DC Air Crash



Written Jan. 30 3:10 am EST

   There are many questions, that you in the media need to ask airport officials today. The video feed shows the helicopter lights for at least 10 seconds traveling at the same altitude in a straight line path at an angle near 90 degrees to the flight path of the aircraft. Now if we can see the helicopter lights and the plane front lights, why didn’t the pilots see each other? They were distracted. Second DCA is equipped with the ASDE-X radar systems to prevent ground collisions and final runway approach. Neither received an in timely message of imminent collision, as the video shows no flight path varied. Why? There are no survivors. Few survived the impact, then cushion blast and all who was alive perished on splash down of both craft. There will be no water in their lungs found during autopsies. If drugs are found in the pilot systems, it will be overlooked to prevent losses from suing.

Update Jan. 30 10:15 pm EST

   Did all of you in the liberal media miss the memo? Are you telling us there were only 2 controllers in the tower for DCA? The helicopter pilots only had to glance to the left to see the plane 3 miles out with its head lights on and closing. All pilots know what altitude the planes are landing at the helicopter crossing point of approach to runway 33, yet it chose to maintain that same altitude. There was no confusion as to the sighting of the plane, yet it was ignored. You need to dig deeper. Staffing is low at the tower and pilots not scanning the field of view for other aircraft does not make sense. DEI was mention, as you do not sacrifice competency over diversification. Oh lets put those in wheel chairs, deaf, blind and mentally impaired to guide our planes. You people are insane, you can fly in on diversity. Safety comes first or you can be guided on landing with DEI. Lets see how you approach future flying. When the talent is equal, then a chance is given. Many people died due to incompetence in the tower and cockpit of the helicopter, what if it was one of you? The process needs to change.

Update Jan. 31 6:30 pm

   Be careful out there of focusing on the Trump DEI statements, as the truth will make fools of you. No, the pilots were not wearing night visions goggles. There would have been blinded from the city lights. This is common sense. The helicopter did maneuvers to slow the timing to the impact point. The airport flight collision system would have picked up long ahead of time of the helicopter flying at the restricted level. Experience pilots know the difference between 200 and 300 ft no matter what the altimeter shows, as they have flown the route so many times. Personal missing from manning the flight collision system and the pilots would have seen the plane miles out. Confusion on a plane taking off seconds before the collision is a lie. Trump blaming the crash on DEI is a gift, because you do not want the truth. Check the helicopter flight boxes on when 300 ft of altitude was engaged and why the maneuvers was to slow the approach instead of evasion? Was manual flight control engaged? Be careful, find too much and they may come after you.

Update Jan. 31. 11:35 pm

   For those embedded in the government, which aligns with the deep state, if this was one of your continuing operations against the common man, you better pray, that you had nothing to do with this Pa. crash. If so, watch the bodies pile up starting at the top. You will fear the Almighty and His raft. You say the Almighty knows all, but he expects His soldiers to find the answer in many cases.

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