You Have a Choice, but you Don’t



Finished Sept 3 11:59 pm EST

   The elite who controls your world, pulls the strings of almost every long term incumbent politician to some degree, both foreign and domestic. You were left alone without political comment for a over a year by this website when this paper, part of Astrophysics 101 & 102 was first written, but potential and dangerous change has come to the world. And you have learned nothing. The source of the elite’s and their minions greed will dry up slowly, starting with the stock market. The manipulation of interest rates set by the Federal Reserve, a private bank, which was owned by the Bank of England has been curbed. There are rumors, but little to no signs of vast sums of money being repatriated back to the US Treasury. The creation of bubbles and bursts are used to strip wealth from the general public over time by design, will stop. New rules for the general public, accounts must sign off to allow borrowing stock from the account for short selling. IPOs must be held for 6 months and cannot be borrowed for short selling within the first year of issue. The use of naked short selling will strictly enforced with heavy fines and confiscation of illicit profits, especially on the NASDAQ. These are the financial changes needed to be invoked.

   The federal deficit in the United States is owed to the Federal Reserve. They lend money to the banks and government agencies printed out of thin air, gives it to the Fed and assign a value to a dollar, as it is not backed by gold. In turn, the government floats bonds to pay back the Federal Reserve. The total value of bonds held by other countries does not even come close to the national debt, so where are the interest payments going? It is suppose to be returned to the people of the United States, but it isn’t. This is the deceit of the Federal Reserve and the financial system set up by the elite. They steal hundreds of trillions over time, while your investigation teams focus on criminals and politicians.

   Your stock markets will be phased out over time and direct investment will replace speculation. Adjustments will be made in the commodities markets over time to hedge against crop losses, as oppose profiting off of created bubbles, shortages and designed events. This is the primary problem with capitalism. The innovators with the great idea will still sell, but shall expand due to the need for the product, loans instead of initial offerings which are given to the rich first and the general public subject to buy in the after markets. Hard work by those who start a business will still be there, expansion will be slower, but more stable. Stock options for corporate execs eliminated, as merit for the long term instead of short term speculation dictates their salaries. You fail, your fired just like everyone else. There are no exit packages.

   Corporate takeovers by stock manipulation is finished, and will be replaced by an agreed cash buyout. This will allow the banking system to start to level the playing field for the common man, which has been fixed by the rich to financially enslave all Americans, as the International Monetary Fund has done to 3rd world nations. You only need to look at student predatory loans as an example and they are exempt from bankruptcy laws. Why is that?

   All members of Congress, family and friends will be stripped of their illicit gains sourced from inside government knowledge for the past ten years, except Pelosi she gets a 20 year look back. Stock purchases before pending litigation, government spending projects and bills scrutinized at the source or a reason for buying. And most of all, stealing campaign funds by funneling expenses to family members, like consulting fees and security. Kick backs from media companies from commercial ad purchases. This will stop. The next step will be no campaign donations. Your choice. Complain and it will be the past twenty years. Mandatory jail time for political bribes, influence pedaling or phony foundations hiding as slush funds for influence, as they help others with 5% of funds gathered. Where does the rest go? Their pockets.

   Credit cards has long been the way, the banks have stripped money from the poor and Middle Class. Today it is worse, as 30% interest rates which are predatory, yet Congress does nothing. The excuse is the banks need high rates to offset losses. No you need to limit amounts borrowed from those with low FICO scores and reduce the rates on credit cards to a limited amount above the current Fed Funds Rate. A 2500 basis points gap is Mafia criminal.

   You as the elites have enough, cherish it. As you will not take it, where you are going after the death of your bodies and especially for some of the heinous, in live human form. Oh you say your family will inherit those gains. The answer is for some yes, but mostly no as they are dragged in to face tribunals for crimes against humanity. The Almighty is stripping the darks souls from this planet at an accelerating rate, you hear the rumors millions have disappeared, as they are true. Why do you think Davos had so many military and police guarding the elite, as they feared another attack, that no public person has heard of. The older members just drop, but few want to speculate as to how, but suspects. Old age does not warrant an autopsy. Ask them, but they are not talking. The years of 21 and 22 was skipped by design for lessons, Covid was an excuse. Interfere with the world transformation, one by one your beloved will expire first as examples by the Hand of the Almighty, He wants all souls, as even the darkest can change. Again you have a choice, but you don’t consider your after life.

   The Green New Deal is a pipe dream. Have you as world leaders thought this concept through? Your green processes will not work in the Artic winter or northern Europe. No sun and little wind plus, no infrastructure in place to transport power to the areas that need it. Lithium batteries will destroy the environment, and they explode. Fires are now occurring with a greater frequency and will have a hyperbolic increase due to random electrical surges and the Methane igniting then burning within the earth. Your answers and concepts will fall far short of what is needed to allow the world to go on as normal. The sad part you are faking it, but will not make it.

   Do really think you can produce enough batteries to power the world? Where are you going to bury the used ones? They will leech into under ground water aquifers, streams and the oceans, then what? Who is going to want those enormous wind turbines in their back yard or off their beaches and coastlines? Have you considered the effects of even a small incursion of salt water on transmission lines? It dissolves the electrified copper lines. Who is going to wipe clean solar panels? What about hurricane force winds getting under the panels, hail storms, snow or just cloudy days? Again you as world leaders have not thought the conversion from fossil to green through. This is a political game, which affects billions around the world, yet you ignore the new technology.

   The concepts presented on this site, when put in place will eliminate most world conflicts over energy resources. Thus breaking the back of elite and exploitation of third world nations for minerals and oil. The Russians and Arab control of Middle Eastern resources over time will be absolute, drop towards zero. Terrorist nations in the Middle East will be of no relevance to the energy needs of any nation and can be let go or live alone. Western greed will still be factor during the transition, but will diminish. More important the elite fear loss of control of vast financial empires.

   Hydroponics with free energy to produce light and heat will revolutionize food production. Indoor cultivation would eliminate most storm and insect damage. Thus conserving water resources, land and compartmentalize the run off of nitrogen fertilizer into our streams and rivers. Engineering a permanent food system for the poor instead of offering food stuffs, where those offering it, take 95% of the donations as an administrative cost. This is the change needed in this world, not words of hope, promises that wind and solar will fill the needs of a growing world. Action by this new technology will be dispersed to the world in an orderly fashion, is the answer. The program will be outside of the control of the new world order, military complex, world leaders, governments and corporate greed. Yes there will be a transfer of funds, but at a fair value eliminating present day financial slavery of the common man.

   There will be a rewrite of the field of Astrophysics reveal the truth of the universe. Your best have been examining The Principles of Astrophysics for months since its release and I have heard crickets. The publishing rights among colleges and universities is worth billions. All patents and copyrights are owned by the Grant Family to set up research facilities to accelerate free energy as a gift to the world and fair stipends for family members and others that are important. As of now I trust no one, but God. .Your world will transition to a high tech world. The transfer of wealth is tens of billions with royalties to maintain only. A small price to pay for free energy for all in the world.

   Any attempt by the elite to control the field of gravitational free energy and antigravity technology would result in immediate removal from earth by the Almighty. Starting with those who hatched the plan. The gifts granted is to benefit all mankind, not to gather control of the earth. The secrets of this technology comes from the Almighty, the Creator of gravity only and He has only one recipient presently of this knowledge on earth. Many were offered and all have failed. There was over sixty years of active training and decades of social engineering since the age of 8. Shut this down and the world as you know it, ends on a shorten time line, which has been extended due to this gift and a series of events to change the world, as souls migrate from undecided to service to other primarily.

   In the Arab world you say with arrogance, how can you render our major source of income insignificant? The earth changes will decimate your oil reserves, as they sink into the crust due to the many new fissures by design, which will open up and occur in your area of the world. But, you already know this. Middle East nations are diversifying as elite tourist hot spots. So embrace the change and your allegiance to shift to China, Iran and Russia will only accelerate your destruction. Your cities will crumble and with this the Almighty will bring you to your knees. Those elders who have exploited His Word and the scribed writings of the Prophet Mohammad, who He sent to earth to teach you love, will become irrelevant.

   But, you have not listened, as you wage war by design against infidels. If it was not for oil, you all would be poor like many Africans, know your place. Wake up call, many of the Israelis are God’s direct decedents, be careful. The Jews are already in trouble for killing Jesus, let you not follow the same path. The Word of God only counts when the soul freely accepts by choice Jesus. This is what your Clerics who act in good faith do not get. Clerics and the Ayatollah push indoctrination, which is against the Laws in your Quran. It is free acceptance of the faith. Those who punish are hell bound. You can change, or be destroyed by the Father God Almighty Allah and His wrath, Heed this. The terms are non negotiable.

   Does the US Government and their Black Project Division have some key elements for anti gravity? Yes and no, as it is rudimentary, because their scientist are still looking for a solution based on current gravitational formulas. For the most part and the examination of off world craft has yielded little knowledge. No different than jungle natives examining an I phone when their communication systems are based on drums. This is where you stand presently.

   The US Government are not sharing the true secrets of gravity (what little they know) with any nation. So presently Lockheed-Martin Skunk Works Black Projects division can lessen the affect gravity has on a mass, but this is classified. Because this section of the paper was written almost 2 years ago, a new player is in the mix if Trump wins, Elon sees the potential and wants part of the advancement as a visionary. I will not reveal Skunk Works achievements and they now may have options. They have many advanced examples, but mostly do not have a clue on how they work, but they think they do. So they are in storage.

   What about the Chinese and Russians? They are waiting for the Americans to make significant progress, then they plan on stealing it with their embedded scientists planted 20 years ago plus among the military complex. You see them as friends, but they are traitors. The Almighty states many will suffer deadly setbacks, as they strive to uncover the secrets of gravity. Sign up as a scientist with a rogue power or even many in EU nations, and expect a very short life span. Along with those who recruited you. The wise choice is to let this opportunity pass, dead men can not spend money or get credit for failed research. Currently the basis of all present theories in astrophysics are flawed. Some observed concepts have some aspects, which are true, but the field in general needs a rewrite. If the base theories are flawed to start with, how do you expect to succeed? Or you can conger up the dark one. He will give you tidbits, so that you half succeed then you fail, because he lies. Of course you will have to sell your soul.

   You were told Climate change is a diversion to the true cause, but now the Almighty offers a solution of free energy to the world. Your politicians are corrupt and will not profit from this. No matter how they try. The green energy companies your leaders have invested in with inside knowledge, which is illegal, will fold in a short time line. As there will be the resistance due to potential investment losses. The free energy projects are to start in the United States first. Mexico and Canada second along border states to share energy, but not knowledge. When given the authorization, it will spread to the rest of the world. Only then will true change come to this world. We are going to help home first, then help others including the East. The new technology has great offensive and defensive weapons and the US will fear no nation, but spread peace through an overwhelming power controlled by God. These are the terms. Words of leadership will not come out of the mouths of weak politicians. The old will be sweep away.

   The EU will be in the same boat as Asia, Africa and South & Central America, no one gets preferential consideration. The rest of the world will pay for this technology to offset the cost of development and residuals to the patent holders, the Grants. There will not be shared information between allies, as this advancement needs no friends. It is a total solution for the world. Try and change this and your nation will be moved to the end of the line with repercussions.

   On this pathetic planet it is all about the elite, which controls the money, media and influences the politicians with bribes. With advanced anti gravitational technology, which is millenniums ahead of present day technology. There is a choice. The old goes out like the horses, which were the basis of transportation in 1900s and now green energy for power in 2000 displaced with gravitational technology. Few today have seen this knowledge except those in the know, as this website is pushed down by design on search engines, especially by Google. This was directed by the Bush White House Administration and continued under the orders of the CIA and NSA to this day. All governments in this world have no present intention of releasing free energy, unless it is forced to the surface.

   Green energy still allows elements of the oil industry to be in control, as the nation transitions to huge wind and solar farms. And you the tax payer pays the price, under a predetermined goal set by the White House, as other nations just ignore world climate mandates. Now you can continue your present path of financial slavery with your ancient technology or embrace the future, so that all of mankind benefits. If one who is in control of any government chooses to deliberately delay selected events, which will affect your earth based on this transformation, what is given can be taken away. Heed this.

   So this is added, as many of you in control of this country, simply do not understand what you are being told here. In plain English, this is your last chance to allow the world to change. The Almighty has authorized a gift to give this world advanced technology in exchange, that many souls may be saved by free will. Yes some that are evil will get rich. This will be limited to a few in select corporations and they cannot take it with them. Many other corporations will gain as sub-contractors.

   Try to steal the technology, you will disappear. Take credit for what did not come from you, you will disappear. Try and take control as a politician, you will be removed from office. You may ask, but never demand. It is not your time line, but that authorized by the Almighty. So these are some of the conditions. Any meeting in the distant future must have those representatives, showing they are coming to a specific city in advance on two networks CNN & Fox. Those who are coming must be very recognizable persons of power within the senior level of the US government, no doubles, no deputies or assistants. CEOs only. All must be pre-approved. Finally there is to be no press ever on this project unless approved. The conditions are non negotiable, the alternate is your world will be destroyed by what you are observing, Nibiru. You have 24 months from the release of this paper to assess what you read here. Failure will lead to the hold on the passage and its affects to slowly be released, as to allow souls to still develop and make a choice limiting fear. The world as you know, will come to an end. Of course if you send someone, they and you who sent them, well..? This paper will remain unlike the one directed to a politician.

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