The Second Attempt



Written Sept. 18 2:30 am EST Held by Design

Update Sept. 19 12:30 pm EST


   This second attempt was allowed to proceed by the Almighty, but was stopped short of the assassination. You are now asking, why would the Almighty save Trump, only to allow him to be targeted again? Only real events can change the hearts (souls) and minds of the of the American public and the media. Few of you listen the first time, as it is unthinkable, that a rival party would consider eliminating the opposition. So events were repeated and hopefully some more of you will connect the dots.

   Months later you have no pertinent intel on the first shooter, but he had 3 encrypted overseas bank accounts and a burner cell phone. He was allowed to surveil the site, stand down orders were give from the head of the Secret Service and an open site to shoot from never covered. The deep state and alleged DHC top members gave the go order to take Trump out after Biden collapsed as an insurance policy. Few at the top had hope that Harris could pull an election win off like Obama. Hillary just lied, as she was hoping to be drafted at the convention. It failed by the Hand of God. Oh that can not be true, as many refuse to believe what you see. So be it. The rules in Good vs. evil there must be an element of doubt to allow a true soul decision. So lets fast forward to the present.

   In this second attempt, the secret service acting director stated on national TV, that he did not know Trump’s schedule. The shooter did, as he camped out all night. So lets look deeper. There was no infrared heat signature scan of the outer perimeter, that only takes a few minutes. The suspect did not have the resources or time to surveil Trump’s moves and examination of the car’s computer and license plate hits of the surrounding area confirm this. So how did he know Trump would be golfing there and more important the tee time? This was important, as an approximate time to reach the 6th hole was known to the shooter. This is why he stuck the barrel out to scope if Trump coming towards him. But he was early and spotted by design.

   It was the deep state and their DNC operatives that leaked the information to the shooter, as he was in place before any local surveillance. But he decided on his own to attempt to shoot the former president and was not paid by the deep state, although they assisted. Will he talk? Not here, as he was offered protection and a double who will serve his sentence check the DNA. But, if they get him to Gitmo, those responsible depending how far up the chain in the DNC, some will die under natural causes and others by accidents, watch as this unfolds. As this is strike two. All is not what it seems.


Side Note


   So much is being said about Springfield, Ohio. What is happening there is not racism, but a cultural difference. The residents have a right to reject, what has been forced upon them by the Biden-Harris administration. Not one of you would want this in your neighborhood. If so, they can be moved. Oh, now you are quiet. There is no new housing there, but 20,000+ (that is what they tell you, but it is higher) overwhelm what is there and breaks every occupancy code violation. Schools overwhelmed, where are they going to get teachers that speak Creole? The majority of Haitians will gather food when hungry, just like at home. So 911 calls, pictures showing geese being taken, has an element of truth, but is not the norm. The Governor and mayor are lying to keep the peace and the national spotlight off of them.

   The 2024 vote is a major issue, lets not waste time on both sides, because geese, ducks and other animals may be used for food for people, who are hungry with little funds. The solution eliminate the gangs in Haiti, form a stable government which truly represents its people‘s values, remove corruption and return the Haitians to their home country, can you do that?


   You were told in the media, that what has happened in Springfield Ohio, does have an element of truth. Yes citizens of Springfield placed 911 calls for animals being gather by Haitians for food. This was a general practice in their nation before they came here. Check it. There are pictures and the media is lying, there is no proof. What has happened, has now morphed, bleeding into the political arena. Now there are now many bomb threats, but what is unusual, none of these calls lead to an arrest of the caller. The NSA has the ability to trace any call placed related to a bomb threat. Yet none has been identified. The reason is those placing the calls, are related to the deep state and can not be traced. The goal is to point the finger of blame towards Trump, as racism. Check it.

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