The True Cost of Illegal Immigration



Written Jun. 11 11:30pm EST

   Today as the November election approaches, lets examine why some politicians choose to keep the border open for illegal immigration and does this policy hurt or help America? We will consider the pros and cons as to the effects on our tax system, filling unwanted jobs, exploitation of cheap labor, school systems, housing, health care costs, auto insurance and its affect on the GDP. Finally address why is there a disconnect between the politicians and the citizens of this nation on the value or need of illegal immigration.

   Many politicians state, that illegals do contribute to our tax base. On the pro side the tax contribution is almost totally limited to sales tax. The con side is that few illegals pay into the Social Security system, as many are off the books and do not have legal Social Security cards. Those who move into private homes do not pay additional local property taxes, but add large numbers of children to the base of the local school systems. Additionally, adults put a strain on local and social services. Filing of state and federal income taxes for those with work permits on the books usually get refunds, as the low wages and dependents take money from the system. This same shortfall will now add to our expanding deficit.

   Lets now consider the need to fill unwanted jobs, that regular Americans do not want. Many of the illegals that are crossing the border today, are not looking to integrate into the agricultural sector of this country or work in the rural chicken and beef slaughter houses for meat preparation. They are migrating to the cities. The restaurant, hotel and taxi businesses are hurting from a lack of disposable income among the present middle class, as regular Americans are taking some of those same industries, as a side job to make ends meet due to current inflation levels. Job growth in America is not increasing at a rate to where 10 million additional low skilled workers with a language issue can find work. A saturated labor market on the low end, stagnates wages for all Americans at the entry level. On this issue the cons far outweigh the pros.

   It is well known that the elite in America exploits cheap labor, which pours across the border. The pro here is the elites get nannies and gardeners at very low end costs. It is here, a select group of Americans exploit cheap labor to reduce their household expenses. This benefits Americans who already have money and does not improve general life in America. The con is that these workers have families, who use local services, which the general tax payer has to absorb. So in this case it is the elites that exploit cheap labor and then pass the cost local and social services used by the illegal family on to the middle class.

   As the assault on our southern border continues to intensify, over 10 million women and children have entered into our nation under the present administration. The current problem is, the administration has no plan in place for the increase of illegal immigration, which brought millions of children to this nation. Many cities can not even handle the education of inner city kids. Now most if not all illegal children due to their parents choices, have entered an already over crowded city education systems. A number that approaches ten million children, as the education systems within the inner cites in America nears collapse. This is a con for America.

   There is a need to redirect resources to address the educational problems at hand. Currently with the surge of illegals and the shortage of teachers in inner cities, the focus of staff shortages shifts from general education to bilingual support to assimilating illegals into American society. It is not America’s job to educate the world’s illegals at 20K per child of taxpayers money, as illegals escape poverty under the guise of seeking asylum. So the children currently in our public school system within our inner cities, many can barely count change and graduate under a dumb down system. Because, the current solution to not being able to learn, is lets make it easier in class and no tests. This is how some of your leaders keep minorities down by design. Nothing has changed since the sixties.

   With property taxes increasingly being used to support an escalating student population due to the large inflow illegal children, cuts in vital services will be slashed at the local level. Police, fire and sanitation will be the first to go. Public safety will be put at risk, to cover the cost of illegal immigration, which has already started in some states and cities. Jobs lost, quality of life declines in order to support the influx of illegals. The United States can not afford the cost to house what is already here, as the states fight for money and receive little in terms of support from the Federal Government and its policies. The local cities and states are now playing the shell game of move money here, then move money there. This your new tax on the Middle Class, as property taxes have to rise to restore lost services. This is a major con for America.

   Under the current administration the 30 million which illegally crossed the border either by escape or surrender has to have shelter. The amount of low income housing is at an extreme shortage in all medium to major cities, which supports the high cost of rent. Only incompetence under the direction of Secretary Mayorkas and we can not include the acting Sec. of Housing and Urban to this failure, due to her short tenure. Mayorkas if 30 million people flow into most of our cities in a little over 3 years, what do you think this influx would do to market conditions of low income apartment rentals? Oh, you did not think. This is the problem with the present administration. It is our lower and middle income citizens, many just starting out life in the labor market, that has been crushed, due poor decisions made by leadership regarding the border.

   Housing prices have been rising due to a lack of availability. This is simple supply and demand 101. The administration has increased the demand for housing by an open border, yet failed to provide a plan to meet current needs of the nation or the large influx. This is the primary cause pushing affordability of rental units and homes, which is now out reach of most middle class families. Again this is your new tax introduced by policies at the border by the present administration. This is a con for America.

   With an open border, many if not all come from countries, which has no health care. Those fleeing, many have pre-existing conditions or are just sick due poor eating and health habits and lack of medical care over the years as life goes on. This nation cannot afford the health care for its own citizens, yet now the administration takes on the needs of illegals before its own. Compassion counts only when you can afford it, as you ignore those at home. The process that all need access for life saving measures is the humane and correct decision. The problem is you do not accelerate the issue of defaults in payments to emergency room care by inviting the world.

   Health care insurance is a balance for the hospitals to care for the insured, but there is an increased cost passed on to insurance companies to account for those who do not pay by greater fees. This is the new crippling increase in health care payments now placed upon the citizens of America, as tens of millions do not pay their bills. So they pass it on to you. This is a great con.

   One the greatest additives to inflation, which is really not looked at, is auto insurance payments, especially in the cities. Now illegal immigration is not increasing car jackings or thefts. That has happened due the lax prosecution laws now on state books by design. What is happening, is the large increase in uninsured drivers, which have crossed the borders. This is resulting in a significant increase of hit and runs within the cities. Those costs are now being passed on to the insured drivers as a form of rate increases from the insurance companies. This is another form of unintended inflation due to illegal migration from the Southern border. This is a con.

   So how does the mass migration of illegals affect the GDP of this nation. Unfortunately the additional 30 million people added over the last 3 years, puts a burden on local and state budgets, now many are reporting large deficits due to services rendered. Illegals are a negative affect on GDP. The administration was pushed by businesses to import cheap labor and past the social costs on to the American taxpayer. The plan did not go as expected, as all want riches and many are turning their noses up to available low paying jobs. Why work when the government pays.

   There is a total disconnect with the American public and the politician & associated media. Immigration is about being legal, educated people who contribute, not about taking in the world of unskilled labor seeking economic relief by the tens of millions. The present effect is the standard of living for Middle Class America has gone down in order to lift the illegals up. They tax the Middle Class and give services to the illegals. Where is your pre-paid credit card?

   Polls stunned the media when 62% of American citizens want to deport all illegals. The numbers in the polls were higher, as they presented the sample with the lowest number. What has happen at the border is true incompetence starting with Mayorkas, this choice is not the soul of the nation. It is words hiding incompetence, as some politicians think America is still in the late 19th century for its labor needs. Change it or votes will across all state and local levels.

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