Hurricane Helene Response



Written Oct. 4 1 pm EST

Update Oct. 12 2 am EST


   Actions usually speak louder than the words, but with this administration, there is a new plan. We are out of money. America has always promised to help those in need, when disaster strikes, like the devastated hardest hit areas of North Carolina and surrounding counties. This administration has shown, by its lack of preparation, what would happen in the coming disasters, which will affect the whole east coast. Four storms have hit the US mainland this year and FEMA is out of money? So Biden and Harris oversee emergency response, then does photo ops, but does not know when the money runs out in FEMA, as they assign political hacks for a job, they can not do. This is a disgrace and disrespect to the American people.

   But you can fly in millions of illegals give them credit cards with a 2K balance and you keep the rest, put them up in 6 hundred dollar a night hotel rooms in New York City. Yet your skeleton staff of 2 or a few more FEMA reps process checks to citizens in dire need for $750 ten days out? To buy what, some limited groceries with a poor shelf life, a one night stay in a hotel in New York offered to over a hundred thousand illegals for months? And you pay for it, but citizens in North Carolina are offered little help. We hear the money is gone. This is how the Biden-Harris administration manages your tax dollars?

   Where are the people of North Carolina sleeping? Is it heated and what about the flies? Food, blankets and basic necessities which are in need. But, over a hundred billion to the thieves, sorry I mean leaders in Ukraine, but money is gone for North Carolina. Harris visits Georgia, but the problem is in North Carolina and you call this leadership. Nothing for you, the distressed citizen, but for tens of billions for illegals crossing the border, spare no expense. Why is that? This is the disconnect. Again actions show the truth.

   The Biden-Harris administration spout words as if they care, which are just lies and the media stays quiet. They are not your friends, they are the deep state or new world order. Dick Cheney started a war to steal oil after 911 and is deep state just like Harris. Except the deep state is pulling her strings. Look around, do you see help in the Appalachian mountains or the bull sh.t presented in a corrupt media? Elections count.

Update Oct. 10 1:30 am EST

   Much has been said about the Helene response from the Government. Political points are being scored and what about a collective empathy instead of self promotion. Now for Harris do you really want to go there, even when Trump seems to say stupid things for no reason?

   Your administration did not even warn or evacuate the cities in the valleys with advanced warnings from NOAA that feet of rain was going to hit the mountains and flow into the valleys creating massive floods. You sat on it and your citizens you are suppose to protect died on your watch. This is on you. That is the truth. Was FEMA in place the next day with supplies and help? No. Factory workers died as they were needed to work, no government warning on the impeding disaster coming. Harris they died. The hospital rescue on TV and we are to not believe our lying eyes. You were not prepared, bottom line. This is not a game. Whether you win or lose, you lose. You are a pawn to the new world order and you think, you can play in the big leagues. Come on, lets play. As the rights of the people of this great nation comes first.

Update Oct. 12 2 am EST

   We keep hearing in the media about the disinformation concerning the Helene hurricane response. Joe said there will be a price to pay for those who promote this, really? The media has not said a word about the lack of warning of floods in the valleys, yet over a hundred died being caught off guard. Where was the evacuation order Biden? Finding the dead does not lie. It was preventable with an mandatory evacuation to higher ground for the area, which never came. This is not disinformation, it is the truth. Go to the funeral homes for proof, but you won’t. News cameras are everywhere in Florida and North Carolina, but the common theme, few see FEMA. Your administration just gave over 150 million to Lebanon, but there is little money for the citizen in need who lost everything.

   The general population of Lebanon allows terrorists and weapons to be sheltered and stored in their homes, your answer is to send money. What are you doing for your own citizens? You want to change the narrative, send in FEMA with massive numbers, so the people can see there is help, instead of your unless rhetoric. This is how you reverse your PR disaster and kick Kamala down every chance you get. Please consider telling the truth on those who kicked you to the curb. It will be a great Legacy. Remember, the deep state likes to close up lose ends, they think, you are a potential one. They missed Trump twice by design, but he has help, do you? Talk and you are protected. Change the world Biden, change it. Your choice, play both sides of the road and you get hit in the middle, words of wisdom from Donna. If you choose to stand on the side of God the Father Almighty, your rewards in heaven shall great when your soul crosses the veil, but in proportion to the souls you save on earth from the deep state, which is just another tentacle of the antichrist, who secretly walks the earth today. The prophecies are true. They will call you traitor, senile, he has loss mind, idiot, Harris hater, be prepared for the blow back from the media. The loudest voices in the media will be singled out by the Almighty by design, as their choice has been made. So as I read minds across the media, I hear, so what does that mean? Fear is creeping and it does not come from God.

Side Note: CBS 60 minutes interview

   It was noted that the Kamala team chose to distance itself from the editing of CBS News trailer. Not responsible. This is a blatant lie and the deep state team was caught. Dumb was allowing CBS to broadcast a trailer. Even dumber was once released, they changed the answer, as if no one would notice. Do you really think CBS 60 minutes took it upon themselves to edit and change a Kamala response without approval? CBS does not tape 2 answers to a question, they were requested to. Kamala thinks the American voter is stupid. The deep state advisors in charge of the Kamala campaign was not happy with the waffling and word salad of her answer concerning the Middle East. The fact that Netanyahu does not listen to the present Biden/Harris Administration is the truth and has been in place since the war started in Gaza. CBS was pressured to re-tape the interview segment and replace the original by those who pull the strings of the VP. Now caught the Kamala team threw CBS under the bus. CBS could tell the truth, but that would damper the Kamala campaign, no snitches. They were told to take the hit and complied. Nothing will change, as time makes mistakes go away.

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