Planet Nibiru Current Status

Update 1



Written Dec. 20 11:59 pm EST

   This new set of topics is to inform the American public of what the current government refuses to admit. Nibiru is about to become a permanent presence as a sign in the daytime skies. Few will discern the fuzz ball appearing in the skies, as some will see others shall look past it by design. This the slow awakening. Even fewer will connect the dots of the drones flying as a diversion. They are flying dusk to dawn, but only to hide the fact Nibiru is most likely be observed dancing in the skies near last or first light. Artificially clouding the skies is no longer working, as few want panic in the cities. No one knows the exact time line, but it isn‘t anytime soon. Nibiru has been around since early 2003, due to a government and media coverup still in place.

   Many died to protect that secret and many was involved with the potential greed of that knowledge. You can start with Dick Cheney. Yes people will die, just as some will live, but all of you will die at sometime. Some will be sooner than others. Many will try to take financial advantage expecting immediate doom and it does not come. They will lose everything. Some will find themselves and want to spread their wings only to find despair upon return during the End-Times. Some will help others. Others will take advantage of each other. Remember people of earth, you brought this upon yourselves. Reflect on what has come to earth, as you look in the mirror. You have fallen so far to where wrong looks right and right looks wrong.

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