Political Snap Shot



Written Jul/4 3 am EST

   In the quest to correct last week’s exposure to push a candidate with serious flaws over the finish line, the American public realizes, they have been lied to. Behind the scenes they are worried about the federal, state and local candidates. You can ask why? Many within minority community vote along party lines. So what is meant by that? Some in the minority communities vote by tradition they know or the head of the ticket. This is why so many black candidates of the past remained in office for decades, few are known at the voting levels, the current issues or voters do research.

   If the Biden ticket goes forward, the Democratic party knows Biden will lose with Kamala. If she is picked as a new head of the ticket, crushed will be an understatement by Trump, no matter the spin and what those false polls show. Kamala’s approval rating are in the twenties and you think she can win? They are lying again. When minorities go to the polls, many pick their top pick and ride the tabs below in a row. Don’t lie, as many of you in office did this as voting pups, all of you know, this is the truth. The push for Democrats to remove Joe is based on self preservation, not the good of the party or America.

   The Democratic party is under pressure. Not so much with Biden who refuses to go and Hunter now sitting with him to make sure the alleged influence peddling funds does not dry up, like it did when Hillary lost in 16’. The rumors of hell will open up if a white man is put in front of a black woman. This is the point of DIE. This nation no matter race, puts forward its best and big Willie’s (San Francisco) side chick does not fill the need as a world leader, just because she is black and lack luster VP. Name one major achievement to change things in America or foreign experience and that cackle among world leaders has already been dismissed along with her?

   The Democratic party knows this and thinks this will cause a black lash of black voters. A block of voters they already are losing among men and can not afford to lose young women. Older black women are still a solid support. Black voters know Biden, Michelle and Hillary. Most could care less about Kamala. Push her and the party loses at the Federal, State and local governments. Remove her for a secondary choice and prop up Biden like was done in the past, you can fight with less losses at subordinate levels, but Trump will win, This is your choice.

   In the media, time is up. Now the American public has picked two media entities, which irritates America with their bias. It would be Maddow. I use to watch and the View. Maddow, have you ever wondered, why you were dropped to one night? Goldberg as your days on air should be cherished. Although Sean has his days also over on Fox. No one is coming after you if the election is lost. Your audience will just disappear. Opinions come and go. Those who deliver message are meaningless over time. Know your place.

   The next bombshell to be released, will be alleged racist Trump with no affiliation to the good old boys, but the media spun this. Biden will be exposed as the best friend of the Grand Cyclops Byrd leader of the whole state of West Virginia and head of recruitment for the KKK. Senator Byrd was Biden’s best friend and many other segregationist in Congress from the deep south in the seventies, check it. Lets see that flies in the Black Community. There will be film at 11. Word of advice to Rep. James Clyburn, do not sell your soul for a position of power, they gave you, which has little true influence in the halls of power, bail now. Politicians will tell any lie to get elected. You were told in the Bible, all that is rotten will fall. That time is starting now.

Update 7/10 2 Am EST

   This is the second warning to the media. We know the pendulum swings both ways, but remember you were the problem and now you are offering a solution. It has stated so many times. Create the problem of hiding the truth on the administration, then when caught, offer a solution. So much more will be revealed, to the point those that lead this nation will hide. Most of you as reporters, knew the truth years ago and this is the problem. It is not long before, Biden is revealed to be the Big guy on a national scale. How is hat going to work? Hunter is in government meetings to protect the alleged influence peddling money flow. Jill, she is not about to be poor after seeing the Clintons establish a foundation where alleged political access determined donations (alleged bribes), until she lost. These are the actions of your leaders. Others in Congress decided a slow bleed from the stock market based on political inside information, you know who they are.

   It will be revealed that Biden was an alleged secret member of the KKK recruited under Senator Byrd. Actions to push the influence of the KKK into Delaware failed under Biden due to push back in the seventies of change. Senator Byrd was head of all of West Virginia and KKK recruitment as Grand Cyclops leader. Check it. This is why, it is said, Bide may wear an invisible hood. He was loyal to the end and spoke at his funeral. Film will be dropped at several media locations and overseas in the near future if he is a threat to change.

   Let‘s see if this changes Whoopi’s mind or Jill, as alleged influence funds dry up so quickly. What was worse is the deep state dictated to Obama who would be VP. This was by design leading to the issues of today. A true racists makes sure minorities do not rise, as opportunities for education are removed. Under the guise to eliminate failure rate to secure school funding, but the undereducated can not rise, due to lack of preparation for real life. You can not see this! The media will soon label some in the inner city, due to lack of action by some parents and denial of what is the true issue. This will change.

   What the media will not do is point aggression towards the administration’s mouth piece. She is a hired spokeswoman and not part of a conspiracy, but to present the spin of the administration, which still hides the truth and presents lies. You do realize her answers are mostly scripted, but she is allowed to adlib. She is expendable as Biden uses a Black face by design with no real pertinent info. They use her as a pretty Black face, to exploit DEI. But in this case, she merit’s the job. If you want the truth, badger Biden or Blinken ( Biden‘s low level puppet master, yes he is running the country, but takes orders from the deep state). When the mighty fall, they look to blame the subordinates. Focus on the target not their many mouth pieces following orders, who do not have a clue or the illusion of true influence.

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