Planet Nibiru Current Status
Update 2
Written Feb. 25 1 am EST
With the visibility of Nibiru slowly increasing, as to not cause panic in the general public, the fuzz ball will be seen as an atmospheric anomaly, thus giving the general public, deniability. Stretching out events on Earth, so that more souls can be saved. The Ukraine War is seen, as a drain on US resources and for what? Macron and other leaders hope to slow Trump‘s decision. Trump does not care if Russia gains land and a temporary advantage, all is not what seems. It is to stop the flow of hemorrhaging funds, that is being stolen by the Ukraine government. Politicians speak of why should we ask for a pay back, as if the politicians gave their own funds, decisions would be different. They are spending your money recklessly. Ukraine is like Vietnam. It will fall. Will Russia overrun the EU? Maybe as their leaders are pus.ies. Germany conquered them and Russia is so much more powerful.
Those leaders in the EU care nothing about their general populations, as Ireland, UK, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark and some parts of France and Portugal will shortly be devastated by tidal flooding. Some areas will experience 90% lost of life. Your leaders know this, but would rather you die, than risk panic or prepare. Leaders, no they are cowards that will hide in the bunkers, then emerge and act like leaders after millions die.
Zelenskyy resignation for peace, but does he not want to pay? He is a full of sh.t comic. How am I going to get paid through kickbacks, if the Americans are in charge, is his thoughts? All know you Zelenskyy, want to tell Trump to kiss his comic ass, but you need to live another day. You have no options. The Russians will take it. NATO is not going to save your ass, as they do not even pay for themselves, the leeches. Trump will shut down arms, then what? Oh flee to another country and tap your off shore accounts. Dream on they will be empty.
So lets make this so clear, Macron your ideas fell on deaf ears. Same sh.t different twist. Nobody wants to pay. Trump has no need to offer aid to NATO or the EU, as half of Europe will be under salt water after the New Madrid Fault rips open. They all know this. Millions of refugees seeking America, no you can go to Africa. Hope they treat you, better than you treated them. Gentile people do apply.
There will be a new deadly problem as time goes on. Fire from the sky will fall upon cities and its citizens will burn alive. Heed this.
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