This is not a Threat, but a Guarantee



Written Mar. 27 11:59 pm EST

Update Mar. 31 4 am EST


   It seems the media, deep state and EU (new world order have not got the message, that the games are over). The Almighty is tired of the lies and deceit, as the dark one still in hiding continues to cover earth with evil. He, so polished and will come out in the last 40 days and offer salvation, beware. It was he, not God, which extended the pope’s life, as they ratchet up the plan to steal innocent souls from earth.

   The EU has sent out a warning to all 450 million citizens to have at least 72 hours of supplies for any emergency. Analyze what they are saying, as they are vague by design. Do not create panic ahead of time. Well 72 hrs. will not help you in a bio or nuke attack. It will not help if the Russians attacked, as they would have to pass through Ukraine first with Chinese soldiers. A flood from the west definitely, but they do not know the timing. So why the warning?

   Many in Europe saw the blue spiral in the sky and your agencies lied to you, as to the cause. They are so stupid, as the common person would not questioned the explanation released by the European Space Agency and these are your best? A Tesla Falcon rocket is launched along the east coast of the United States and the ejection of left over fuel ejected over the western Atlantic. Then behold, against the rotation of the earth and the outgoing solar wind from the sun, the display shows over Europe? What time was that flight? What about resistance that forces a derogation of an orbital path? How does a linear dispersal morph into a spiral display with balanced components outside of the spiral? They have no answers, so they lie. Then Tesla engineers are stingy, as extra fuel may be needed, but there is a balance, which does not impede the performance of the rocket. So the little left if dispersed and would be released in a linear path. Why would the diffuse particulates reflect light in only the blue spectrum?

   What was seen, was an organized spiral related to another phenomena about to besiege this earth in increasing observations. Come on, light reflected off of RX1 fuel dispersal coupled with liquid oxygen and this is the first time, you are seeing this? Your scientists are dip sticks. Please do say the rockets are wildly spinning, when they have stabilizing fins. Get this, they expect you to believe fuel particulates would have a sufficient density across the area of the sky to invoke reflection from the sun, idiots. Dispersal in what seems a vacuum is immediate. Again they lie and they expect you to die and many will.

   Currently there is a cloud of debris and petrol wafting towards earth. The cloud is being tracked. Movement is primary due to a concentrated magnetic flow of subatomic particles exiting the north pole of Nibiru. The intersection of that cloud and the surface of the earth has been verified. The cloud will rain down on western Russia and Europe within days as the first assault, due to the cloud is now high in the ecliptic plane. Those below the equator will see little debris. Gravity only catches the cloud edges. The EU are aware, collisions are eminent, but do not have a precise timeline within hours, as the cloud wafts and cannot reveal the presence of Nibiru. Meteors will intensify in the skies and only a small percentage will assault the surface of the earth in a precise window. Petrol flames falling from the skies will bring great fear, but the damage total earth will be minimal and localized. The sky will go crazy, then calm down, then go crazy again and subside, as the cloud outside of earth repositions and stabilizes. This is due to the north pole of Nibiru changing position related to the north pole of the sun and settling in the lower portion of the ecliptic plane. The message to humanity, there is a God. Heed this. Learn now or face the Warning.

   Macron, I have been watching your sneaky ass. Do you really think Zelensky will allow safe harbor for your citizens, because you give 2 billion? They will steal and run. The sad part, you think, they can win. Most of your citizens will not make it and drown. Please try telling your citizens, they have to move from an incoming flood over 100 meters high with maybe an hour warning. Your goal, give the elites a head start. Just remember, rats die. Your citizens will laugh, then also die. Good luck. The flood has been authorized to increase significantly in height towards Europe and decrease damage along the expansion of the Mississippi River. Yes things change, as does behavior. Will yours?

   Some parts of Ireland and England will experience a wash over, nothing will be left. As the surface of all land is scoured and wash out to the North Sea. It is better for innocent souls to die and leave this earthly life and move on. Instead of what you and your new world minions have planned for them. Few of you and the elite will reach safety before the waves hit. You sensors will give little warning, with many false ones by design and those chosen to fly you to safety, will go home to be with family. Find another way.

Update Mar. 31 4 am EST

   With flow of magnetic subatomic particles spewing from the Nibiru’s north pole continuing to turn towards earth and then overshoot. A severe push against earth’s north pole will increase exponentially within the next few days. The result will be increased quakes and volcanism due to the push, which is very violent. Maybe not on the first pass, but could occur on the bounce back. China and Japan quakes could wildly increase, then do prepare for the New Madrid fault to break.

   Countries with almost a 0% chance of survival rate are the Netherlands and Belgium. Ursula will run. Only an act of God would save your asses. For most of sea level Europe, it is game over. Many will not survive the tidal waves. Why, because your leaders are afraid to tell you the truth. The result, you will die. There will be great migrations inward towards Ukraine and Russia and the UK and France elite will set up in Canada. Volcanic explosions will level key portions of Italy (Naples), Southern Greece and Crete. As for the Gaza strip, the sea will roll to the river. Protesters, you can collect your dead. In Europe, tariffs are the least of your concerns, you will have no food and wine, salted land where nothing grows, broken roads, few airports, as you have chosen to do this the hard way. May God have mercy on your souls, as you grovel in mud, because I don’t, but I hope your innocent are saved, souls first, lives second.

   Oh happy birthday Jasmine C., becareful out there, all is not what it seems.

   Many have asked what is a wash over. For clarification, that means when an over a 100 meter wave assaults the whole of Ireland, England and Wales south of Birmingham from the west, the waves engulfs the western side of all land and in the path and exits into the Irish Sea, English channel and the North Sea. Every building and man made structure is scoured and washed out to sea. Everyone dies in the tens of millions.

   So many times you have been asked to change and yes innocents lives sacrificed will change upon death of the human body. But for the evil, you have been lied to. All of you, have some part of God within and when the dark one controls your soul, death by the cartels in human form would be like going to a boy scout camp with small injury. There is time to change.

   There is fear, that the new advancements in gravitational subatomic particle technology will cost millions of job losses in the oil industry and shift revenue to a select few? Yes this is the possibility, as you are the horse and buggy, versus the emerging car industry. I propose this, there will be a transition, but a 70/30 proposition and the 30 is yours to retool, but the percentage decreases over time. EMP will cripple your economy, not these gravitational generators. Where all will gain to transform earth. Free energy is free energy, but there is money to be made on distribution and maintenance. Remember, the world still needs lubricants, petroleum products and plastics. This is your choice.

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