Gravitational Subatomic Particle Applications
Pilot G-Force Elimination
Written Feb.28 10 pm EST
The danger with this gravitational subatomic particle application in its initial stages, is ego. If a scientist is handed an advancement, which will propel this nation’s military virtually many millennium ahead of all nations on earth. The first step is humility, as this is a gift from God, the Father Almighty. It is not about you, but how you contribute your small piece to save and elevate humanity. It is here, that these first advancements in localized gravitational subatomic particle field technology can be applied.
The initial project is to envelope a cockpit or expand to surrounding mass of a military jet, which deflects the affects of gravity on a human body or aircraft frame. The goal is to create a dense localize gravitational subatomic particle field within the cockpit area totally surrounding the pilot. Thus negating G-forces on a pilot’s body within earth’s gravitational field. This process will eliminate the pooling or absence of blood in the human brain or other parts of the body. End game, resulting in a superior human performance, which can not be achieved during aggressive high G-force due to combat maneuvers. So how do you approach solving this problem on a macro or primary level to start?
This is probably the easiest gravitational subatomic particle field application to solve, but one its by products is the creation of artificial gravity at the source of gravitational subatomic particle movement generator. Another, if the gravitational generator is placed above the mass, it has the ability to levitate large objects effortlessly. The goal of the gravitational generator (which will not be covered in detail within this paper, although is the common denominator for this advanced technology and will be held back by design) is to create a gravitational subatomic particle density to where the local field is so dense, gravitational subatomic particle flows moving towards the center of the earth and those that intersect due to movement, does not pass through the target mass, the pilot, but flows around. Lets look at the gravitational force applied to a mass, as it moves about a gravitational field. Then compare it to the same mass moving through the emptiness of space. There is a difference.
In the general universal space away from primary masses like any M1, the effect of gravitational subatomic particles approaches equalization on a M2. As total force upon a mass, which floats about the spatial environment, is subjected to pass through forces from all directions. Thus creates a net zero affect on the subject mass M2 in most cases. Does Newtown’s 3rd law of motion apply here? It does not, as it is invalid. This is due to mass becoming less relevant in space and the formula does not work on other worlds or moons. What is more relevant, is that a gravitational subatomic particle field density of net zero force interacting with the mass M2. It is the g, which varies in different parts of the universe and M1 does not proportionally relate to your constant g.
When the ancient technology of a rocket initiates a burn, what force pushes back against acceleration in outer space? None, as mass can vary on the small scale due to the diluted gravitational subatomic particle flow of moving towards or away from the sun, but it is a mute point. The mass has a neutral gravitational buoyancy. When a force is applied to a mass to accelerate, the equal reaction is not dependant on mass when applied to present day vehicles produced on earth outside of its gravitational influence space. Newton’s 3rd law works on earth inside of its gravitational field, not on other worlds or outer space.
Let’s consider a commercial aircraft as its propulsion gets a push back due to the earth’s atmosphere. Lets apply Newton’ 3rd formula to the aircraft and then its occupants with F= MA. During an acceleration of a mass within a gravitational field, gravitational subatomic particles as a field, appears to compress, due to a mass accelerating if frozen in time, through a static field. What is meant by that statement in layman’s terms?
During horizontal travel, the field density of gravitational subatomic particles falling towards the center of the earth is a constant, when R2 in your gravitation formula is also constant. The distance above mean sea level remains the same by design. This results in a mass being affected from atmospheric pressure, due to an increase rate of gravitational subatomic field particle pass through, because of lateral movement. As acceleration and a decreased period of time allows more gravitational subatomic particles to flow through the affected mass.
This increases the force applied to the mass opposite to forward motion. but also the related affects from planetary gravitational flows remain in place. When you run through normal rain shower, does not more rain drops hit your face, as opposed to standing still? So how can mankind’s general theory be applied to a moving mass within a shell, when we set M1, M2, g and R2 as constants, but the R can vary by design is this case study? When examining an aircraft, do the seats show evidence of a force applied? Lets look closer at gravitational force applied to a mass within a shell, which occurs in the general gravitational field of earth.
When there are occupants within a plane, which dives at a controlled rate, there is a force applied to the frontal area of the plane. Yet the occupants within the aircraft shell experience no force, as they are weightless. How can this be? So this concept states, that as M2 accelerates towards M1, with g as a constant and R is decreasing, yet does not increase the gravitational force within M2. There is no force on their individual masses, thus float about.
When trying solve the mysteries of gravity mankind reflects back to magnetism. With subatomic particle movement involving magnetism, all charged masses behave with designed effects. Yet the behavior of the gravitational force eludes mankind’s scientists, as the process is different. Your current theories on gravity do work on earth, but has flaws on other worlds. Again lets look deeper.
When you examine 2 masses, which are magnetic, there is a flow of charged subatomic particles between the masses. With gravity, a general mass is not charged and there is not an attractive flow or force between 2 equal masses based on Newton‘s theories, but there is a differential, which causes an inbound flow pattern to a mass, then expulsion. No scientist has found this, although when M1 is proportionally greater than M2 in mass, there is a force between M2 which moves it towards M1. This increases as the differential between the masses can move to extreme. But if gravity is a by product of subatomic particle movement in and out of a mass, there is a new concept which works and aligns with the principles of the universe.
We will now examine the associated general subatomic particle flows in and out of 2 equal sized masses of the same density and radius. This will be in the absence of an influence of an outside gravitational field in a laboratory setting. Each individual mass has a subatomic particle flow into the mass, as a capture, referenced as a gravitational field. When the core capacity reaches the saturation point, due to gravitational subatomic particle field absorption, the gravitational subatomic particles gathered increases pressure within the core, resulting in ejection in concentrated streams through the weakest points of the respective mass shell. So these 2 masses would be enveloped by a subatomic particle field incoming becoming denser as the radius shrinks toward the shell exterior and ejection streams spreading outside of the 2 masses. What happens when the distance of the 2 masses closes due to mutual attraction initiated by gravitational subatomic particle flow towards each other‘s mass? The subatomic particle field compresses between the masses and exerts a force due to increased subatomic particle density and the need to equalize the pressure, which then separates the 2 masses. There is no direct subatomic particle flow between the masses forcing them together except pass through flows from opposing masses, as current gravitational theories presently support.
Now if these subatomic particles apply a force to a mass during pass through, we have a gravitation blue print that works. The incoming gravitational subatomic flow applies a pass through force into M2 towards the center of the mass of M1, gravity. Outgoing streams spread between the masses creating a balance of gravitational subatomic particle flows, which the force that passes through each mass on the way out to each one of the masses, the incoming flow passing through each other’s mass and push back with subatomic particle field crowding is created, so the 2 masses remain separated, repulsion. The flow of gravitational subatomic particles within the field equidistance between both masses, has a net zero pass through force on any M2, between the primary M1 masses, thus weightlessness. Gravitational diffused subatomic particle flow applies equal directional force on M2, which balances. Now that we have covered the basic parameters of how a gravitational subatomic behaves, as related to a mass, its properties can be exploited to benefit mankind. This is a critical leap in scientific technology, as almost all scientists do not even acknowledge the existence of a gravitational subatomic particle and the relationship of its pass through force directed to the center of a primary mass, their M1.
We have gone over the basics of gravitational subatomic particle displacement of the target area of the pilot compartment. So what tool in physics can be used to assist the gravitational generator to initiate a temporary field density within a localize area, which can deflect gravitational subatomic particles around the pilot moving towards earth’s center? It is field diffusion. Based on the behavior of a gravitational subatomic particles being ejected from the gravitational subatomic particle generator, what process must be in place to achieve this?
We have concluded, that the gravitational subatomic particle streams from a mass are ejected in concentrated streams, which ejection points can be focused to specific areas by dimpling the surface shell of a mass containing the gravitational generator. Streams exit a mass at the weakness points. It is here, that a matrix of smaller gravitational generators must be placed around generator to give an internal push back to the exiting primary streams. The smaller gravitational generators will have one dimple pointed at the exiting streams of the primary generator. Thus the exiting gravitational streams encounter extreme flow disruption and create a bubble of dense gravitational subatomic particles within a localized area. It is this dense bubble, artificially created, which allows the general flow of earth’s gravitational subatomic particles to skirt around the created bubble and not apply any force upon any mass contained within. The matrix of sub generators are activated or deactivated dependent upon the positioning of the pilot’s exposure to earth’s gravitational field. This is the process of negating G-Force within an aircraft cockpit or you can use drones where communication signals will eventually fail due increasing electro-magnetic interference or jamming. The current technical issues is downsizing the generator complex, which shall be achieved in time.
Next Topic: Advanced Gravitational Force Field Shield Technology
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