Political Snap Shot



Written 5:30 am EST

   Now I am pissed, having been awaken at 4 am to address your sorry asses. You were told about the subtle plan to insert Hillary in the secondary vote of delegates. That plan has been thwarted or is on hold dependent upon upcoming Harris doctored poll numbers leading to the DNC convention and roll call for the most part. But most of you have not connected the dots. You were shown, the Secret Service was told to stand down for many minutes, as the shooter on the roof was allowed to engage Trump as a target. Was allowed to surveil the site with a range finder, put a ladder in place against a building with counter snipers inside, viewed by many attendants and the result leads to a single resignation already put in place, a day later as a scapegoat and you are fine with this? I told you there was a vote held by a Deep State committee to terminate Trump, but now the alleged names will exposed. The committee contained names who are unknown to the general public (new world order), which I am not allowed to reveal at this time, but the public alleged names I can. So who was part of that meeting that voted to terminate Trump according to the Almighty who sees and knows all?

   They would be the Podesta brothers, both Clintons, baby Soros, Pelosi, Schumer, Jeffries, Clyburn, Obama, a select group of governors, heads of the CIA, FBI and Secret Service, Watters, Jackson, and Blinken as the primary voices. They gave the order to allow access to the site by the shooter and the order to the secret service to stand down when the shooter was observed. Had Trump been killed, the event would have triggered a civil war. The bullet was deflected by the advanced team put in place by the Almighty. This was to allow to place doubt in the minds of mankind. Will this deception allow to be continued? Yes an no, as free will allows a choice to be made in the minds of mankind to separate good from evil.

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