Netanyahu Operation Gaza



Written Jun. 21 11:59 pm EST

   The current problem with the administration is that they think or don‘t, they have power over Netanyahu. This is why Miller quit today, as he does not want to take the fall for the administrations inept decisions affecting the millions in Gaza. It is a given, that this administration does provide weapons to Israel even though, they can provide for themselves. Isn’t this the same problem this nation has with NATO and Ukraine to some degree? Netanyahu has told you, in so many words and so many times, the mission in Gaza will not end, until all Hamas are eliminated, but you ignore his words, as if you can change them. You have been told quietly, that the West Bank will be cleanse of Hamas and now hints the territory will be absorbed as a part of Israel, before Palestine becomes a recognized state on earth. Blinken with his inept proposals are laughed at in the Israeli Knesset. Again this is why the meeting between the United States, was cancelled by the State Department earlier this past week. There is nothing to be talked about here.

   Hold Israel to war crimes, as Hamas uses their own civilians as shields? This tactic has been revealed to the world, yet no one makes adjustments. Now last time I looked at a declaration of war against a country, all were fair targets. Civilians have the choice to move. Again, your same rules today, would have solidified a win for the Nazis in Europe. If you allow a certain segments to harbor, aid and abet terrorists, they are the same. The World Courts are shameless, as civilian deaths continue.

   So what does this mean in military strategy? You can continue to try and hit isolated segments of Hamas with collateral damage far exceeding current estimates of death tolls. The alternative is to level all Hamas strongholds simultaneously and those protecting the cause die with them with less loss of life overall to current tactics. War is over in days, instead of being drawn out as an offensive measured in years. There will few left to pick up the pieces and join the remnants of Hamas.

   The total elimination of Hamas will not happen in this generation with the current practices of the Netanyahu and his broken or disbanded war council, limps forward. As abuses on both sides will still spawn new recruits. Netanyahu goals in Gaza and the West Bank will continue with no real end. But Blinken and the administration refuses to see this. Netanyahu as the bitch he is, called out the United States for not providing weapons, as if he can dictate policy to this nation. F..k you. This is America, not the people and nations you think you can piss on.

   The administration is secretly with holding tactical guided munitions only, but giving them dumb bombs, as replacements. So on paper it looks like, munitions sent fulfill totals requested. This is the current game. Dumb bombs will increase collateral damage, but under guise of providing weapons, Israel can not reveal details to the world, that precision weapons are being replaced by dumb weapons. This is the current policy by your administration, to allow an increase collateral deaths in the hope, it deters Israeli advancements. This tactic will fail also over time. As the media will dumb down the numbers of true deaths at first. You know, the flow can be reversed if Blinken had balls, but he does not. Maybe we should call up Lance, as it seems his one ball is greater than your two, even though he cheats, but wins.

   Again this nation provides for Israel and they keep biting the hand that feeds them. Be thankful the Almighty does not run this nation. If so, your nation Israel as the Children of God would be caste aside. Blinken may not tell you, but the Almighty states, know your place. The Almighty speaks, “Your ancestors killed My Son, which I sent to save all humanity especially My children, His coming was foretold in your Torah, which was scribed by Moses and the prophets after, but not one of your ancestors recognized a humble Son of God. Wealth and pompous is primary attributes of the dark one. Be careful in these End Times, as many of your leaders answer to another. Heed the warning.” This is the first authorized message from the Almighty to directly address His Children and elders of the Jewish nation in over 2000 years.

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