The Origins of Life

Lesson 1



Written Oct. 15 2:15 am EST

   Mankind seems to have established their own rules and rights, when it comes to aborting an undeveloped physical human baby, as if you have choices. No man or woman has the right to terminate the life of a baby, except to save the life of the mother, if not both die. Few on earth have knowledge of sentient life and how it works from conception, which only God the Father Almighty is the creator. So mankind will be educated about life and given solid proof that the indestructible soul exists, as the essence of life in the near future. So lets start to slowly and introduce a few basic concepts of the universe to mankind to be analyzed over time. To give you a new prospective on life and the concerns of God the Father Almighty.

   We shall start with what a soul is without providing proof yet, but will be presented, as a foundation to be built upon? The human soul is based upon the that which composes God the Father Almighty Himself and the general life force, which was created for the universe and all other beings. This is why He calls many on the earth, His children. This is only achieved through inter breeding with a child of God and your off spring benefits only. God created the essence of the soul and it can not be destroyed. It can be recycled, but more important it can grow. The composition is unknown to even the most advanced life forms in the universe, as some can only measure growth.

   As life forms evolve in the universe. They mutate or adapt over millions of years until reaching a point, to where they are or could be physical containment vessels in any form or size for self aware sentient life. Advanced life forms at the extreme top do not need an organic containment body, which will be covered later. Lets examine some the basic life forms, which are common across the universe. Infinite body forms are dependent upon the environment, that the life form is subject to like water, swamp, desert, land, light intensity per sq. meter, food supply, atmospheric density and heat. These are the basic determinates for the variation in skin types and textures, body forms, needs to change the environment to a degree and movement. Gravity determines the development of skeletal structure, a water environment can lead to an increase to other forms of organic matter with size a factor, even in more intense gravitational fields of the more massive planets.

   The primary driver on size for life forms is availability of food and that is determined by light intensity and temperature at the surface of the host planet from the stellar object. This was a large factor in the development of the dinosaurs on earth, as this planet rode in a closer orbit when the mass of our sun was somewhat greater. This is common among water/terrestrial inner planets of solar systems with stars similar to your classification of G type stars. This creates an extreme amount of plant based bio-mass accelerating the growth of animal mass.

   The other major key determinate on the variation of life forms is surface temperature fluctuation. This is key on desert planet and to a lesser degree on terrestrial planet and thus has little affect on deep water planets. Life flourishes under the sand on desert planets where large underground rivers of water flow through the porous sand. How would this ecosystem work? This is a good question, so lets provide some insight.

   This desert subterranean water system is unique in the fact that the sand between the under ground rivers and the surface of the dessert behave like an atmosphere, as the surface of the desert planet heats up. It is the planets with a slower rotational period. that harnesses the most varied life forms and potentially has the greatest probability for sparking different simultaneous intelligent life forms due natural environmental separation. There is a longer active period before temperatures drop and induce a hibernation like state upon reptiles and insects. The key here is evaporation, from the heat being transferred to the under ground rivers during the intense daytime temperatures creating a mist, which leaches up through the sand and expands towards the planetary surface. This allows plants to flourish just under the sand surface where marginal light filters through, but dense plant like cellular structure of leaf like formations promote photosynthesis and hinder water vapor evaporation through absorption. Water drawn to the surface once heated expands into plant like structures, cools then contracts within the veins creating a suction vacuum. Thus initiating a flow from the surface down towards the underground rivers. The flow bring surface nutrients through the plant like structure. This provides a food source for all life, which evolves below the surface of the dessert planet.

   You may ask about the underground water vapor, which escapes the hot desert surface and then dissipates into the atmosphere? On dessert worlds there is a huge differential between day and night time surface temperatures. Atmospheric water condensation occurs similar to your dew forms instead of rain due to the drop in temperature. As little water vapor gathers in the upper atmosphere to create clouds due to its low density and basically fog hugs the surface from the planetary gravitational force. The surface dew which when cooled, seeps back into the sand and slowly migrates over time back to the underground rivers. With vast plant like structure expanding greatly below the surface of the sand, animal life grows, which favors insect, crustacean then reptiles for the dominate species. In order for mammals to evolve within the deep sand like surface, there would need to be a great cave like system above or below the surface where mammals could protect their young, which needs a greater time for development to achieve adult status.

   Lets talk about the variation of the many life forms. What occurs in the universe, is not so dissimilar to how life evolved on earth, but it is a basis and then deviates from there. Look at your insects and grow them anywhere between 3 and 12 feet, the universal average range. There are exceptions although rare. This compromises the majority of varied life forms that live in or on dessert and terrestrial worlds in the universe. You ask, how or why does sentient life develop in them first to other species on a developing planet? As complex life emerges on a planet, the first to establish a foothold is insects and mammals are last with their more complex organisms, which yield fewer live young.

   You again ask? At what point along the evolutionary process does a potential life form move from non sentient to sentient. Thus capable of intelligent self aware thought and manipulation of its environment? The key determinants is ratio square metric area of active brain matter of the Medulla to accept the life force as an adult. Plus total area of potential brain matter in a ratio total bio mass and appendages for movement. This somewhat varies for water born, reptilian, crustacean, insect or various forms of mammals. What will shock human life forms, are the varied faces which develop, each customized for their planetary environment. The variation in basic facial features like smell, visual and sound capture are infinite in variety, which are developed or enhanced due to the host planetary environment. Like large eyes are needed on planets where high noon mimics our dusk or many small eyes where outside light intensity is far greater than on earth. Larger ears vibration sensors needed for land life forms on planets with violent atmospheres.

   While many faces would be frightening to observers on earth upon first meeting, but fear does ebb with understanding and additional contact. The skin or shell like life form containment will be unique, as it controls heat transfer rates, water retention, food intake through orifices or absorption. Lets look at the opposite of desert worlds, ice worlds and their environmental affect on the various resident life form species.

   In our universe ice worlds are a last resort for life formation, due to changes in their planetary orbit as the primary sun losses mass. When the solar mass loses mass due to the fusion process and ultimately out gassing of heat and other high energy related subatomic particles subside. The relationship between the gravitational inbound force applied to the planet and the outward repulsive push force balance. This is responsible for the orbital distance equilibrium changes in revolving planets, as the mass of the solar object changes. Gravitational subatomic particle flow that applies a force through a planet inward, which is based on the central solar mass, dissipates over the eons of time. This allows the all resident planetary orbits to recede away from the solar object, due to a reduced gravitational flow, which has a lower subatomic particle density per cubic meter. Thus allowing the repulsion force to push the planet outwards until equilibrium is once again achieved against the gravitational subatomic particle inflow.

   Or there is a severe change in heat output, as the solar mass throttles down its fusion rate due to the inner core being choked with heavy elements. This inhibits light and heat output towards the red end of the spectrum, as of stellar object evolves to your lower classifications while maintaining its mass, but volume contracts from cooling, as inbound gravity intensifies due to mass compression. Thus moving temperate or marginal planets atmospheric climate towards a permanent ice age even though the orbital distance closes somewhat. Ice worlds are a poor planetary environment for start up life forms, as lower temperatures will inhibit or slow metabolic cellular activity. This would limit evolutionary advancement for all species to a crawl. So why is there life on ice worlds?

   Most ice worlds where life forms have developed, they developed long before the planet was an ice world. Ice worlds are water worlds, as ocean beds provide heat even though the surface is frozen and water based life forms flourish. On terrestrial planets dealing with a loss of heat over time, it is the mammalian based life forms, which successfully adapts. This is due to the ability to thicken their skin, add fat layers and hair to adjust to the lower temperatures while other species based on reptilian and insects can not adapt. Lets look at water worlds, first shallow swamp worlds and then worlds with no land above the waves and deep. What type of life forms develop there and evolve to a sentient level of conscious?

   It is the swamp worlds, which would bring intense fear into the hearts of humans, if allowed to visit these off world planets. With many shallow pools, rivers and small lakes permeated with patches of moist soil and few dry patches, life is completive. It is here reptile, amphibian and insect compete for dominant life form. Where it gets interesting, is life forms based on what you would consider creepy crawlers ascend to sentient life forms. Without what you consider an organ similar to your lungs speech is absent. Communication is done telepathically through an enlarged medulla like structure at the base of their enhanced brains. It is truly amazing to observe, as your skin crawls.

   Many times it is the snakes, that rise to the top on other worlds, as the few on earth that interacted with those life forms have reported. They project fear and intimidation to rise in their worlds. What takes getting use to is seeing insect and reptilian like life forms standing erect and interacting with each other, as humans on earth. Gestures and expressions on their face is so foreign. Colors change on their skin to express moods or lack of. Iris of the their eyes vary, yet many are similar to those reptiles that scurry about earth. It is the movements of the small appendages that creeps you out. Like what the f..k is going on, are they going to eat me, is a feeling in your gut. The amphibian based life forms are just weird and they have a horrible smell. Jabba the hutt would look like a model if you saw one. There are slimy to allow movement on wet soil and water. It like don’t touch me when greeting. For those who would like to bang an alien, they are few and far between, but what you think is a honey hole among some is a food orifice. Good luck. Lets move to water worlds.

   On water worlds the life form which has a clear advantage of moving first to sentient conscious, are the life form forms with appendages instead of fins. It is they who can manipulate their environment. The dominate base like species are similar to your squid and octopi like with some crustaceans following close behind due to their claws and other small appendages. You should see the clear ones with the major fluid pathways, which give off moving light, a sight to behold as their large eyes seem to penetrate your soul. On water planets, they are mostly shallow rather than deep oceans. Their active currents, which migrate over time are determined by planetary rotational period, possible magnetic wobble, tidal movements induced by nearby planetary or moon like gravitational objects, water density and surface heat. What was surprising, is there are territorial wars over prime feeding areas just like on earth. Vast areas of ink appears on the surface above a vast array of minute crevasses where the prey hides as an aftermath of conflict. Moving on from an introduction of life forms around the universe with more information to come in following lessons, lets look at a few basic characteristics of the life force itself.

   The life force comes in two distinct forms and composition, each prized and gathered by the universal forces of good and evil. There is the general life force created by God that permeates the universe and the life force, which was part God and resides in His children. On earth now you know why, it is said that His children are temples and must be clean, as they hold the life force, which was part of God the Father Almighty. This is why, it is said in the Bible. There is no other life in the universe. God the Father Almighty is talking about the life force, that is part of Him and now resides only in His children, which presently is only on earth as exiles in the universe. You have asked, what about those off world due to arrangements from the US Black projects? The humans that leave earth contain little to none of God’s life force in their soul. Those dark souls answer to another.

   Life flourishes about the universe on many parallel levels, but emerges from the general life force created by God, not part of Him as sentient life. The composition and inherent energy level of the life force is unknown to mankind, as it is not based on a chemical format and does not behave as a general form of energy, but has new principles that can be analyzed. Like the ability to communicate and travel across all density levels instantaneously, which transcends all parallel universes and the cosmic God state of existence, the pinnacle. What confuses mankind about the life force, is that it attaches to a viable organic molecular host at its creation, before total formation of a complete life form. Then migrates to the developing Medulla like organ present in different forms across all sentient life.

   The size and the term of development of an organic life form is irrelevant. Consider this, the life force is already in the fertilized egg and you think does not enter until when the shell is about to crack or the organism is expelled from the mother? You as humans talk to your developing babies, why? The life force of the baby is there from conception of the egg and sperm. This is universal concept and not subject to the whims of women on earth, who are faced with bad choices or scientists who lack the knowledge of the universe. You are carriers of life, not the determinate of existence. Incubation of the fetus within a female human is needed for survival of the species. A breach of that protective womb by abortion, terminates the life force of the baby and it is reabsorbed back into the realm of God, which is unknown. Life does not start when the baby breathing switches from an oxygen infusion umbilical cord to its new lungs outside of the mother. This is the disconnect. But your scientists have still not connected the dots. Lets look at where the life force migrates from the zygote to the developed brain stem, the Medulla.

   Many life forms across the universe and its parallel companion universes have this same common feature where the life force gathers within the infinite varieties of life forms. The medulla portion on the brain stem is common in almost all life forms in its primitive state. As a life form progresses in the universe with knowledge, much is expected. Either for good or evil as there is a balance. The medulla comes in many shapes, sizes and molecular density, which is the determinant for which life forms and migrates to sentient life.

   The Medulla is ancient organ from the dawn of time created by God the Father Almighty, but does mutate to the needs of the emerging species by design. It is here the universal life force in small quantities attaches and brings this to the lower form organisms. Instinct to guide the organism to survive in its current environment and the spirit force detaches from the Medulla upon death to be recycled. So how does this differ in sentient life forms where the life force is self aware?

   With self awareness comes responsibility and with that, then there is the ability to gather more of the life force contained within the universe or for those on earth from God. The Bible calls it in a rudimentary term Grace. Don’t even ask, as those following Christ in His day and in most cases today could understand the migration of an unknown energy such as the life force of God transferring to a brain stem of a human?

   A sentient life form which encounters few challenges to choose good or evil, does not gel into a life form after death, but just dissipates to reform again. This does not occur among most of the children of God. For the life force which attaches to the human Medulla the harder life is, the greater the challenge and the soul or life force to grow. It is the experiences and choices made during the life time of the sentient organism. That determines the growth and embedded memories of the soul or now a formed life force, which is indestructible to time. So the life force in the universe has been around for almost an infinite amount of time. But the Bible states Adam and Eve were a recent creation, along with that, a statement which states there is no other life in the universe, so where is the truth?

   We will start with, there is no other life in the universe. We have been introduced to the general life force, which exists in the universe created by God. The life force that God the Father Almighty is referring to, is the life force that only His children received. This is not from the universe, but is directly a part of His life force, which has occurred only on Earth. This is what is meant there is no other life, as it comes from God only, not the created universe. The original descendants from Adam and Eve had bodies, which were meant to live forever, but interbreeding on earth slowly diluted the life force, which came from God the Father to the descendants. This lowered life spans from centuries to a few decades, which was written.

   Adam and Eve were banished from their heavenly realm, to this retched planet you call earth, that was already inhabited with various forms of ancient humans. Few of you connected the dots on how, if Adam and Eve had two children both males, just how did the population of the Jews expand? They impregnated the locals. This ends the first lesson with more details to come.

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