Politics are Out of Control

Concerned Citizen



Written Sept. 30 5 pm EST


   I have sat back and watched this election process and the lies and distortions on both sides. So I will speak, as if I was running as a third party candidate. Trump you are wrong that Kamala is mentally impaired. No, she is just not the brightest bulb in the tool shed. She failed the bar then passed. No talent there. Then comes out into the world and takes a position on her back, as married big Willie side chick to advance her career. Please don’t lie and say it was love. I can hear his words now, I can do things for you, if you do things for me. Wow did you get lessons from Bill? This is a fact, no matter how you spin it. He did move her along in San Fran politics. Wow he kept his word.

   I ask you Kamala, how is arresting drug dealers and you do not mention convictions rates or how many went to prison. This has any thing to do with the tens of millions that crossed the border under your watch? Where is the collation? There isn’t, as this is a useless talking point. Most of those who were prosecuted under your watch were gang members and local punks that broke state laws and not international criminals at the border. Why do you lie? Oh to get elected. Now lets talk about your past.

   One tool that I do have, is access to the ability to read minds for a specific reason, a gift from the Almighty. So we are going to set that black thing straight. Your mother wanted to protect you. You were born in 1964 just after the Civil Rights Act protecting blacks who had few rights and your family with Asian and West Indian black heritages and there is a difference from American black descent, wanted you to be labeled as black? You are full of sh.t. Janet was telling the truth. On your birth certificate you were labeled other, unless you just changed it. This is the truth, and you run from it. I wonder why? As you grew up, being labeled black was a disadvantage, as it still is today coming out of the days of Democratic Jim Crow. Yet you expect us to believe your lie. Your values changed only as the public opinion changed. You are a chameleon, that changes to fit the political surroundings and few people see that. Worse, you have no skill sets, but a mouth that talks sh.t. At least Hillary knew how to talk the BS, had a loyal side chick now happily married, had foreign experience, set up a 2 billion dollar fund to help the Haitians, then kept it, you are just a puppet of the deep state or global new world order. Hillary, hold your tongue, I could double down if you want.

   America, Kamala thinks you are idiots and is playing the system to get elected. Kamala again do not lie, as there are other dark secrets, which can be revealed, just own it and move along. You were right about Biden being a racist. As his BFF was Robert Byrd a US Senator from West Virginia and head of recruitment for the KKK and grand Cyclops (another name for Grand Wizard) of the state. I would love to reveal their conversations about nigg..s and then ask Clyburn why? They called you one too Jim. Kamala, Pelosi call Biden a fool to his face, when he picked you for black votes and VP. Pelosi quote to Biden, “what if you die“, then what? Biden stated I am not going anywhere, but he did not consider cognitive decline.

   Kamala, I saw snippets of your speech at the border. All who seek asylum, has to apply at legal points along the border. That is already the law in place for decades. But now, you choose to enforce that law to win an election? You speak always, the immigration system is broken. It is not. We have a legal process in place, but none of you have the balls to shut down the illegals. You are the problem. 98% of illegals are fleeing poverty, which is not a reason to grant amnesty. But you do and America should ask, why are you spending our tax dollars to support this?

   Kamala, you promise things, but you can not afford it. 3 million homes will cost 900 billion dollars without the cost of the land. If you win, that promise will have you falling flat on your face. Where is the money? So you like shopping with a credit card, that will be denied, not too bright. Location is important, is there demand and jobs. You do not have a clue. Who is offering the mortgages? What if the homes do not sell? You have no experience and your advisors are picked by their donations, not talent. This is what is wrong with the system. And the talking clueless heads in the media have no real life solutions. Mismanagement and most tax revenue will not fund your programs.

   50k in tax credits for a small businesses is smoke and mirrors. Many small businesses do not have taxable incomes above 150k and a 50K reduction applied would mean 100 k is taxed at near 25% a true savings of 12,500 dollars. You speak of turning the page on the past, but the page is you. I can promise you this, as you feed this nation a pile of bull sh.t. You will wish you were never elected as president, as the Almighty has given control to certain individuals to proceed with certain events, that will expose you for who you are and the deep state to save souls. Please win and I will enjoy watching you wish you never did, as a new world order lap dog.

   As for Trump and his crazy words. Yes, I do not understand why he continues to shoot himself in the foot. So be it. But when he ran the country there was no foreign threats to democracy and Netanyahu listened. Almost all Americans were in a better place. He was right about the border. He was right about NATO not paying theirs bills. He was right about the useless wars. He was right about the rapists and murderers crossing the border. He was right about improving the economy. He was right about energy policy. He will be right about Climate Change, when the truth is revealed. Hurricane Helene is caused by other factors, not what you think is Climate Change. Then what is it? Nibiru say it and you will be fired or worse.

   Yes the rednecks talked a good game, but did nothing to take away the rights of minorities. He talked about women, which was not right, but all rich men sing the same tune or worse abused by the likes Diddy and Epstein. The only difference between the two, is Diddy is still alive. They do not like fat and plain women. Women do not like that either in males, so who are the idiots chasing after the man’s man Walz? So old grand pa is now sexy? You are so stupid. Bring that home and I hope you like farts and disappointment.

   It was you in the media that stirred the pot. Trump as Hitler, exactly what race did he wipe out or threaten the globe with war. You in the media are out of your minds. But you are right about one thing, someone is coming for you and it is not Trump.

   Kamala is a new world order clueless stooge. Her job is maintain the status quo. Few of you question the power of the media, as she a zero went to a hero in three days and you fell for the manipulation. It is so sad to see, that so many of you are gullible and question nothing. The elite are fearful of the coming earth changes and will allow millions to die in coastal cities, especially in Europe from tidal waves after the New Madrid fault finally breaks after a series of days and quakes. They expect you to die with the greatest loss of life in New Jersey, as waves roll 50 miles inland and few survivors on Long Island as waves roll over. The media silence betrays the American citizens, they are suppose to protect.

   Why is the media not speaking? Their silence secures them and their family protection in safe bunkers with the promise of life. Watch the skies for the truth. Signs will be given, but will not alarm the general public, who refuse to accept the truth and then riot. The waves will come at night and drowning will occur in seconds and painless.

   As for abortion the world does not know about the origins of life and will be slowly educated. At some point the masses will know abortion is murder. Change will occur or there will be death of the soul, your choice.


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