Political Snap Shot
Written Mar. 21 11:59 pm EST
The American media still has no clue, as they receive the same talking points from an unknown source. It is not your leaders, as they spout the same words you do. Now I know some in both parties are not all that bright, but can some of see type of a pattern? Few of you wanted this Administration to work on both sides and you do not see something is wrong? I have heard, we do not know what waste is being cut, then you ask, its fraud. But the spin is back to, benefits will be lost to Americans. This is a blatant lie, do you know the future? Then Hitler is here who killed over six million Jews is the same as cutting waste and jobs? You do not know how to choose your words wisely. This goes on and on. I will say this, I am tired of the lies. Last chance, drop what may happen and replace it with what did happen.
Oh Walz, a man’s man, if a swift breeze hit you in your sorry ass, I guess the result would be you rolling across a downhill lawn otherwise remain in place. You have no game, personality so creepy, do not stand next to me ever and even if with your position and money, no one is knocking at your door, but that purple hair rep at the joint session is just your style. Call AOC or Jasmine really fat boy, click. Remember your status, LOSER. You and Kamala would have sold us out to the new world order, which backed your campaign.
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