A Warning for the Media



Written Jul. 01 11:59 pm EST

   The spin on the events in the political arena are now being tilted in direction, to where souls on earth will be lost due to your words in the media. This behavior has been tolerated up to this point, but the scales have severely tipped and is now affecting the young. This will lead to the prophecy of father against son and mother against daughter. You were warned not to artificially change Biden’s physiology before the debate and for those in control, this time you made the right decision. The media was not expecting the truth to be revealed, to where they were embarrassed. Now this was a well engineered test for the media and almost all failed. So what is meant by those words?

   Most of you in the media were told to follow the narrative from those at the top, as long as the truth could be hid from the general public, you followed, now what? The cowards and the rats abandoned ship first and now they are exposed. Watch as many will be weeded out by the elite. The Almighty has allow Biden’s health to decline rapidly, due to recommendations on earth, but you were told this day would come months ago. What you need to know, it is not about the candidates, but what is being done behind the scenes to influence the American voter. Know this, there are lies and there are lies that affect America.

   Few care if babies and children are separated from mothers at the border. They should not be here period. America is not a refuse from poverty and domestic violence. Food on the table is more important for the average American. It is so wrong to call some illegals crossing the borders rapists and murderers, so you thought, yet one after another now floods our news. Housing costs are out of control as millions in need of low cost housing floods the market driving up rents. Schools in decline as millions of new children overwhelm the system. Covid relief losses over several 100 billion in fraud though government mismanagement with no cross checks, who does that? And you want full control of the budget. Billions being lost due to market manipulation by one middle wholesale corporation inflating all drug costs except insulin and you are blind. Healthcare losses due to engineered fraud and false billing and unneeded tests. But after the debate your question what is meant as a “black job”. Now I know you can not be that stupid in the media. With the policy of dumbing down the education of inner city blacks, you let in millions of illegals to directly compete for the same entry level jobs. Please stop the spin.

   Now as I see it, the Russian connection was false. The lap top was real. The big guy did get a cut of influence peddling. The financial entry was a statue of limitation misdemeanor falsely elevated to felony, as the only crime hidden was extortion and blackmail by Daniels and her lawyer. Now I know men are nasty, but Daniels who rides men for a living, really? All the men before Trump knew her, use to ask, is it in? Revealing an extramarital affair is not election manipulation. If so, Bill who banged Monica while president and lied about it, and it did not affect him One would have to ask, who offered more money than the 130 K to break the NDA?

   What about racism exploding? Trump is guilty of just saying nothing, but the media spins this as a threat to the nation. A threat to who? You better concentrate on Biden. Because the Almighty is so close to releasing pictures and film to be found containing certain leaders hanging with the white pointed hoods, and you do not want this to be seen. Heed This. A series of events soon coming will prove Climate Change false, if you want to abandon ship, now is the time, when few will remember what you said and backed. Clean up the media or the Almighty will and so many of you will fall or be exposed in the process. As the world moves forward, now is the time to ask yourselves, do I want to be a part of it?

   Mankind knows little about the realm of God and the value of the creation of life. There is only one author of life in the universe and women on earth are only vessels who create human bodies that house that spirit. It is only through the lack of your wisdom regarding abortion and His infinite mercy, that He has not destroyed mankind as an abomination. The essence of life is a full conscious spirit when it attaches to a human zygote at the time of conception. When you abort the flesh, you terminate a being of full earthly consciousness or life itself, no matter what stage of formation the human body is at. No man or woman has the right to dictate terms of life to the Almighty by any law, which holds no authority in the universe. The only difference between you and all life on your planet, is the spirit, which comes from God. Continue this path and you can join the animals. What is given can be taken away. Do not test God the Father Almighty.

   I hear words that NATO is strong and it is a lie, that members nations do not pay. Really, so America should beg the NATO members to pay their fair share? America pays 71% (debate fact check) and for what? Oh you think the American voter will pay anything to preserve the “idea” freedom around the world, until we are broke, then what? If the Chinese attack our west coast with a 50 million man army, who is coming and with what? To the stop the expansion of Communism in Europe, if I remember my history that same policy did not work in Korea or Vietnam. Ukraine is a cesspool of corruption and if they were winning, why the need for American military contractors? Because they are not and the leaders of the West knows this.

   This administration is respected around the world in the last 3˝ years. Blinken stated this today, as the EU are just starting fully pay to support NATO and the war in Ukraine. The EU and many members of NATO are not true friends, as they constantly stick America with the bill, that’s a friend? They smile only to hide their fear of a Russian attack. Again really, last time I looked, Netanyahu told you and Biden to kiss his Israeli Jewish ass on a cease fire deal, this country engineered, some respect. They mocked Trump and got caught with Russian gas freeze, then they pity Biden and this is an improvement?

   Then there is the domestic nonsense and spin in the media of voter suppression and there are real issues. So everyone needs ID for a bank loan, credit card, insurance and this is a problem when registering to vote? Everyone if they want to can get to a polling place. What no transportation, what about democratic car pools to get out the vote? These are lies. Just what rights are being taken away? Censorship occurs in the media and on social platforms. Dictating new policies is not a dictator, no one is that dense. The real issues poor education, lead pipes in the inner cities, lack of affordable housing as demand is inflated by border crossings, the cost of food, uncontrollable fraud, inside trading by members of Congress, influence peddling, leading by from behind due to following polls and fads, which are a dumpster fire of issues crushing the state of the Nation. And there are so many more.

   Presently those that run the DNC and rule the super delegates, have decided to modify the Democratic ticket at the convention. They cannot let Biden step down, as this proves the Democratic party was lying about Biden and would do anything to fool the American voter. This is deceit in its lowest form when you present a candidate as the best for America, when he is not good enough for the party. So what is the plan?

   They want to remove Kamala from the ticket and place a stronger candidate ready to replace Biden in his presidency after the election. Now, Kamala will not rally Black support when she kicks and screams, as few know her and she is seen as weak in the eyes of the liberal media. Will she cry racism? How can she, as the democratic party seems to be on the surface fighting it. They will try and secretly buy her out. Trump wins against Biden Harris, if there is a Biden/?, there is a chance for comeback with new energy and an upset. This is the party’s current stance, but is now revealed. We shall see what changes may happen now, as the convention nears.

Quick Update Jul 2 4:30 pm EST

   The media has made the first move by presenting new polls with a margin of error of 4%. The samples were picked as the best from a few that polled high from dozens taken that ranged from a high of 2% against Trump to as low as 7% and many at 6%. 4% is the average in the polls. Thus is the margin of error. They presented the best the best stats for Kamala. Kamala will be crushed by Trump, but if the racism card is played by the VP, promote Donna Brazile. Seasoned, no nonsense and appears in the media with credentials. It is not about the party, it is about the right choice to lead the nation forward. Just know advice is given to both parties, lets see who listens and wins.

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