Short Summary: Extra Solar Planets
Version for Printing
- Several Jupiter
sized planets have been found revolving in close proximity of stars at
various rates of orbital velocities.
- Planetary
formation according to present accepted theories would have cosmic objects
similar in mass and size of the gas planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and
Neptune coalescing on the outer edges of a contracting gaseous disk of a
proto solar system where available solid hydrogen precipitates and gathers around a
cold rocky mass.
- A gas planet
could not survive the solar winds and heat of a stellar object in close
orbit, so what mankind perceives is not fact
to ask?
- What force
would be the cause of a gas planet which would develop in an outer orbit to move to an interior
- According
to present day planetary formation theories, a Jupiter sized planet coalesces
in a cold orbit. So how do explain a close orbital Jupiter mass object next
forming near a solar object?
- What
force would keep a rogue planetary object from crashing into a solar
gravitational source, if it was a random capture?
- How
do explain a solid hydrogen based planet when taking into account temperature
vs. density, a fundamental law of thermodynamics?
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