assume extra solar planets are present due to gravitational stellar wobble? So we must assume an unknown stellar size mass is near enough to this solar system to cause a directional orbital tug.


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