Political Snap Shot


Written Apr. 4 11:59 pm EST


World Stage


   Today Biden grew some balls. The Almighty is happy with his response to Netanyahu. Thank you Biden for standing up for justice of the innocents. Shutting down the killing of innocents under the guise of hunting for Hamas is the primary focus. You do not blow up the building, you clear the building. Israel has the right to protect itself, but not at the cost of tens of thousands of innocents. Biden, now that you dictated the words, lets see if they follow.

   The situation in Gaza is out of control and the blinders on the eyes of the leaders of the United States has come off, finally our leaders sees what the rest of the world sees. Netanyahu, all world leaders know you plan to build settlements in Gaza under guise for a safety buffer. This is a game, you have played over and over and you just change the script. Negotiations for a Palestinian home land, wait for it. Your ideal plan is to refugee all to surrounding Muslim countries. Please tell the world, but you won’t. You can lie to the world, but the Almighty has revealed your plans. Some have alleged you engineered the covert missile strike against your own and blamed Hamas, as a reason to raise Gaza and take the land, but even you would not stoop that low.

   Netanyahu, your job is to protect Israel. Minimize casualties of the innocent in your war effort, let the food go through, as for hoping they all will starve to death, that shall not happen under the watch of the Almighty. You have little time to change, as a replacement is now being groomed. Heed this. Ignore this, and the next step your nation will be doing, is buying weapons on the open market with your money. Spare parts for critical weapons systems wait for them. Lets see how that works. All were told the Almighty grows tired of this. Please do not tell me, you can not neutralize several thousand Hamas hiding in bobby trap tunnels? The more high profile the civilian building is, the greater the chance they will be hiding underneath. Change it or He will.




   I do see that the Israeli Knesset voted late today to open an additional route for aid. As I see it, to little too late. This gesture, though wanted as a step in the right direction, is a stall tactic for true change and does not change our position on your actions. We are not fools Netanyahu. Eliminate starvation and civilian deaths in Gaza, then we can talk. You have no options. By the way the strike on the convoy came from the highest in your command. Short investigation, yes, as you already know, why the attack occurred. Your arrogance is showing. The message was to all workers serving humanitarian aid to leave Gaza in the targeted strike by design. It worked. But on the world stage you look like sh.t. Was it worth it?


Domestic Stage


   Today I ask you to reflect on your country and what is in store for the future of your children. You state climate change will kill all life on the planet if it does not stop. An asteroid hit this planet 65million years ago and incinerated half of it with a far greater concentration of CO2 than anything mankind can produce, yet the planet and life is here. Think about it.

   What is not healthy for this nation, is the political toxicity and the media bias. It is not about Democracy in peril if you vote for one party or the other, as both parties have both good and bad ideas. Choice is freedom not one or the other as an ultimatum.

. The point is when will someone step forward and offer a total solution, which is acceptable to both sides. But no one has the balls to do that and suffer the raft of the party elders. How dare you. Politicians, it is about, what is best for America, not your private agenda of keeping power or stealing from inside knowledge on the stock market. If you want to get schooled call Pelosi. Kushner is no angel either. Where has that gotten us. Well lets look at that.

   In the Republican party it is inaction that dooms your vision. Every racists crawled out from under a rock and felt release from the closet. Trump stated he not a racist, but did nothing stop the rise of white nationals. Trump likes any race that can make him money. That is the bottom line. He did improve the working environment to where all races can elevate. Trump did degrade women in public, the difference is, Democrats talk the same behind closed doors. Now Trump was right on the border, crime, economy, China, wars and NATO. Now lets address the Democrats.

   The Democrats do have the social needs of the citizens first. They are right with corporate and the elite greed. They are right about affordable child and health care. On Social Security neither party wants cuts, but no answers on how to fund it. It is great to raise the minimum wage, but the cost of labor is passed on as a overall price increase. To fund an increase without an equal increase in labor efficiency helps no one. Tax increases only on corporations is a problem. When the bottom line in corporate profits declines so does the stock price, which leads to cuts affecting labor. So to get more corporations to pay their fair share, our 401s in the stock market take a hit and many lose their jobs causing a lost in tax revenue. This is your answer? Close the corporate loop holes to start and mandatory tax audits for all individual returns over 2 million dollars and corporate returns over 10 million rising with inflation. Start collecting from the cheats.

   The world sees America as lazy, not focused and deeply divided. If China attacked the West Coast, all will state except the UK, not me. Many world leaders see the demise of America under the leadership of either Biden/Harris or Trump. They laugh behind closed doors and they are not your friends. We have an election coming and no matter who is elected all should stand behind the winner. It is America first, then help the world. You do not treat an illegal better than those served for this country. Are you out of your minds? You do not put up an illegal in one of your donors hotels at $600 a night, yet a single mom on the verge of losing her home goes unnoticed. You do not dumb down the education system, so that failing children not backed by their parents efforts can pass at the expense of others. Where is that education taking them?

   Realize through an engineered media bias, all is not what it seems. Decisions in this nation come from some where else. A politician reads prepared speeches and signs policies placed in front of them. The media spins a narrative of division, yet you were taught, a nation divided against itself, falls. Take a step back and look at the grand picture, do you like what you see? Is Biden, Harris, there is a great chance, this will be. Then what? I ask you to pressure the politicians to choose what is best for the nation, not the party. Then vote. Both sides have good and bad ideas, who will adapt the good ideas from the opposing party, choose wisely.


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