Polarization has Replaced Common Sense



Written 9/10 9 pm EST


   The debate is just beginning, but a polarized America and the media have lost their way. The days of bringing the nation together is in the distant past. As both sides continue to refuse to compromise and escalating hatred seems to blind many. Americans look at the cover of the book and think they know what is inside, because the media feeds them false cliff notes. All need to look behind the engineered façade, the curtain. This election is about who can manage the resources of this country moving forward and most in the media have lost all common sense.

   There is an endless war in Ukraine, which cannot be won. That policy to feed money with no exit plan did not work in Korea, Vietnam, Iran, Afghanistan and will not work in Ukraine. Yet the present administration let Ukraine invade Russia, like this is some war game, as this policy risks WW3. They are now hitting Moscow. As an administration, you really think this is a sane policy? Why are we paying the most money to protect Europe? We need to protect our Allies, no they need to pay their bills. Friends don’t leech. What about stopping Russian expansion? Ukraine was part of Russia and those in charge are thieves stealing from their own people. Some see Russia as a better choice to the thieves. Over a 100 billion a year wasted and you are crying about child care. There is your money. Shut it down, as there is no end policy.

   Plus affordable child care is not a right. You can have a baby, but some cannot afford it. Children cost money to raise, there is no free ride. You will work just like everyone else and share family resources. The DNC and present administration let in 10 of millions, put them to work as domestic workers. No free rides, everyone works. Let’s not hear the need for a living wage for low skilled labor, as costs will spiral out of control. Are you going to boost the Middle Class as the labor bottom rises towards them? I don’t think so, as thinking ahead eludes this administration.

   This nation has a severe housing crisis and yes 30 million people and 3 and half years later, you are now looking at the problem. This is poor management. You house Americans first and if funds are left over, maybe illegals who can pay can be considered. What is it about this administration and free stuff. Buying votes will create dissent among those who live here. School systems have completely left the poor behind since the sixties in DNC controlled cities and no future plan is in place. Most inner city kids have no math or writing skills needed for a 21st century workforce and you think the administration is working for you. No they kicked you to the curb and brought in East Indians to fill those jobs on H-1 visas. They get to buy homes, not you. This poor management. Cadillac health care plans in place for Middle Class union workers, which is part of their hard fought contracts and you want to take that away for a one size fits all plan, which will take away good health care from hard workers and give marginally better health care to the hardly working. This is poor management.

   It is said in this economy people have more. So certain prices are up almost 50%, home heating costs are out of control, insurance coverage from car jackings and stolen vehicles are up 100%, as that is the true measurement of crime. This is poor management. Wages have not risen 30+% to keep pace with inflation and the numbers are doctored, so what kind of new math is the administration using, where you are better off? An accounting system which shows the economy was poorly managed. Covid funds in the hundreds of billions of dollars to save the nations jobs, yet 60% stolen or misused under the present administration. This is the result of poor management and little oversight.

   Abortion is an issue and in the hands of the States your vote chooses, but the cause of pregnancy in 98% of cases is poor choices. You do not kill potential children, because you made a poor choice with a man, as that is on you. Birth control, condoms, just say no or give him a blow job. There will be few regrets. 2% of pregnancies are from the rape and incest, which is not on the woman. Do not like it, move to a blue state. You still have choices, but it is not a right.

   Allies in the world who expect almost free protection, which borders on leeches continues to stick America with the bill and only now they are staring to pay, what about the back money? They are not your friends. These are poor choices. When China takes Taiwan if Harris wins, then America will know, they made a poor choice. She will cower as Xi takes the island and it falls due to poor logistics and forward planning. You in the media knows this is true, but you hope it never happens. And that is your problem, hope instead of preparation.

   The election is between the Deep State controlling America through their puppets, a bias media and those fighting for America with the tip of the spear led by those on earth in God‘s army. If America slips into despair, their will be movement towards the new world order. They under the dark one will offer a new direction and an end to world conflict after a world war, no borders. One leader will be in place and all under one religion.

   The promise to lower inflation is not going to reverse, which is already here. This is what you do not understand. The Feds will lower rates spur economic activity, but will only hide the short term affects of the tax increases on the corporations. In turn prices will rise to maintain profits, as they past the costs on to the consumer, stagnate wages and layoff workers. Social costs will increase dramatically, but taxes will not fill void of the deficit. The rich will move their money and the administration will just print money by raising the debt ceiling and the Feds will raise rates again. That is how it is going to go. But you in the media again are blind.

   Peel back the layers of political façade the Russian connection paid allegedly by Clinton and the Podestas, the laptop naming the big guy, influence peddling, name calling, groping woman, calling some fat. You were told, if there is a major political issue or event, it was those who gain, which are behind the event. Who would pay Stormy to renege on a paid NDA? Who would release a story, that occurred in Bergdorf’s with dozens of workers at the changing booth’s before an election many years later?

   Trump was invited into the booth, they played with a feel and she was spurned. A scream or kicked door would have ended that. Yes he was still a pig, but not a rapists. Who approached her to push the case, past the statue laws? She was allegedly violated, no, it was a poor choice. She regretted her choice and was offered payback. You can not have one hand in her and another other her mouth if she is squirming in a tight changing booth. If your ass gets groped in a bar is that rape? Then there was the assassination attempt. We all know who had the most to gain there. Encrypted overseas bank accounts, law enforcement coverage absence in key areas by design, orders to stand down at crucial points and burner cell phones. Now that is an amateur with no help.

   There is a political talent gap and polarization continues to hide this. Again in the media, the truth will set you free. This nation is competing with the world and if you let in millions with little to no talent, then give them money over your own and dumb down those who live here, the divide will only grow. There is a work ethic issue in America, all are not the same and will never be. Stop trying to equalize by redistribution. Education, effort and work equalizes, not handouts continuing dumb and lazy. But there is a need for a short term safety net for some. You want to change things then educate them, but you won’t. As leaders in this nation, you are the problem and the media coddles you. You do just enough to get by and then point fingers at others. Think about what was said here, as you watch the debate. Judge it fairly by performance, not hate. Remember this debate is a small measurement, as leadership is more than memorized lines and zingers. This applies to both parties. Good luck to both Harris and Trump, as only one must stand tall on performance. The nation is watching.

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