Political Snap Shot
Written Mar. 20 1 am EST
The Rhetoric in the Democratic party and Media needs to stop. A divided nation destroys itself and you only fan the flames. Chuck is looking out for America, as if all in distain can see the future, because some times, you do not agree. His heart is for the best in the nation. Pelosi, so dried up, can not even mange her husband, go on a trip and see what alleged male DNA may be in your bed sheets upon return. Chris (MSNBC) you pushed an agenda, but little about truth, as Schumer frustrated you. Again all is not what seems, but you already know this.
I want to ask Black America in your over price, dilapidated, sometimes in burnt out neighborhoods, are you alright being second place to transgender mice or the privileged students that hate this country calling for its destruction by Hamas? Are you ok with this? A 100 billion in waste over seas, when what would that could done for your communities? Take off your blinders as the Democrats have lied for 6 decades. The Democratic party is Jim Crow, have you forgot? Biden is KKK with Byrd, have you forgot? Most of your children are dumb as a rock under Democratic education and you see this. But, they put up illegals in $600 rooms a night. They figure you are to dumb to realize the truth with those you see in the media, which poisons your minds. Everybody used to like Colt 45 or Hennessy, Jordans, Kools and Newports along with Democrats. This trending stops now. You voted for the same fossils over decades, yet few of you know what they stand for or convicted of.
I have told you, all that is evil, will be swept from the earth. There are choices to be made, like telling the truth. Heed this probationary period. There will not be a repeat warning, after March 30.
So what does this mean. Judges and politicians at the middle level will be first to succumb to illness, death or voter removal, watch as they fall unless they correct their ways.
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