Good Friday

A Reflection



Written Good Friday Apr. 10 5 pm EST


   The Almighty wants all of you of earth to reflect on what His Son did on this most Holy Day. It does not matter your religion or absence of it. Your world is facing the End Times, and you are having problems coping with the wildfires in Australia, the locust swarms in East Africa and Middle East, more important Covid-19. This is just the start. Remember Jesus died for your sins, and even He can not balance the scale at the present time.

   Jesus, through His death was an act of love for each and everyone of you on this earth. The point, so that your eternal soul would not be lost to the dark one (antichrist still unknown), false prophet (francis) and their minions, the new world order. Some of you during this time of distress, have reflected, and want a relationship with God. This is a good thing, but others have harden their souls in defiance.

   The lessons on your earth will increase in numbers and severity, heed this. There will be signs in the heavens and a great Warning. Mankind will most likely go back to his old ways. So I say, few will be here after the Chastisements, and those who are, evil or those who discard Jesus, will wish they were dead. Some of 144,000 still wandering earth will be protected until the final battle after the 3 days of darkness (hell released upon your earth).

   Call His name and you will be saved, don’t and your bodies will be sweep from the earth and your souls lost. The Son of God incarnated into human form, allowed man to execute Him in order to save your asses. This was prophesized in  the Scriptures. Few of you would do the same. Do not waste His sacrifice. So reflect on the passion of Jesus Christ, which happened today, on Good Friday, and read Revelation, so that you are prepared for His Second Coming. Death is not the end, for some and we hope for many, it will be a great beginning, be part of the some.

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