Political Snap Shot
Written Feb. 17 11:15 pm EST
Update Feb. 19 3:30 am EST
As the rhetoric heats up in a divided nation, the true nature of the media reveals themselves. Now, I am not sure of what triggered Michael Steele rant on that show, but Michael remember your place. You were hired to give the opposing Republican view on MSNBC, as a mild push back. This was your job. Now you have a complete melt down, about where is the support for the Democratic party, now as a traitor to the Republican party and a sell out pus.y. We should listen? Oh how money does corrupt. Look around, as the cowards on the left scatter like roaches in some inner city apartments when the lights turn on. Be careful on who you back.
Hochul, with all due respect in this great state of New York, again know your place. You can not change nothing on a national scale. Eric answers to a higher power now, and it is not Trump. The Almighty is controlling all events on earth. You are one of the many Pons working on behalf of the new world order. You think, you have power. Sheldon, Mario and Andrew Cuomo also thought the same. Do you really want to follow that path?
The Trump Administration has shown massive government waste, but now will refine its tactics. Certain essential areas of the government will undergo scrutiny outside of the public and media eye, but will not shut down. The Democratic party has screamed at necessary wasteful cuts, but linked essential cuts under one label. Currently the media has not differentiated this. This will change, as the shift in money saved, goes to take care of home first. Lets think, Transgenders in Iran where they will surely die or affordable housing? You choose. This is common sense.
The Trump Administration has secured all of the wire transfers from all US AID bank accounts. Now it is not about destroying people, they have time to resign quietly. No questions asked. Except those at top will have a different fate.
By the way, great job at Daytona. You should have increased the speed to 110 mph on the beast to a retired NASCAR driver, like Jeff.
Update Feb. 19 3:30 am EST
Bernie exactly what are you doing, you old bat? I saw the interview with Kaitlan last night, great job Kaitlan. Medicaid is being reorganized. Double billing, excess medical tests, drugs acquired through middle men and you do not see a problem? Why do you not start there? But you won’t, because any change would piss off your backers. So you play the game, as you are so full of sh.t. The politicians have stolen trillions from the American people. I ask, in your short span of wisdom, you have set in your small mind, the richest man is going to steal authorized by Trump policies. Lets push through a small tax break to add to, what he can not spend in multiple lifetimes. He does not need a tax break, when he has write offs. Time is short and inheritance to his family is fools gold. It is not about cutting services to the American people, it is about increasing the ratio to money spent to money received by the average American.
In a charity, the average received in donations translates to 5% to what is donated. This ratio is similar to our government, except there is fraud. You are right about the Veterans Department and the cuts. But your wise ass refuses to look deeper by design. The veteran’s need is in the emergency rooms and staffing. Then there is long term care. The bloated administrative staff needs to go. You are blind and set in your old ways. Bernie, you speak the words, but do not do sh.t, lazy man. You can step up, but I see a coward. Which is it? Heed this. Many of your friends in Congress will be gone shortly for receiving kickbacks. You better cover your ass.
For Black and Hispanic people, all is not what it seems. Politicians have been stealing, as it is wide and I do not need to point fingers. Your children have been dumb down to not succeed. They are over weight to promote diabetes. All of this now revealed and in your dumb ass minds, you are the resistance. Wake up, as the veil is lifting You just had a KKK president who sh.tted on you and you are good? Look it up, as the spots do not change, they hide.
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