Political Snap Shot




Written Nov. 19 11:59 EST


   Finally the Democrats have realized they have lost in Florida no matter the voter manipulation attempted in Broward County. There are words of duplicate votes, really as if this can not be removed in a manual count. All have to sign in if this was to happen, it would have organized at the precinct level by those who work there. The election supervisor needs to be fired. This not Scott’s job, but the governor elect’s job a month after he is sworn in.

   I have told you Gillum who is new world order was arranged to win backed by the polls. Divine intervention was present here in that votes were not destroyed or replaced as planned. Gillum you sold your soul to become governor, now what when he comes to collect? He lies at just the right time and you fell for it. Scott did just a little better as Nelson is bitter, will represent Florida in the Senate. Nelson I guess those promises did not pan out. In the Georgia race for governor, she just lost. In order to move a state forward you need extreme skills or connections to the wealthy elite. She had neither. If Hollywood wants to boycott the Georgia film industry (Tyler Perry) so be it, as you will only be hurting Blacks and the people. Republicans are not in the film industry and the locals will suffer who are democrats. You guys are idiots and this is why you lose.

   In the Camp Fire still occurring in Northern California, the heat was so intense, that the city of Paradise was in essence a crematorium. Those that chose to stay are now ash and unrecognizable from that of what was the house. In this information age, as we all have cell phones to communicate with love ones. Would they not view the media stories as their lives have changed? Many have perished and more than the media would like to reveal. The earth changes are about to move to a new phase where cities over a 100 thousand or more, especially overseas will be leveled.

   Yesterday on Fox news, Chris Wallace asked the President, why is the media the enemy of the people? Trump skirted the true answer as the media a tool of the elite wants all the under one. This is Globalism. The media shapes the minds of a population. The elite have funded the migrant movement through many layers of proxy organizations as not to trace to the true source. The scape goat is Soros. I have told you this has not worked in the EU and recently even Mexico does not want this as shown by news videos. Yet this has been suppressed on MSNBC and CNN.

   Mexico agreed to allow the caravan to proceed, but did not anticipate a change in the laws for asylum in the US. The migrants will not cross the border when facing immediate deportation so they will stay, hoping the Congress will change their plight in January. This will not happen and Tijuana will erupt. The lesson here is those cities in America when overwhelmed will respond the same way. Then what? Again this is not 19th century America when we welcomed all due to need. Life changes and politicians quoting our past as a need for the future and inscriptions at the Statue of Liberty is not in the best interest of this nation. We have matured, but your politicians do not have a clue. If our house is not in order, then how do you put an outsider above your own? Oh you want an example, so you ignore your lazy son request for help and let a stranger live in your house. Family comes first. America comes first. Nationalism comes before Globalism as that is the new world order.

   This is America, home and land of the free and all are welcome according to our needs and laws. They do not wave the flag of their homeland left, they wave ours. These are the rules. Any politician that puts the needs of any illegal above those in this nation is a traitor. Yes refugees escaping persecution or genocide are considered, but running away from poverty and cowards as they won’t fight for their own country and you want those? As leaders you stand for this? In America those are not leaders, but puppets of the elite breaking down this country to join the global elite. When this happens, no one will recognize the land of the free.

   I speak to the Democrats as your tools such as job corp. and other agencies have failed, but what the public does not know, is you contributors control these organizations, which you receive kick backs in legal campaign contributions. It is only education and the removal of predatory student loan rates that will change the country. But you won’t do this. Nothing has changed since the days of MLK.

   Ocasio you were elected, because the Democratic Party needs change and you have brought it. Be careful for what you wish for, as socialism is a slight variation of communism. Do you really think the elite of this country who has the heads of your Party in their pocket are going to allow you to change things? Please start your revolution as you will fail as so many before you. You have no skill set to handle the elite and they will laugh when you leave the room.

   Acosta is still celebrating as if he accomplished something. What you did was to force the Trump Administration to set up a series of rules for your fellow press associates. In your mind and CNN, you are not the first amendment. You are a man with an ego that will do anything to expose Trump as you will be rewarded by your network. You are a new world order puppet and you have no clue that controls you, but soon will. Do you really think the world does not see this? It will be the smaller reporters, which will be hurt. As your stunt, has sold them out. Trump sees any law suit with you as giving you power, as you have seen with the withdrawal of the law suit challenging CNN. You are not worth it.

  Amazon announced it is building its hub in New York City. Bezos is well aware that New York will suffer greatly in the earth changes now escalating over the next 6 months. The general public will question what they see and freeze as no company would build in an area they know will be destroyed. This is true, but it is the timing you do not see. They know shortly before or after the holidays, events will turn for the worst. Just like Bloomberg’s billion dollar contribution to John Hopkins, this campus will not exist in a year.

   What about the news of Ivanka using her private emails for government business. The fake media is exploiting this, as Ivanka was carry on correspondence that had nothing to do with the security of this country. This was not reported and Ivanka did not hide this. Yes she was scolded on procedure, but in Hillary case calls leading back to the foundation and favors were placed on the private server. The is why the e mails disappeared and why when she lost and funding stopped. That is deficit not what Ivanka is doing.  Scheduling and updates that is already in the news is not national security. Hillary was Secretary of State and emailed secret information. Ivanka does not have a secrecy clearance as to be a threat. This is fake news.

   The poll taken yesterday on the CNN website states that 70% of Americans support the caravan. Just how massive is Republicans behind this to support those numbers, when they want to build a wall? This again is fake news and a lie as the samples used gave the highest result and the others discarded. As even the Mexicans do not want them and if you’re your own shun you, then what about here. Really, like we need more competition against our poor. Rising rentals as they live 20 plus to an apartment? This is a fact. Oh and emergency visit at the hospital just doubled due to treat and release of those who cannot pay? Is this want you want? We take care of own first, just like family. Billions will be needed to be housed, medically treated, places in school for their children and offered welfare that is needed in your community. A gesture is fine, but like the EU waves are coming that will reach millions. Then what?

   The poll taken yesterday on the CNN website states that 70% of Americans support the caravan. Just how massive is Republicans behind this to support those numbers, when they want to build a wall? This again is fake news and a lie as the samples used gave the highest result and the others discarded. As even the Mexicans do not want them and if you’re your own shun you, then what about here. Really, like we need more competition against our poor. Rising rentals as they live 20 plus to an apartment? This is a fact. Oh and emergency visit at the hospital just doubled due to treat and release of those who cannot pay? Is this want you want? We take care of own first, just like family. Billions will be needed to be housed, medically treated, places in school for their children and offered welfare that is needed in your community. A gesture is fine, but like the EU waves are coming that will reach millions. Then what?




   The Khashoggi murder has taken a nasty turn. Yes there is a tape, but is it him? We are to believe the Turks are going to admit they bugged the Saudis’ Embassy over a reporter who was a spy? He was not worth it as this is the smoking gun. There are many points outside of the Embassy, where he could have been taken out along with his girlfriend and no one would be wiser. The plan spawned in a Saudi Palace was an idea, not a plot, put in place. There were beaten. The new world order saw this as an opportunity to impose sanctions on the Saudis and eliminate a nuisance of the Washington Post. Yes the prince wanted him dead, but it was not his order that led to Khashoggi’ death. The finger points to him with the CIA chiming in so late. The goal is to create unrest in the world with higher oil prices as sanctions are applied due to the actions that cannot be proven against the Saudi prince. The Elite gets rich as you pursue justice for a spy. The public is being herded and raped of their money and again you are none the wiser. Proof, then look at the protests in France.

   China is quietly forging agreement and the body language of Xi and Duarte says it all. Join the new super power or be removed as they now have this power backed by money. China has secured bases in the middle of the Atlantic, conquered the China South Sea. Compromised the governments of New Guinea, Sir Lanka and the horn of Africa, all just to start, yet your leaders say nothing as bases are built. What is so sad is the US corporations gave them all the money they needed under the guise of greed. As the world slips into darkness, the Democrats are hoping some Republicans will help them remove Trump swiftly or he will just resign. As this is their plan.

   When war world 3 comes, if Pence or another is in charge, America will surrender as to prevent further loss of life will be promoted and accepted by the American people and Canada. The point, all in defiance and most minorities will be eliminated and the young workers mostly the immigrants now at your border will be used to rebuild so they think and as Americans will refuse, they will be killed or starved. The women under 35 to 6 will become sex slaves or worth nothing. Asian men with little are nasty. Doubt me, just ask the Koreans about the Japanese. Is this what you want? I would choose death. The elderly will be eradicated as the dark one will ascend the throne of Peter placing this world under the new world order. This is the plan. As Trump and I, in which we have no association, but do have a common goal. We are trying to stop this. If he fails, I won’t. If I have to level this earth back by the power of the Almighty and the good become martyrs to eliminate almost all evil, so be it. My mission is save billions of souls for the Almighty, by any means necessary. When Jesus comes He will remove the rest.

    Global disasters are censored here in this country as not to alarm. As we approach the Holidays remember that it is about Jesus Christ and how He gave His life as God to save your pathetic souls when born in the manger. I am now asking The Almighty that what is to come to happen just before Christmas as this is the only time most of you have empathy.

   What lies beyond the veil of death is beyond your imagination. Only the Roman Catholic Religion founded by Jesus Christ is the true religion, but He comes for all religions and all people. No other faith has an inside track. He states I will build my Church on the rock Peter and he was the first pope. Nothing changes the Word of God no matter how mankind spins it, but influenced by another. This is in the Bible. Christ states His House will never falter. Again these are the Words in the Bible. Man lies for power and those brought in as a youth trusted their parent, know no better. Do your own research and let the Truth set you free. It stated in the Bible the only way to the Father or Jehovah is through his Son. Your elders are influenced by another. No man can promise salvation, but only a close and personal as a Christian with Jesus that is the basis of Faith can.


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