Short Summary: Interstellar Travel
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- Mankind's general ideas of interstellar
travel is flawed, due to the concepts of wormholes.
- Ideas from Einstein and Bob Lazar
question the status quo, but only touch the surface only leaving more
questions than answers.
- It is gravitational attraction once the
balance counter force of repulsion is removed that
moves spacecraft to a fractional speed of light.
- The repulsion force, currently unknown in science
makes all this possible.
- The speed of light is not a constant in
parallel universes.
- Density shifting of molecular matter
provides the key to transportation.
- The force field
technology protects the metallic skin
of the spacecraft and symmetry inhibits sonic booms.
- The spacecraft creates as a sub process its own internal
gravitational field.
- The molecular structure of the metal is
arranged in an unknown pattern to Earth science that prevents dents, scratches, and heat
- Keys features include levitation of
objects, organic or inorganic from the planet's surface and metallic
transparency for visibility outside of the spacecraft.
Questions to Ask?
- How can current science explain 900 turns
made by objects no one wants to report?
- To what extents would a group or a nation
go to in order to have
sole possession of this knowledge for themselves?
- Many people have heard of the term non
interference on Star Trek, but fail to realize Earth is the a developing
culture where directions of civilizations can be suggested by external beings
as an idea.
- Any outside entity would be a major
threat to to moral majority of the U.S. and other religions.
- All life forms in God's eyes are created
equal , and He means " ALL" there are no exceptions.
- If all aliens were bad, with their advanced
technology, Earth would be a slave planet like what some of the humans did to races or groups of
people in undeveloped countries of the world?
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