Political Snap Shot



Written Jul. 18 5pm EST

   This is the latest update on the shooter. He was recruited at his rifle range, check the surveillance video of who talked to him, but I guess the tapes are already missing. His phone tracks all locations and times he visited over the past weeks. Those locations will shed light from local cameras. He was a perfect target for the hired operatives, alleged lame and a social loser trying to prove himself. His picture paints a thousand words. All the attributes which the deep state looks for. They promised access to the site, as the police would not patrol the area. He surveiled the area and found it true. They promised he can take range measurements in front of their eyes for confirmation. This was true as some try to cover their ass. This was a test, as he walked about the area and needed to perch a shoot from.

   A local building not screen by the Secret Service confirmed the truth. Those who knew of the plot, only offered the information after the attempt, which normally would have raised so many red flags. He drove in with a ladder and placed it against the building and no one reported or saw this? Police counter snipers inside the building, ask why? Not enough personal to cover the primary building that takes two. They lied and ask if they could not do the job, why were they assigned and approved? The metal roof when crawling upon it, makes noise when weight moves across it and no one inside investigated by design. These were all signs his mission as promised with wealth would succeed and a nerd no more. So lets look deeper.

   Orders came down from the director of the Secret Service to allow local police enforcement to surveil the outer perimeter. The Secret Service team were not allowed to oversee or mark potential threats from elevated buildings on the outer zone by design. This order came from the highest levels in the Democratic party to the Director. Protective counter snipers do not stand down inside buildings. The slope of the roof was manageable and similar to the roof the other counter sharp shooters were on, again a lie.

   The local police force was told to stand down on the outer perimeter and did not question why. As no one saw the ladder or the vehicle carrying it. The shooter was seen at first only by the attendants with plenty of time to neutralize him. When confronted with knowledge the shooter had a gun, the officer climbed the same ladder when confronted ran. The shooter expected to live a life of luxury and he was a registered Republican. When you enter an agreement to kill a political opponent, they never honor the contract.

   Contact between the hired operative and the shooter was personal. This is why there is little to nothing important on his cell. A quick agreement for a large amount of money and for Crooks upon completing the elimination. What does not make sense he bragged about it on social media, which is sure death. This is where we stand. The investigation will lead back to the head of the Secret Service for incompetence and stop, but those who executed the plan will be disposed of by the Almighty over time, as to not raise suspicion. The hidden money gained by political corruption disappears from the families looking for an inheritance. All thought this plan would succeed, but it failed by the hand of God. No man will alter God’s plan for earth and accelerate its demise.

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