Policies 4

They seem like a Good Idea at First, But on the Back Side They Slowly Destroy America




Written Aug. 7 3pm EST Yes the papers are time released due to the heavy news cycle




   Policies for schools in the inner cities have not changed in decades since the sixties. This has led to 2 generations of mostly unprepared minority kids, trying to enter the work force. Change in school systems like providing vouchers for school choice has been staunchly resisted by powerful teacher’s unions and weak politicians, who have done little to alter this. Presently we have students pushed along, so that school districts can secure continued funding at the expense of the children. And this is suppose to be in the best interest of the country? When many inner city kids presently enter the work force, they cannot even count change without a register giving the total due back. Tell time, only if it is a digital clock. Fill out a resume or write a clear paragraph, how with low English and reading skills. This is why school districts requested elimination of statewide or regents testing. It tends to hide the true failures occurring within the inner cities.

   We have heard, tests are racist. No they are not and who makes public statements like this? But they do reveal, that inner city kids get a sub standard education at the hands of an inept political leadership. This is real racism in its most subtle form, which has held back over 2 generations of inner city kids from achieving success or the American dream by dumbing down their academic skills. This is a fact. Look at graduation rates and more important their hiring rate into good paying corporate jobs. Trace that statistic for the truth.

   Technology has been and still is the driving force for the American economy. AI is already here and no longer on the horizon and you think they are prepared for this new world? No they will fall into the cracks of those low paying jobs created the present administration brags about, but suddenly just evaporated. The education given to inner city kids falls far short of that needed to form a solid platform, if they choose to move on to the college level without remedial classes. Yet the current policy chooses to pass failing students in favor of funding.

   Two generations have allowed to fail by design, as no politician cares. It is easier to import cheap South Asian talent on H-1 visas than prepare one’s own. This is where we as a nation stand. Are you proud? All in charge of education needs to hold your heads low. As you failed minority kids, that when you were placed in a position of power to lead and elevate their lives. You failed, as you made sure few escaped the hood.

   We hear there is a need for more money. The building is already there, teachers have been given little in the form of a raise and standard books are basically the same. So what is the need for more money being directed for? Oh hundreds of thousands for tampon dispensers in boys bathrooms in certain states. Why not put litter boxes for the furries also, while you waste taxpayer money for stupidity. Boys if they continue the stupid practice of tampons, slide them back a little and you can use them to prevent skid marks. So it will not be a total waste. Politicians try that idea in corporate and then count the seconds before your termination. Students go to school to learn, anything extra is a benefit. This is why, they call it extra curricular activities. Trans rights do not supersede the basic rights of a woman period. If it swings, you have no right to be in a woman’s bathroom or locker room. Allowing trans in and this is what you call leadership and inclusion? I call it a fool. How long before a molestation occurs, as if men do not lie. Then you are sued. Where is the common sense.

   School is to teach and prepare a student for the future, not groom future innocent prey or take away parental rights. You want parents involved in a students learning, but gender reassignment, which is a life changing choice brought about by peer pressure and mental issues. Yes mental issues, that many kids grow out of, but you as a teacher gets involved? Why? The student is not your child to sexually influence or are you a pervert, which needs to asked? A child has a choice to control his or her life when they turn 18, otherwise they are legally the responsibility of the parent. Problem change the laws, but you won‘t. This is child endangerment and the parents can go to jail. Those who have strong issues can leave home. Teachers, you want to change the world, stick to teaching. As you are not trained in Child Psychology.


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