Political Snap Shot
Written Mar. 15 2 am EST
With all the turmoil in the American government, our leaders need to start moving in the same direction for the good of all. So lets examine areas where the actions of the protesters makes no sense. I would start with Gaza, but that is too easy. So lets go to Black Lives Matter first. Your leaders have called for the burning and riots in cities mostly in your communities, but black lives do not matter on the streets of your communities. As the young children get murdered by your own. You as parents have little control of your children. Black lives do not matter, when you steal the funds needed for others by those in charge. Black lives do mot matter when some choose to teach your children get over rather than education. Have you pushed educational programs for advanced math and science to get those Google 300+K jobs? No, but I will see so many pushing sons for pro sports. This is the disconnect.
For every athlete, there is a thousand fast food workers and some that advance. The few that make extreme wealth, instead of elevating their own, they drug innocent girls and young boys and destroy their lives for sex exploitation at parties or opportunity locations, disgusting. Payback will be bitch, as the burn and rot descends upon your useless targeted dicks. I authorized this and the Almighty will deliver. When you have money many come to the doorstep, but you exploit the weak. Your BLM organization got well over a 100 million corporate dollars, where did it go? How is that working? It is not, so many thieves.
In America the perception of truth and free speech is out of control. Yes you can voice an opinion, but push hate to another is a crime and you in the media make exceptions? Columbia University is suppose to be led by smart people, but they are a bunch pus.ies. Some are proud to be called that. Why have you not established a designated protest area on campus and the hours of usage? Protests outside of that area will have academic restrictions and elevated levels oversight leading to correction or expulsion.
Wake up call, Gaza was infiltrated by Hamas. There are choices, river to the sea is not one of them. Do you really think your kiddy protests are going to force change in the world? You are so stupid to listen to your professors. The new world order and financial institutions control your lives. The general population will be removed from Gaza. Then Hamas will be removed, with those who choose to dig in, carpet bombing will result as an end game. Gaza will not be restored by the Arabs, to expensive only to have Hamas return low keyed. Then Israel will bomb it again, what a waste. The only choice, Palestinians take the money and relocate or live in rubble. I will say this, when Crete succumbs to great earthquake, a resultant tidal wave will flood Gaza, no survivors. The land permeated with salt will not grow plants for years. Water supplies contaminated. Move on with your lives.
I do sympathize with those getting fired within the government agencies, but current administration of workers has failed us and tough decisions have to made. The Veterans Administration wanted to address burn pit victims in the military and there answer was instead redirecting active employees under utilized. They hired 80 thousand new employees, was there a need? No, as the medical effects of most burn pits takes decades. On the few at the burn pits, which would likely to show adverse effects? Those are a few thousand over the years. This is your waste. Check the number of burn pit cases submitted at the VA. Now as a politician, do you really want to stand behind those numbers, how many cases can 80,000 new employees handle in 2 years with current staff in the VA?
Many in the Federal government do little and those near retirement pad the hours. Do you really want to raise the stakes and have an independent firm audit the work force? The choice is yours. The waste will be cut. Schumer really, tax cuts for the rich. They have tax loop holes, which even your accountant uses. So concerned, close them, but you won’t as you play the game. Thanks for supporting the spending bill and taking the hit, as your colleagues have no clue of what is coming. Now I am giving all of you in government time clean this up and step up for the citizens of the United States. Time is short. You do not want the alternative, and I do not bluff.
By the way, the media stated there will be revenge persecution against the enemies of Trump. Nothing has evolved, it is just another lie.
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