Political Snap Shot
Written Mar. 25 11:59 pm EST
To the Trump Administration, push back to the Democrats is a waste of time move on. This was a deep state hack or insertion to embarrass your administration. Goldberg is not on any list to be inserted into the meeting, check your lists. So how was it added? The secure meeting Signal app has a back door put in place during the Biden Administration by design. Today the world watches your Senators and media without confirmed sources and data, questions the security leaders of the Trump Administration, which was caused by one of your operatives. No high level Trump Administrative attendee has the phone number of the lowlife reporter. This was not a breach of security, but a planned insertion by the deep state authorized by the heads of the Democratic party. All of you know, I do not play games and works for the Almighty only. This ends now and we move on. You do not want the alternative.
Did not anyone question why Goldberg’s name was on the list of who is in the meeting? Good chance it was blocked, as many are curious to see who is here. So we have Goldberg now and was a traitor, as an unauthorized participants are suppose to log out. He did not follow that protocol like a patriot. He leaked meeting it to the world and you are alright with this? We are still seeking justice from the likes of Julian and others in the world for the same thing? There is a digital trace on who added the number, which Waltz had no clue how it was added. Sadly, the one who did it and those who authorized the plan will no longer exist . Lets just say, a prayer for those rotten souls.
As for the Post Office, a private firm will just strip it for profits with no improvement of service. There is another option. There is a clean up team, that was just sent from New York to Richmond Va. main facility. Very successful, let them take the leadership position at the Post Office who just quit. They will cut waste and you will know why. The old is out. Recruit him and her personally as a duel Post Masters.
Update Mar.3/26 11:59 pm
I am so tired of the media using loop holes, as the Trump Administration hands are tied to revealing the truth. All of you have used chat services and know names and phone numbers of all participants need to be entered by the monitor Waltz. So Goldberg’s name and number, Waltz does not have it, how was it entered? Check the logs for the signal site on the back end, there you will find you did this. Be very careful here Democrats, it is better to drop this and back off, rather than expose a rogue hacker who inserted Goldberg as ghost member and stayed on point to reveal the meeting as a traitor.
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