Short Summary: The Big Bang
The Big Bang the current accepted theory assumes that the creation of our universe is from a singularity, a violation of the law, mass cannot be created.
The universe recycles through the existence of Black Holes.
The Red Shift, a measure of galactic velocities away from the Earth, but does not reveal an actual distance.
Some galaxies rotate at an extreme velocity like a neutron star emitting both blue and red shifted light, but shear distance attenuates the blue leaving only the red light visible to scientist.
The Big Bang is a local phenomenon involving a gravitationally connected galaxy or galactic clusters, at some point the clock is set to zero.
Questions to Ask?
Why are black holes being found at the center of active galaxies?
Why is the galactic clumping so commonplace through out the universe?
What force can account for all the matter in the universe be compressed into a single point?
What trigger was responsible for the expansion of the universe to overcome the gravitational containment field of the singularity?
Does the universe resemble any known pattern of an explosion?
Do we really know if the greatest red shifted objects are truly the furthest objects?
How will mankind explain even more distant objects when more powerful space telescopes come online?
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