


Written Jun. 10 11:59 pm EST

   Normally I do not specifically comment on the political rivals by name, but the Almighty granted this exception for a son. All is not what it seems in this case against Hunter. Hunter did not need a gun for protection, as his dealers were vetted by secret service. His father political position automatically provided protection for his son, as vice president. Those providing the drugs to Hunter were threaten with consequences if any thing happen.

   Court records showed the withdrawals in the thousands within a week, but no source of income. One can only guess who funded that bank account. Hunter was influenced to get a gun, when he did not need one. He is the presidents son without need for self protection. Always high and how could he shoot straight with his mind dulled? With the suggested purchase, Hunter was confided in, that checking the box would result in no charges, his father would cover in any case. Fast forward to today.

   There was no reason to purchase gun, but it did provide a black mail plan from those if the Ukraine bribery case was brought to justice. Those behind the scenes needed to be protected. The goal was for Hunter to be the front man in all play for pay schemes, which enrich many at the highest levels in the government. What better fall guy that a druggie and now soon to be felon.

   Millions of bribes came from the Ukraine government some documented on the laptop and much more sent undocumented to off shore accounts of others, that has been confirmed as real. Many crimes are now past the statute of limitations by design. The lap top identifies the Big Guy, yet has not been mention this election year by design. Those that signed off on the laptop as Russian disinformation, were compensated either by promotions or perks and they still lie. Check their wives accounts and employment history. Yes they are that stupid. Hunter was promised protection, but is now the fall guy to save many of higher up. This is the current deal. Reveal all the contents of the lap top and let Hunter walk, as he was just a drugged patsy used by his own family. Let the truth be revealed.

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