Political Snap Shot




Written 4/15 2 am EST

Middle East


   The world has surprisingly taken a temporary step back to contemplate weekend actions, which will affect the future of this world. The Almighty God the Father aka Allah applauds your restraint. Since the behavior of nations on this world have gotten out of control. The Almighty has given you a second chance, don’t waste it. Your world has rules and one rule is you do not hit, damage or destroy a Diplomatic site for any reason. Did you not just condemn Ecuador for storming the Mexican Embassy? There are rules and Israel broke them, there are no excuses. Spies, murderers hiding in an embassy is old news, but you as a nation think you are above that. You are not.

   Iran had a right to retaliate, as your nation, Israel broke international protocol. All of you know this. The defense from the US, UK and France and your IDF was gallant. But do not pat yourself on the back, as if your 99% defense will not be that effective against the Chinese and Russians. It only takes a few. How is that same defense working in Ukraine? It is not. No nation has the right or wrong answer all the time. Yes you can stand behind a nation, but when its path endangers the world, you put them in place for the good of mankind. And from where I sit, I do not see a leader. 5 Billion people will not fry, due the actions of the proud. Israel is contemplating no direct military response excluding proxies and this is the best plan. You lost nothing and Iran has a new perspective. As the present big guy no need to pound on others for any reason unless a new unprovoked attack occurs. The world will hate a bully.




   On the world stage, when China comes for Taiwan, you will have no warning and they were watching mid east events unfold. So will this administration send Americans to their deaths, in a conflict that cannot be won from afar? Once the Chinese infiltrates the general population, it is game over and you know this. There are real issues out there and the days of weak politicians on both side needs to be over. Who is going to stand up? Heed This.

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