Political Snap Shot
Written Mar. 17 3:30 am EST
For the Democratic party, which is now below 30% approval, why are the mouth pieces with out true knowledge driving the media frenzy? You have Crockett talking about how we need immigrants to do jobs Americans do not want to do. Yes this is true, but your lack of wisdom shows. We do not need 30 million to illegally cross the border to fill jobs under a 250K openings. Temporary job visas, not open borders solves this problem along with a fair wage. Offer a increased wage for a hundred thousand or spend billions for illegals for housing and social services along with their baggage. Good job on improving your appearance and dance moves player Crockett, it works, but you have a husband and are still no AOC, eat a hamburger. Personal opinions do matter.
Those protesting in the street against Elon have no clue. Waste and fraud cuts saves tax dollars, none of which is going to reduce taxes from the rich. So there are new tax cuts? The media is so concerned of what may happen, instead of what has. That is a deep state narrative. All of you assume end conclusion with out facts, that it will hurt this nation. Leadership over decades has dumb down all within the inner cities, fatten them to bloat medical services, allow 30 million in to fill the jobs of a few hundred thousand and you are good with this.
So over staffed offices responsible for little work and you have a problem with excess staff sitting on their asses? Lets look at a real world scenario. If you were well off and had 3 maids, one did all the work the other 2 delegated orders and doing little, you say, keep them all? Our government has a bloated work force, which the cuts are trying to correct. You assume services will be cut, no a worker that does little will be cut and the savings passed on to increase services to those in need. This is the cancer in America, many do not want to work, handouts and political jobs accepted. This is what you do not see.
There is nothing you can do until the midterms, by then all will see positive results and the fate of the earth. Then what? You are the problem, as what was in place, does not work. Allow the waste and fraud to be removed, then look at how this may help the disadvantaged. Elon is a gift, willing to help this nation for what is coming, while the fools burn his dealerships and his wealth tanks by almost 100 billion. No man who seeks power over the minions does this. This is your disconnect. But it makes sense if you go against the new world order. All is not what it seems.
My patience is so thin. The signs in the sky will increase and what was a small segment of the population will increase exponentially and awaken. You can help mankind or cling to the new world order, your choice tic toc.
Update Mar. 17 11:30 pm EST
All of the sudden, all are so bold in the EU. Do not buy American or visit them, who cares. There is a trillion dollar trade imbalance in America, that needs to be corrected. To those in France who want to take the Statue back, come and get it you bunch of French pus.ies. Do not talk the talk when you will not do the walk. In the real world, how far do your predictable nuclear warheads would achieve detonation on target if war breaks out? You offer no protection for Europe. Russia has an effective anti missile system where maybe 3% may hit target. They will hit you, as Patriot missile systems are removed for your ineffective Euro systems of defense. Play the game.
When the New Madrid Fault rips, the EU is homeless and you are making threats. I am not Trump the feel good guy, that gives second chances. The US will not help your incursion into Russia. We will not help you into Africa, which China now controls. So stop the talk, as if you have real power. Say the word, “Refugee” Macron, all in your nation will become one. The Almighty will crush the new world order with or without your invisible leader. Continue to pray to him for help, pathetic. The battle for souls is not a game to be played on the world stage by men with impotent words of authority. Settle the trade imbalance fairly, agree to peace in Ukraine and Gaza, then bow your heads in agreement or we can do it the hard way, as your asses get kicked. There are no back door channels, that the Deliver listens to, only world peace. Your choice.
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