Political Snap Shot




Written July 22 1 am EST


   As expected, Biden has dropped out of the race, but for the Republicans it is to soon. The Democrats have just disenfranchised, the will of the Democratic process to save their own positions. But with the media influence, few will come to that conclusion. Now What? Unable to take out Trump by a unpaid sniper given normal equipment to appear as a lone wolf, but easily penetrated the outer perimeter, as the secret service looked the other way for 20 minutes. Did the media tell you, the shooter had at least 3 encrypted off shore bank accounts just opened? If the shooter was Black, he would have never got a shot off. This is the truth.

   The Democratic party before the 2020 election told Biden, he could take South Carolina and he would win, but that decision comes with a price. As Clyburn delivered the message. Biden was never in control of the presidency as all of his strings were pulled. Now that the puppet has been exposed, due to a physical decline, now what?

   Rumors state that Biden is controlled by the good guys, yet he threw in the towel ahead of what would be an optimum time point for he Republicans. What is given, is not what it seems. With Biden withdrawing and not endorsing Kamala during resignation speech, then reverses later only to cover the mistake, the delegates are free to vote for who they want. Pelosi, Obama, the Podestas have said nothing, as omission is rejection. The Democratic party elders voted to reject Biden, at the same time, as the alleged vote to remove Trump by assassination. And now you think their DEI pick who was suppose to go no where is going to challenge Trump? Now on the surface it seems the DNC will anoint the best possible candidate, that they say is Harris from the field presented by the media, but they are lying. You are asking how?

   When the DNC takes its first nomination vote or roll call, most will support Kamala by design, to appear she is a real choice and DEI fairness considered. She will fall just short of confirmation, as others will impede her path again by design. So what is meant by that? The DNC has already agreed on the nominee and a backup if the plan goes south. No one will get enough votes on the first round, as most will vote for Kamala, but again fall short by design to remove the DEI candidate, who would be crushed by Trump. So what is the plan?

   It is the second vote to where the super delegates can vote the party preference. What will surprise many, Hillary’s name will be added and garner half of the super delegates votes again by design. This will be used to pressure other delegates. The third vote Hillary will control all super delegates, as to appear the vote is not fixed and others will fall in line. The key here at Secretary of State she has name recognition and world stage experience well above Kamala. Now that the plot is exposed and the backup with media manipulation, just know they do not have America’s best interest. This has just reset the DNC plans, so who will be the patsy? Just wait.

   As for policy, they let in 30 million illegals, which you pay for. Lowered wages due competition. Higher housing costs from increased demand. Raise taxes on Corporations only to have that cost past on to you with a middle man, government waste Your schools in the inner cities are sh.t. As foreign workers are given the jobs. Your disposable income is almost gone and these are your achievements? I told you, all that is rotten, will fall and a recent death sends a message, heed it.

   The Biden’s are devastated as the influence money will now shrivel, just like funds flowing to the Clinton Foundation, which folded a month after she lost. Just know, Hillary has planned this years ago and now she is pressing a second chance. If the public rejects her more so the delegates who, ever is the nominee, will be her puppet.

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