The Big Bang and the Black Hole's Role in the Universe
Brief: Astrophysicists are still exploring many new avenues when it comes to their theories on the Big Bang, expansion of the Universe and where Black Holes fit into the total picture. It has been proposed that Black Holes are the gravitational source resulting in a Wormhole pathway to some parallel or new universe in which matter and energy can move between. That it may be a source of gravitational force responsible for spatial and time distortions. It has been stated, "The standard big bang models describe an expanded universe with no center and this is consistent with all observations". Let’s look at some of the current theories related to the Big Band, the expansion of the Universe from a singularity, the presence of Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, Black Holes and applied new approaches or alternate view for a fresh perspective of what happen at the start of our known Universe.
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The Big Bang, is currently the most accepted theory, which resulted in the alleged creation of the Universe from a singularity of infinite density and temperature with a finite mass. Some state there was more than one singularity that just started to inflate rather than explode. The model presenting multiple points of release for singularities does not support the properties of infinite density, temperature and a static amount of mass. How would space and time initiate in various locations, what would keep the singularities apart as the force of gravity approached infinity? Thus, the set of proposed events related to the initial Big Bang and the subsequent expansion of the Universe did not occur according to mankind's theories.
How is this so? There is evidence, which leads to the idea that the galaxies and space itself is expanding with the furthest objects moving away from each other at the highest velocities. Verification of this expansion was backed by measured Red Shift of many outlying cosmic objects. Scientists have recorded cosmic microwave background radiation that seems to indicate it is a remnant heat effect emanating from the start of the Universe. We have been told the laws of Physics do not apply when a mass goes to infinite density, temperature, and the volume approaches zero. There is no answer of where the singularity originated, the trigger for expansion, the coordinated release of the other singularities and how could the mass and energy of the Universe be compressed and held to an infinite density and temperature? Lets look at these sequence of events leading up to the Big Bang which are valid and why exceptions were made with the current laws of Physics.
Mankind has made several correct assumptions about the origin of the Universe and the Big Bang. All present cosmic objects did originate from a cosmic expansion unlike any expansion of mass and energy witnessed by mankind and it does collapse back upon itself, thus the process of renewal. Although what is presently known about the process of creation, has been based on little understanding of the Universe. You were told over 50 years ago by one of your most respected scientist to look towards nature for even your most complex answers, for almost all processes are based upon the simple that you see about. So was there a Big Bang? The answer is yes. Did this event initiate from a singularity? The answer is no. So lets give some insight on just what did happen.
The first concept accepted by academia is the singularity, yet its concept is counter to all established rules of physics. There are no exceptions without reason. To state that as a mass shrinks due to gravity, which again is not understood in current text books to a point where volume approaches the current definition of zero is this a sound idea?
Gravity and how it behaves on a subatomic particle level, is not understood under current technology. It is due to particle clumping within the core of the host mass. The process once saturated expels in bursts and allows a continuous field to flow inward as replacements all the while applying a force when a particle passes through a mass in the direction of travel towards the core of the host mass. It is these subatomic particles that are dependent upon mass to increase their flow thus increasing gravitational flow. As long as there is a source of matter within range of a large gravitational source, which can be captured or assimilated, there is chance that the mass can evolve and could initiate a Black Hole.
The problem with the singularity model is related to the weak force of gravity, now how can this force compress the nuclear force residing within the atom to where its density approaches infinity and the volume of the corresponding mass of the universe also approaches zero or null. This concept is false.
As a star collapses, its mass compresses and the gravity sub-atomic particle flow within the core accelerates as a result. It is the gathering of mass that increases the gravitational flow. The same amount of gravity particles still clump in a now smaller mass as a result the field replacement rate particles in vs. ejected increases thus the increased gravitational field. Gravity, ultimately responsible for the formation of a Black Hole as it assimilates all matter within the reach of its increasing field. Does not nature destroy, compress and breakdown the waste, then burst into regeneration as a natural recycling process? All laws in nature follow the same path. The Black Hole is present at the center of almost all galaxies for a reason.
Mankind is correct that the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation is a remnant of the event. If this is so, then why am I presenting an alternate view? The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation gives the first clue. The Big Bang has been recently proposed to have occurred in no one location and thus expanded, again this is negates the singularity theory, thus no Big Bang. A single event would have created no temperature differentials when dissipating evenly about the spatial universe. Can you match the variances to a relative a cumulative group of masses within the area of the anomaly? If not, any variable related to temperature would be undetectable with current technology. The pattern of minute hot and cold spots identify a pattern of not one, but what in essence an almost infinite amount of Big Bangs about the total Universe, seen and unseen. The regeneration is centered around the local Big Bang and its source of initiation, the Black Hole.
Local Big Bang is initiated by a Black Hole, where as it approaches the end the of its life cycle at the center of a galaxy, assimilation of the mass of stellar objects and dormant cosmic mass increases at an exponential rate. Gravitational compression and the energy provided by the rapid assimilation introduced, exceeds the ability for the Black hole to vent the energy as theorized by some scientists, resulting in explosive expansion of all captured matter.
The galaxies within the universe position and move about each trying to achieve an equilibrium. The Big Bang occurs on a local level where the galaxy or, and its subcomponents are affected. This is how the Universe recycles and why there is a variation in the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation. So why the many varied shapes of galaxies and what is responsible? There several factors pertaining to the Black Hole, which control the shape and size of galaxies and some cases satellite formations related to a common gravitational central point.
Once gravitational cannot vented from the core of the Black Hole pressure builds past the containment of the outer mass and a catastrophic expansion of the what was a black hole now is initiated local Big Bang on the galactic level of cosmic mass. The preliminary distribution of ejected mass for a galaxy and or its sub-components are dependent upon 2 primary factors, rotational torque and the condition present about the axis of rotation of the mass responsible for the black hole just before the localized big bang commences. The axis of rotation is very important on the low end of the mass's rotational torque as the axis between the poles provide an initial avenue of least resistance. This why the periodic bursts of energy emitted are from a growing black hole's poles. A big bang starting under this condition would have mass ejected at a greater frequency along the axis instead of the equator of rotation of the mass related to the black hole, creating an elliptical galaxy. As rotational torque increases there is a shifting of least resistance moving away the axis containing the poles to the equatorial plane. This results in galaxies moving from elliptical where the polar axis is represented by the z axis and the circular equatorial plane, represented by the x-y axis. As torque increases the relationship of the z axis, which is longer to the x-y circular plane approaches each other as a factor of rotation of the black hole. Many times the circular plane and the z axis are in equilibrium thus the creation of spherical galaxy. As rotation increases exponentially this shifts the path of least resistance along the equatorial circular x-y plane. It is this relationship that is responsible for the many variations of spiral galaxies.
As we know there are many variations of spiral galaxies, how do we address the these different formations? This is a little more complex and is dependant upon the residual torque in relation the remnant mass left after the black expands past its containment, the local big bang. This is why black holes quickly form in the center of galaxies just after creation. It is not by accident this happens, but by the design of the universe. The black hole is established by matter expanding away from the point of initialization, the counter matter pushed into a temporary central static position coalesces, first it cools and collapses upon itself creating the central gravitational source controlling all matter related to the newly formed galaxy. The rotational black hole vents repulsion particles along equatorial plane and torque determine the amount of venting points with the slowest period creating opposing bi streams. These is the source or the varying amount of spiral arms observed in these type of galactic formations.
It’s the Black Hole that is responsible for expansion and contraction in the Universe, but it occurs in galactic sectors as a local big bang in random intervals. Galaxies are not expanding away from each other, but move about one another at static distances as the forces of gravity and repulsion between the galaxies maintain a equilibrium. This is what Human scientists have not discovered yet. Black holes are not pathways to other universe, nor do the distort space and time. Gravity acts upon mass, not a 3 dimensional area of space. Compression of the fabric of 3 dimensional space does not occur. If this statement were true, we would detect a small variation in the volume of a defined mass with stable parameters, when a varying force of gravity was applied. The primary forces emanating from a black hole is gravity and repulsion, it is that force that bends and captures light, and maintains the spacing between similar sized galaxies. The progression of time is also not effected, but gravity on occasion modifies results from measuring devices. The Black Holes are gravitational hot spots, where mass of galactic proportions are gathered and compressed. There is a collection of all forms of energy, matter, this includes dark matter (subatomic particles relation to the formation of the basic particles present in the universe), and that which is the essence of life. The resultant gravitational force is so large it finally restricts movement on the molecular level. A build up occurs, and overwhelms the containing gravitational force of the black hole, initializing a localized Big Bang in that sector of the Universe releasing matter and energy, setting the clock back to zero. The process of these gravitational hot spots (Black Holes) and localized Big Bangs (expansion zones) is the way the Universe attempts to find that state of equilibrium, but never will. So how does a Black Hole expanding from a big bang and Super Nova differ? In the formation of a Black Hole, the total mass of the dying star produces a gravitational force that contains the heat from molecular motion and the explosive force of the unused hydrogen is dampen by the accumulation of heavy elements under compression in the core and continues to grow. It is the growth of the black hole and its gravitational effect on the core that initializes the big bang. In a Super Nova, the star shrinks, from the reduced fusion process in the core, which has slowed from a lower hydrogen fuel ratio to heavy element dampers. Thus reducing molecular movement and the consequence is cooler solar mass. A domino effect occurs as a solar mass collapse ensues. The core compresses to a point where unused hydrogen pockets are forced together. A sudden increasing in the fusion process start in motion, which heavy elements in the core cannot dampen. The gravitational force produced by the mass cannot counteract the increased outward pressure emanating from the core. There is a containment breach that results in a catastrophic event.
Another well-excepted theory scientists used to explain the expanding Universe is the balloon theory. Where the fabric of space and time is expanding like the surface of a balloon being inflated. This is an abstract 2 dimensional plane the surface of the balloon used to describe the expansion of a 4 dimensional local universe. Taking the pieces that seem to fit and ignoring the rest when building this theory.
Lets look a several bullet points of Mankind's Balloon Theory
The following information was provided by the website:
The 2-dimensional surface the balloon is analogous to the dimensions of space
The 3-dimensional space in which the balloon is embedded is not analogous to any higher dimensional physical space
The centre of the balloon does not correspond to anything physical
The universe may be finite in size and growing like the surface of an expanding balloon but it could also be infinite
Galaxies move apart like points on the expanding balloon but galaxies themselves do not expand because they are gravitational bound.
Close examination of the balloon theory, a alternate representation of the big bang shows that expansion is greatest at the edges of the spatial universe and slowest near the point origin of measurement with no established center. So in an expanding universe, any point used as a reference, would show all masses moving away. This all looks good on paper, but does not address the would be void at the center of the initial big bang that should have been found or detected by scientists. So an adjustment has been made that there was no clear point of initiation, if so this cancels the concept of a singularity. Also, galaxies are found clumped in unexplainable formations. So amid the many inconsistencies and exceptions there are concepts that have merit?
Yes, so how could this theory be revised to give an explanation closer to what happens in a Big Bang? The mistake made in the Balloon Theory, was linking the 3 dimensional spatial universe to be represented as a 2 dimensional surface curved plane of an expanding balloon. Lets now look at an alternate view where the surface of balloon as the leading edge of matter ejected from the Big Bang. The spatial fabric of time and space is represented by the expanding volume of the balloon instead of its surface. While within the balloon matter from the Big Bang expanding outwards also seeks equilibrium, thus spreading somewhat evenly about the interior volume. This creates no hole at the point of creation, allows for clumping in hot spots and corresponding areas of void as matter in motion does not spread evenly, but tends to gather or disperse according to relative pressures within the spatial volume. Stellar clumping and mergers occur when as a result of gravitational attraction and a force still under considered repulsion.
Current observations do show a red shift with galaxies at an extreme distance, but what is the source of this shift? The red shift for outlying objects does increase proportionally as a function of distance, but it not from the assumed source accelerating velocities of galaxies at the extreme expansion edge of the Big Bang. So what causes the red shift from distant galactic light?
The path of a light subatomic particle as it streams through space is affected by close encounters related to passage by or through the strong gravitational fields of the various cosmic galaxies. Even though this is a random event over vast distances there is a stable relationship as the degree of red shift is a function of distance from the source of light.
Let's examine how a stream of photons moving in a wave like format through the gravitational field near the surface of a cosmic object interact on a subatomic particle level. Before starting 2 prerequisites need to be reviewed, first basics in particle movement and the how the gravity subatomic particle affects another subatomic particle.
In this basic example of how gravity subatomic particles affect the path of a light photon subatomic particle can be observed on Earth during dawn and dusk. If so, why and how and what can we look for? Gravitational subatomic particles returning to a mass can affect natural particle movement, when there is sufficient mass as exhibited by the Earth. The greatest opportunity occurs when a source of light's path is moving somewhat parallel and just above the surface of the mass. The interaction between gravity subatomic particles returning to a mass and a passing stream of photons is different than when a gravity particle passes through a mass, thus applying a force in the direction of movement. It is crowding that results and it is this subtle deflection that affects the stream of particles moving across the field of incoming gravity particles. The first effect is deflection away from the axis of direction, thus expansion of the original incoming photon stream field. Definition: [axis of direction, as subatomic particle moves, there is basic motion about the x, y, z axis. The particle vibrates back and forth, limited pressures that reverses the field of direction along 2 of the axis, the axis of direction usually assigned to z axis designates forward motion which is an equilibrium between the forward motion of the particle and the field it transverses]. This deflection away from the axis due to crowding slows the process of streams of photons natural pattern of crossing back and forth across the z axis thus artificially stretching the wavelength and overall spreading the cross sectional area of the original stream. This is why the Sun when viewed at the horizon, its light is shifted to red. The Moon exhibits the same phenomena, but same process occurs leading to a different result. The Moon and its reflected sunlight does not turn red, but a soft yellow, why? The reflected light does have a large red component, but the affect still expands the size of the object and stretches the off white light frequency to a soft yellow. Expansion of the size of an object is due to the influx of gravity particles into the stream responsible for the image the crowding separates and increases the cross sectional area and slows the frequency. This why as the stream carrying the image moves away from the surface or horizon the color and size of the image returns to normal as a decreasing function of the gravitational field affecting the stream of photons.
Mankind proposes that the image of the Sun and Moon as they appear near the horizon is an optical illusion, do other objects appear larger when viewed from the same zone? No. How is it that the size of the Sun and Moon are consistent among viewers and photographs. Why the size of the image decrease in size and return to normal as it moves away from the horizon within a small portion of its arc towards the Zenith? An illusion does not answer any questions, but opens more. This concept to explain the unknown needs to be dropped, but still leave the door open to other ideas and theories. We needs to understand what needs modification versus what needs to be completely rethought.
October 2005: A recent discovery (press release)
by the deep field Hubble Telescope
I have no answer for the creation of Universe, my personal feeling is that God is behind it and it is infinite in scope and levels with no beginning and no end.
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Mankind's Explanation for the Big Bang
Mankind's Explanation for Black Holes