The Harris-Trump Debate


Written Sept. 10 11:30 pm EST

Update Sept. 13 5 pm EST

Quick Synopsis


   Harris by a small margin

 First Half

   Harris A-

   Trump C

  Quick analysis showed Harris was focused, as the prep was well done even to the facial expressions. Trump seem to look off and not focus on the questions. It was here many in the Trump camp thought he would lose it.

 Second Half

   Harris C

   Trump B

   Harris fell apart on foreign policy and did not state how inflation would come down. The border crisis and foreign wars showed a lack of experience. Trump showed he could avoid wars, as Harris was confused. For Trump too little too late.

 Final Speech

   Harris B-

   Trump A-

   Trump attacked Kamala for not doing anything while in office. This is true.


   Kamala has a slight edge

 What is the Best Policy going Forward

   Trump, as Kamala has no plan, but had a good debate.

 Final Score

   Kamala 90-

   Trump 88+

Final analysis

   Preparation in a debate is key. Never under estimate the opponent. Trump did his usual when approaching a political opponent with out real skills. His team did under estimated Kamala’s memorization and acting ability. In the first half Kamala beat Trump on Optics not policy, his delivery was off. Some how Trump regained composure, but opinions in the minds of the weak were already forged. Trump you were told to prepare, and defeat for lack of preparation was self inflicted. Yes the world knows, you lost. There is no spin here. A new debate may open, you will accept. When you get knocked down, you pick yourself up and continue to fight. Focus beats optics. Lets examine the debate from last night.

   The DNC and Hollywood prepared Kamala down to acting presidential skills, the look, like you are beneath me and the smile, like I am listening to an idiot. All of this was delivered early against Trump, impressive. Kamala pushed the loss of jobs, as if it was Trump’s economic policy, yet is was Covid. Bounce back jobs was a true statement. Trump’s push back was weak although correct, no eye contact and he seemed to let his mind and focus drift.

   When it came to the border, she talk about the criminals she prosecuted, yet this had nothing to do with the tens of millions crossing the border. She spun her way out with no policy and again Trump failed to nail her on that weakness. Kamala responded to the bi-partisan border bill Trump was against, which killed a chance at border security. The administration could at anytime shut the border, but has not. Kamala’s point was a lie to deflect away from present policy, but not called on it. The optics worked.

   On foreign policy it is here Kamala starts to crack and facial expressions change. She said will rebuild Gaza, really with whose money? What about contractor fraud, kickbacks and cost overruns. This is not our humanitarian issue. There was talk of a strong national security, yet wars are everywhere. In order to increase social services, you have to reduce money flowing to defense. This was another lie that was not pushed back on. Putin is routing for Kamala. This seems true, as he did comment support for her. We heard of alliances are strong, but bills are not paid and there is war in Europe. There is no stability, as if our eyes lie.

   In Afghanistan Kamala spoke as if Trump violated the hallow grounds of Camp David by allowing talks to proceed there. The grounds are not hallow, that term is allowed for God only. How dare you. Your administration lost a 100 billion in equipment, 13 died for no reason, but incompetence and the troops you trained to protect the people of Afghanistan fell in days. You lost the country to the Taliban after America spending years and hundreds of billions against terrorism. And you want to run our military, as a loser? Your debate did not help your cause on this message. Everyone knows the world is afraid of Trump.

   The biggest mistake a Kamala administration will make will be 50k for new businesses, 25k for housing assistance down payments, 6k child tax credits may work. All this money going out and little coming in to pay for with no oversight. People will apply and not one of you will ask for or examine the business plan or location. There will be fraud and little incentive to succeed, when it is not your money, you are losing. The idea sounds great, but will never be put into action due to cost. This is a ploy to gather votes on what will be empty promises. Health care is a mess and both sides have no clear viable plan. Finally on Climate Change the affects are real, but the cause is false. Kamala is lying and is willing to waste over a trillion of your dollars on green new deals, that will not stop Climate Change. Kamala has been fully briefed on the ultra top secret topic of Climate Change aka Nibiru, as was Trump when in office. He is telling you the truth. It is a farce, but will not tell you why. Putin may drop the truth. The sad part many of the Blue states will suffer the most in the near future due to no preparation for coastal assaults.

   The debate will temporarily move the needle somewhat for Kamala, but she delivered optics and still did not explain her policy. The downward trend will resume. The media is suppose to be the adults in the room. You have been warned, that there is a great danger coming to America if the present policies continues. Again you in the media knows this, but few choose to act.

   By the way Trump, the dog comment was just plain stupid and showed little self control. I was thinking please don’t say it please. Then you dropped it. Oh no. It was unnecessary even though, there is an element of truth. Those in charge that city are in denial for obvious reasons. Some things are just not worth commenting on, even if you are right and this was one of them. You lost valuable votes, you will not regain on the statement and for what, to show the illegals are destroying neighborhoods and pets disappear. America already knows this, we have bigger issues.

Update Sept. 13 5pm EST

   This is a warning, as some of you are uneasy that Harris used Goldman Sachs, as a banking institution backing her unseen economic plan. Look, with all that is going on, all is not what it seems. Goldman Sachs is a multinational global financial firm, that cares nothing about the common man and never will. Now the Harris campaign is using their name to back a socialist economic plan, that no one has seen? Global banks do not back socialism, as their profits drop. They promote financial slavery of the common man through desired wants beyond their means, resulting in high interest rates on the purchases only to impress, but not who they are. The Goldman Sachs CEO vaguely did not deny or endorse. Thus evidence of a subvert collusion, but for what purpose? The banks of this world are aligned with the new world order and Kamala quoted they back her. The new world order only endorses those of the deep state. If she wins, none of who backed the movement will be able to evade blame for the massive loss of souls. There will be severe repercussions.

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