Eta Carinae
One of the most unusual stellar formations, Eta Carinae, observed by the Hubble Telescope in the southern sky has presented mankind with many questions on how it was form and why it did not go supernova. A variable blue stellar object in a multiple star system, many times more massive than our Sun continues to defy current explanations. Mankind’s current theory for the star Eta Carinae has two unique features, first with stellar mass being ejected from the polar regions of the star just short of an explosion. A conclusion that scientists have reached, points to these locations as the path of least resistance. The other unique feature of this stellar formation pertains to the disk of stellar material radiating outward along its present equator. The puzzle is only partially solved by mankind, is correct in pinpointing the location of where the expulsion of stellar mass occurs, the Polar Regions, verified by observation of the stellar region by telescope. But this complex sequence of events that is responsible for this stellar phenomena, does not have an answer for mass ejected along the equatorial plane. |
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Eta Carinae is somewhat a unique stellar body. In which three properties need to be addressed, it’s size, variable luminosity and energy output. Eta Carinae and all other cosmic mass in this galactic region of the universe was originally under compression within a massive black hole. Once matter is expelled this sector of the universe, Eta Carinae assimilated a lion’s share of heavy elements at inception before other cosmic masses started to gather their mass. This occurred because the seedling mass of Eta Carinae had sufficient gravitational force to reverse the expansion of nearby matter due pressure inequalities and wave reinforcement after the explosion. In this particular region heavy elements were forced together and coalesced at the extreme end of the bell curve of random interactions.
During the coalescing process of the core of this soon to be blue variable, primarily hydrogen matter of various densities were trapped within the heavier elements that congealed. A stellar mass is usually somewhat homogenous in the density of the hydrogen molecules per defined area distributed throughout the core of heavy elements. In Eta Carinae’s case, it resulted in a permeated center with bubbles of hydrogen fuel pockets containing large density anomalies. The fuel pockets were richly scattered about the heavy elements during formation of the core. The core, rivaling the size of an average star slows in the growth process due to a scarce amount of heavy elements remaining after assimilation. The light elements within the local area gather around the core unimpeded from an intense gravitational field. After all light elements within range are depleted, the stellar mass, Eta Carinae has formed, creating a gravitational giant, which has no competitor.
Gravitational compression within the core increases as the light elements gel around it, until molecular frictional movement and energy production from the fusion process cannot be dissipated by the natural radiation of heat subatomic particles of the stellar mass into the interstellar medium. The result is a build up to where the the atomic structure of the stellar mass gets excited, and projects its excess energy outward as heat, light and a complex sets of interacting subatomic particle flows.
The heavy elements that have gathered within the star's core is the dampening or controlling factor to the rate of the fusion energy process. When examining Eta Carinae, the proportion of hydrogen fuel cells in relation to the heavy elements in the core are much higher than a normal stellar mass, thus supporting an accelerated pace of fusion production and solar energy. Due the the extreme mass assimilated Eta Carinae goes through cycles of ebbs and peaks to reach and equilibrium. So lets examine the cycle of this stellar giant.
The intense gravitational flow due the solar mass crushes down on the its core with the fusion reaction occurring within the confines of gravitational pressure falling short of the repulsion pressure needed to support its spherical shell, it shrinks. The by product is a new infusion of hydrogen into the expanded compression area, which is relative to the smaller stellar mass and dimmer luminosity. The resultant is the fusion process accelerates on a periodic basis of expansion that counters the intense gravitational, the source of hydrogen reduced. The reduced fusion reaction cannot counter the gravitational flow thus the core is compresses. This is the pattern of a variable star and the this case the peak fusion rate and its stellar mass emission supports a blue wavelength related to is extreme fusion reaction among the stars in the Milky Way.
The cause and sequence of events that follows the unusual stellar explosion surrounding Eta Carinae can be trace to a core anomaly, but the explanation is still beyond the present scope of Human astronomy. In a star, the stellar fusion rate is a careful balance between the hydrogen fuel pockets under compression and the controlling factor for the rate of reaction, the heavy elements pooled in its center. In the case of Eta Carinae, its core was permeated with many non-homogeneous hydrogen pocket fuel anomalies due to formation shortly after the big bang. The hydrogen fuel pockets size differentials causes fluctuations and spikes in the solar output of the star observed in the past and presently by astronomers. On occasion a rich fuel pocket enters the zone of where compression initiates a new fusion reaction in the core of the star all due to centrifugal force from stellar rotation removing the dampening factor, heavy elements.
The creation of a burst of energy similar to what occurs in a pulsar, which cannot be controlled and spreads rapidly throughout the stellar mass. Rotational spin creates three areas of weak points to be exploited by a energy burst, the stellar equatorial plane and the 2 polar regions. When considering rotational torque where the stellar mass is affected, what changes could occur, but overlooked by human science and still follows the basic rules of nature?
The equatorial plane in the gravitation containment shell is the recipient to the maximum pressure only because centrifugal force comes into the equation due the star’s rotation and moment of rotational torque. The rotary motion of the star maximizes pressure to be relieved along a thin plane and along the axis of rotation as a path for ejected matter as the heavy elements moves away due to centrifugal force. So when a sub nova explosion (fusion reaction that creates a burst of energy and stellar mass ejection, but the integrity of the stellar mass remains intact) occurs in the core of Eta Carinae. The primary mass ejection is along the bi polar axis and a subdued breach along the equatorial plane.
Once the compressed ejected stellar matter leaves the gravitational containment of the stellar mass Eta Carinae, mass billows in a spherical cloud like formation against the low pressure environment of the interstellar medium until equilibrium is achieved. Presently the bi-polar bulbs are still expanding while the equatorial planar burst maintains its formation, but disperses. The stellar mass now has two expanding bubbles of hot gases at opposite ends of the axis moving away at relatively high velocities. The current shape of the bi-polar gas bubbles can be explained by the gravitational force, which tends to flatten the leading edges and drag the sides of the bubble to resemble a flatten teardrop. The interior of the bubble does contain stellar matter as mass trying to find equality, which tends to spread in all directions in relation to the variables of interstellar medium and the subatomic particle field density.
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Mankind's Explanation on Eta Carinae