Gravitational Subatomic Particle Flow Patterns in the Universe
Subset: Vibrational Energy within Black Holes
Astronomy 103
Written Dec. 20 EST 2:30 pm EST
Lets review the new advanced intermediary step in Gravitational Principles & Behavior of subatomic particle flow
The key to creating an enhanced artificial gravitational field will be based not on the general theory, which the world was introduced to over 2 decades ago. As it reveals a partial truth to the process as a step 1. We will now focus on the sublevel subatomic particle flow processes in this paper at the primary and the secondary levels, yet to be written. There will be a deeper look into the behavior or the properties related to gravitational subatomic particle frequency base and its overlapping vibrational frequency. This is the next intermediately step in understanding of the gravity subatomic particle flow and how this subatomic particle interacts with mass across all parallel densities.
Twenty plus years later some are beginning to break from the traditional theories of gravity and consider the original rewrite at this website on the properties of gravity with the introduction of the repulsion force. Reviewing the general theory which was introduced to the world. A gravitational subatomic particle passes through a mass and applies a force in the direction of motion due to flow and that force increases in amplitude as field density increases and the radius of the gravitational subatomic particle to the central core decreases of the gravitational subatomic particle field. So how would a general gravitational subatomic particle pass through a mass, as only neutrinos seems to have that ability?
The gravitational subatomic particle is elusive and has very unique properties, as the subatomic particle streams transverse this universe at all density levels within a particular frequency range. Also this same subatomic particle has a super imposed elevated vibrational frequency applied outside of the standard model for matter. This is part of the new intermediary technical breakthroughs, as we drill drown to the next primary level while analyzing the behavior and properties of the gravitational subatomic particle. Lets shed light on why the vibrational frequency superimposed on the gravitational subatomic particle is important and its primary purpose?
In order for the gravitational subatomic particle flow to pass through matter, its vibrational frequency needs to be elevated. Your Black project scientists started experimenting with density shifting 80 years ago with disastrous results. As personal shifted in a transitory state between both densities, they ended up fused in walls and floors of the ship upon their mass reaching base levels again. The elevated vibrational levels contained within the gravitational subatomic particle, allows the gravitational subatomic particle to slide pass general matter and not mix. It is subatomic particle crowding during pass through of a mass, which provides the frictional force towards the center of a dominant mass or the force your scientists perceive as gravity. It is here field density of gravitational subatomic particle flow affects matter on a mass flow through basis. So lets examine the relationship of core compression, as a function of total mass, which determines the source of vibrational frequency embedded into the gravitational subatomic particle. Second, as the core becomes a gravitational subatomic particle pump for subatomic particle flow in the universe through almost an infinite amount of objects. Where the mass of black holes are the determinant gravitational focus points for general gravitational subatomic particle flows in and out.
The vibrational frequency of matter is a level of energy, which is inherent with all matter and its varied subatomic particles. In this universe the vibrational frequency is at base. But within massive gravitational subatomic particle flows, within the core compression of planetary and stellar objects on the local level, they release the vibrational subatomic particle to be absorbed and elevate the exiting gravitational subatomic particles. Lets drill down to the difference between gravitational subatomic particles and the general atomic structure of matter. When energy is absorbed from the vibrational subatomic particle, the absorption rate of the energy emanating from the vibrational subatomic particle based in the atomic structure is far greater with a gravitational subatomic particle than general matter. So how is this relevant?
What is unique about the gravitational subatomic particle, it is not a part of the general matter of the universe. Matter is composed of basic subatomic particles of various charges, properties and binding energies creating your protons, neutrons, electrons which build atomic and molecular structures. Also these same structures create general and specific subatomic particle streams to relieve excess energy from the atomic structure such as heat and particular wavelengths of light. The gravitational subatomic particle exists in all levels of the universe and its properties are dependent upon its base vibrational frequency of its density level or parallel universe. The energy absorbed within its subatomic structure, as an independent gravitational particle varies density level to density level.
The gravitational subatomic particle floats or flows about the universe on all levels and either slides pass the internal atomic or molecular structure of a mass or uses the center of a mass as a host. Lets look at a variation of elemental masses (the mass is composed of at least 95% of one element) present on the surface of the primary mass such as earth. All are familiar with elemental density of a mass increases with a corresponding increase or its atomic number augmented by a neutron increase as an isotope. As density of a molecular mass per cubic unit of space, different civilizations created their own measurements, but across the universe, they are proportional. The only differential that varies is elemental purity, which increases as the density level increases. So where do these concepts lead?
Within a molecular mass there are great relative spaces between the atomic structures of all universal matter and this gap increases in the upper density levels. But there is an unseen subatomic particle flow between these structures that traverses most of the gaps. When an outside high energy subatomic particle flows passes through or is absorbed by these inter nuclei-subatomic particle flows within the gaps, they are partially interrupted, destroyed or transmuted. With organic molecular structures, the inter nuclei-subatomic particle flow is more complex, leaving more opportunities of outside high energy subatomic particle flows to cause more damage and mutate the ambient cellular structures. This what you see, when these high frequency particle streams hit organic matter.
With gravitational subatomic particles there is no interference with inter nuclei-subatomic particle flows between the atomic structures within universal matter, due to the elevated vibrational frequency energy level present in the gravitational subatomic particle. With this elevated vibrational energy permeating all gravitational subatomic particles, what new properties are exhibited with all universal matter on a grand scale? This energy differential raises the gravitational subatomic particle above the ambient base universal matter. Where subatomic particle intermingling with the base universal mass and the elevated vibrational energy does not exist. Although crowding due gravitational subatomic particle field density flow during a pass through, does affect the atomic or molecular structure. So as a gravitational subatomic particle field engages a mass what happens?
The subatomic gravity particle with its elevated vibrational energy, just slides past the inter-nuclei subatomic particle flows between the atomic structures, but the rate of that flow is dependent upon the free space left between the atomic structures due to molecular density of the mass. It is here, that a frictional force is created and increases or decreases as a function of the gravitational subatomic particle flow. Field density change during pass through due constriction of pathways, is based on mass density and subatomic particle flow. This is also the basis of the repulsion force. When two or more significant masses come into close physical proximity, it is particle crowding and an overwhelming gravitational subatomic pass through force, which backs up the masses and maintains separation. Some details to be revealed later on this topic. Lets examine what is the relationship of the gravitational subatomic particle incoming field with the center of large masses, as a host and how they acquire this vibrational energy?
The energy present in the vibrational subatomic particle is inherently present in all elemental matter throughout the universe. It is the presence of a great mass (moons, planets, stars and black holes) and their internal core pressure compression, where properties related to the vibrational subatomic particle gets interesting. All matter in this universal density has a carrying capacity vibrational subatomic particles, which allows existence all matter on this universal density level. But it is the compression of mass within its center, which releases the vibrational subatomic particles deep within due to lack of carrying capacity and usually is reabsorbed by the ambient mass before reaching the surface. It is this vibrational energy differential, the gravitational subatomic particle is universally attracted. As the vibrational charge on a gravitational subatomic particle subsides due contact with other masses, the charge differential increases and is attracted to massive cores with an elevated vibrational energy charge.
Gravitational subatomic particle movement is due a vibrational charge or energy differential gained from expulsion from a massive moon, planet, stellar or black hole object, which subsides over time in the float. The gravitational subatomic particle flow seeks the elevated charge of the vibration energy released within massive cores and flows toward it. The gravitational subatomic particle then exerts a force during pass though in the direction of particle movement within a mass. As a subset, some vibrational energy is loss from the gravitational subatomic particle during mass pass through absorption, as energy levels drift towards the base ambient density level. The gravitational subatomic particles tends to drift towards the center of a mass with the greatest differential. Force applied, considers distance to the central core, density of the gravitational subatomic particle field and maximum vibrational energy levels due to core compression, which is based on mass density and radius.
There are 3 general subatomic particle flows for the gravitational subatomic particles. First the general gravitational subatomic particle float within the universe is random particle movement and not towards any general mass, due to low gravitational particle field density or the lack of a significant vibrational charge differential within the local areas to initiate an organized subatomic particle flow in any particular direction. Second, the organized gravitational subatomic particle float towards a massive object, which has an established vibrational elevated charge, due to core compression within the mass. Where gravitational subatomic particle field density increases, as an exponential factor of the reduction of distance to the central core. It is this particle flow through any separate mass upon the surface or sphere of influence, that dictates measurements of weight a subset of gravitational flow, which your scientists call gravity. The third factor of gravitational subatomic particle flow is related to the inner core of the mass, as it expels gravitational subatomic particles due to field density and over crowding. The release is in streams about the spherical mass with a rotating core and general mass containment, which is also a determinant of the number of streams along the equatorial plane. Lets drill down into the subset processes of each of these gravitational subatomic particle flows.
It is time for you as scientist to re-imagine the universe, which is built upon many layers from the top down. The universe seems infinite in that a subatomic particle traveling will find no end. So how is this possible, yet there are constants in density, which does not support the idea of an infinite universe? The edge of the universe is a paradox, as it appears to go on forever, but that is an illusion, as the edge of space is approached. The universal gravitational subatomic particle reaches an end of the gravitational containment bubble for the universe with push back and its path bends until it once again flows towards the charged center of the universe. Along the edge the path of light emanating from far off stars are seen in the distance, towards what would be the edge, is bent inward. This is behind no matter how far you travel, there is another star or galaxy in the distance. No advanced civilization since the dawn of time can prove this concept, as the total universe has not been totally mapped, but God the Father Almighty, the Creator has revealed this. Now lets address the layered local gravitational subatomic particle flows, which are in each density level starting with our visible universe.
We will start at the primary level of gravitation subatomic particle flow emanating from a black hole first. This primary level, which involves a grouping of stable massive black holes at the center of the universe is a new concept, which will be introduced later. The black hole is the center of every galaxy and its subatomic gravitational particle near field sub processes. It is the elevated compression due to the accumulated mass, which nears that of an entire galaxy, that produces a vibrational energy profile containing a galaxy of stars, due to its enhanced gravitational subatomic particle flow. How does this flow control the star pattern of galaxies, which revolve about the gravitational sink, the black hole? What is interesting, the shape of a galaxy evolves over time, as the spiral galaxies are the first to appear in a black hole reset. So lets examine how a galaxy evolves based on black hole core rotation, acquired mass and the gravitational subatomic particle flow towards the black hole‘s core?
On a galactic reset, a mature black hole releases most of its captured mass of trillions of stars and energy back into the local area of the universe. The key here is, that the release is not a coherent release of mass and energy from the central core. There is a designated point, to where there is a push back towards the core from the expanding inner layers. It is here, that a remnant mass is established, the gravitational center of the new galaxy. Compression of the remnant mass starts, as heat energy in the form of subatomic particles bleeds into the local area. Thus with conservation of what little is left of momentum around a central point of the mass, rotation increases as a function of shrinkage. If you examine the expansion of mass from the remnant core, how does the gravitational subatomic particle flow patterns exiting and returning to the black hole’s center of the galaxy shape its galactic star formation?
When there is a potential galactic reset in a local part of the universe, the matter within the mature black hole has an inherent slow spin. This is due to its continued compression and conservation of momentum as it gains mass. In a general release (black hole explodes), the pattern would resemble a sphere, but initial rotation deforms the pattern into a various forms of spirals or ellipses. This is dependent rotational torque acquired before the reset. Thus elongating the field of stars along the equator in comparison to the axis of rotation and the polar extremes. This shrinks as a function of time for both measurements. The secondary effect is rotation along the equatorial line, which propels the star field outward with a greater force along the equator. The greater the spin the further the push out of the star field, thus creating your spiral or elliptical galaxies.
Once the remnant galactic core solidifies into a condensing sphere of a partial mass of what was left of a partial galaxy, gravitational incoming and outgoing streams start to flow as particle flow equalizes. Lets drill down on the relationship of the initial mass (remnant black hole mass after galactic reset) and its build up due extreme gravitational subatomic particle inflow causing near by star and dark matter capture, as a black hole matures. The affect on outgoing gravitational subatomic particle streams along the equator of rotation and their migration towards the poles, as diffusion takes hold about the remnant sphere when approaching near to end of life, which shapes the star field of the galaxy morphing over time.
After a galactic reset, the inner core is responsible for the general rotation of the remnant black hole. There little new mass covering the inner core coupled with an inherent rotational velocity due to compression after start up. Major gravitational subatomic particle exiting streams from the inner core set up along the equator. The distribution of these streams of gravitational subatomic particles vary on the carrying capacity of gravitational subatomic particles exiting the remnant black hole. Containment due to density, total mass covering to inner core and available gravitation subatomic particles available for the outgoing flow. The number of gravitational subatomic particle streams and their spacing, which form along the equator of rotation is determine by interior subatomic particle crowding and push back from the outer shell.
With a thin outer mass shell, gravitational subatomic particle flow has little piercing resistance and the outgoing flow along the equatorial line corresponding to black hole rotational allows many diffused streams to form at first. Capture of unlit stellar mass (dark matter) is on the increase, as time passes from the reset. As additional mass gathers over the remnant black hole the surface moves from porous to containment. The number of streams emitted slowly decreases to 2 over time due to mass gained coupled with a reduction of rotation about its axis. One can see this when a spiral galaxy is observed from an overhead view, as its arms are reduced over vast amounts of time.
As the black hole matures and gains mass, core efficiency to drive rotation of the black hole decreases. The streams that were primarily exiting along the equator shrinks. Pulling in the arms of the spiral galaxy, due a loss of rotational torque and increase of gravitational flow from the additional captured mass over time. Diffusion again sets in, as streams migrate evenly about the black hole mass, as surface containment increases vastly, due to captured surface dark matter mass compared to the mass of the inner core. Streams separate due to equalization and move more towards the poles of rotation. Thus morphing from spiral to elliptical to a near spherical galactic star formation shape, as time passes, the internal core has less influence on the rotation torque of the mass of the Black Hole.
As a black matures and approaches collapse, astronomers will see many compact galactic clusters on the fringes of what was once a robust galaxy. Questions are asked about the density of the star field, but the numbers of stars present is well below the numbers seen in normal galaxies. The observation is correct, but there is a reason. Many of the stars in the galaxy over time have just winked out and collapsed into dark matter. Star nurseries occur at the beginning of galactic resets with few if any are left after galactic formation. The stellar gas does not have the density and temperature differential to invoke star creation, due to lack of a gravitational flow. Over time the galactic cluster is absorbed and the black hole continues to absorb all dark matter in the local region until another reset begins and the cycle repeats.
Some ask is there an example of a transition type galaxy from spiral to elliptical, which has transitional components and features of both? On the other end of an aged spiral galaxy with undefined short stellar arms, as many gravitational subatomic particle flows are now emitted along the rotational axis of the black hole, has now aged. With a slower rotation of the black hole a spiral galaxy, its stellar arms retract, galactic debris and gas condensing along its outer perimeter, the remnant spiral morphs and resembles the Sombrero galaxy. The Sombrero galaxy formation is just an intermediary step, as it transmutes to an elliptical galaxy, due gravitational subatomic particle flow changes within the black hole.
When the Sombrero galaxy reset was initialized, vast amounts of dark matter did not coalesce into stars, which formed along its galactic edges. This lighter material flung to the outer edges stayed, due to being pushed out by greater central galactic mass and the repulsion force. The outer star field is pancaked along the elliptic of the black hole by the return flow of gravitational subatomic particles returning from the edge. This is not a common feature, but does exist in many parts of this universe. Also few galaxies at this development stage allow edge on observation. This is the difference. So how does the galaxy mature and develop, due to changes in gravitational subatomic flow patterns emanating from the black hole?
The gravitational subatomic particle flow morphs exponentially at first in field density, as the black hole acquires mass, but loses rotational momentum driven by the galactic core. There is no added return flow along the ecliptic, as the rotation of the black hole core is slowed by the increasing dark and lit matter soars as a percentage of captured mass to the base inner core. The inbound gravitational subatomic particle flow patterns tends to migrate towards the poles with a slower rotation. A secondary incoming gravitational subatomic flow pattern develops, due to push back pressure from extreme gravitational subatomic particle field density forming around the black hole. So how does this factor affect gravitational subatomic particle flow?
The return gravitational subatomic particle flow is now almost 100% spherical incoming field, as rotation of the black hole approaches, but never reaches 0. The push back is almost uniform across the sphere of the black hole with pockets of high and low density areas about its surface. The individual flows build sideways to their flow path, thus gathering amplitude and side to side phased reinforcement. Side expansion continues until subatomic particle field compression limit’s the wave side movement to where it is easier to move forward. This is the enhanced phased gravitational force with an extreme field density, which pushes back on any subatomic particle from leaving the super gravitational field density of a black hole. The subatomic particles related other streams like light, gamma, cosmic, magnetic along with others only escape sometimes due to a pressure buildup along a small channel along the rotational poles of the black hole. It is rotation to any degree, which initiates a channel along an axis, to where subatomic particle streams can flow. As centrifugal force expands the channel. So lets introduce the gravitational sphere of influence. Then consider, how this affects stellar and planetary gravitational local flow patterns?
You were introduced to there is a total universal pattern based on an unknown factor of central black holes, which is located at the center of the universe and all universal densities share that point. What we do know, there is a gravitational and vibrational sphere of influence still attached to the overall movement all masses within the visible universe. The simplest way to explain this basic level of the universe is to imagine an immense bubble, which contains all the individual galactic clusters all encapsulated within a bubble, which is swept along about the universal center. The key here is, the black hole controls the gravitational subatomic particle flow affecting all the stars about its center. Although the universal flow controls contraction and expansion of pockets of subatomic particle fields always in motion. This different from being swept around from a rotating core of a black hole for the movement within a galactic bubble as a whole. Some of you have a question? How is the edge of the universe different from the edge of a galaxy as far as light containment?
The universe as a whole has always existed and does not reset, but the galactic bubbles contained within do. The process set into motion by God, leads to a vast amount unimaginable varieties of life over the infinite progression of time. In the our universe the movement of the galactic bubbles is based density differentials and the vibrational subatomic base on the outer reaches of the galaxy and its increased activity at the center of our known universe. It is the balance between the gravitational subatomic particle flow being attracted towards the vibrational charged center of the universe and the repulsion force from expanding setting up an edge for the known universe. This sets up a subtle edge where star light and all other subatomic particle flows is slowly bent back towards the center. Giving the appearance of an endless universe, if one was to go to the edge, but never realize they were they.
With the edge of a galactic bubble, this edge is determined by the flow of gravitational subatomic particles returning to the black hole ends and flows related to the general universe begins. There is no bending of light particles along a galactic edge, as they just bleed out into the universe. It is these rotational galactic bubbles, which affects all motion within the general universe. They interact with each other, while being affected by a repulsive force from high density area or attracted to a void. Where the edges of these galactic bubbles interact with each other, spin results at the universal level. Lets drill down and address the multiple bubbles within the galactic gravitational sphere of influence.
For those who are confused with the term bubble, lets explain the concept. The use of the word bubble is a visual word, which represents a thin containment of a physical area. That said, the bubble represents the general gravitational subatomic particle field flow about the dominate mass or masses within the bubble being analyzed. The bubble edge represents the difference between internal flows and the flows associated with outside influence. So the galactic bubble represents the gravitational subatomic particle flow to and from the black hole, which supports the stellar formation of the galaxy, but does not dictate galactic movement about the universe. As we examine the bubble of gravitational subatomic flow patterns between individual and multiple star systems within the galactic bubble, there is a gravitational subatomic particle flow pattern, which resembles a dance.
In our universe stellar systems are rarely made up of one star, our system is no different. Our closest is the triple Centuri star system, there is a flow gravitational subatomic particle flow pattern shared by all 3 stellar objects, which is primarily based on stellar density, core vibrational energy above universal base levels, the repulsion and gravitational force between the stellar objects, subatomic particle flow of motion away (bounce back) from a high density field compression or towards a void. These forces dictates the motion of the stellar objects about each other and rotation about a variable central point determined by gravitational attractive points nearby within the galaxy. This is the basic blueprint for motion between multiple stellar objects about a centralized common gravitational point of rotation in space. Lets address our binary star system, as the companion star is composed of dark matter, but its gravitation footprint still exists.
Our stellar gravitational bubble within our galactic bubble is complex, as its gravitational subatomic particle flows between the interstellar objects is known, but the knowledge currently has been suppressed, as a need to know in the field of astrophysics. Our system is a binary star system with the other similar mass failing to light due to its core saturated with heavy elements, thus shunting the fusion process. But its gravitational affects still stretch the orbits of this planetary system in its direction.
The unique feature of this binary system is the brown dwarf proto planet mixture and helix shaped trailing moon complex, that slings between both gravitational masses. When it appears, it will break almost all known laws in astrophysics. There will be no valid explanation coming from academia, as to its motion within in the solar system and its moons, petrol clouds and debris from red dust to large pebbles and small to large meteorites, which will blanket impact the earth. Nibiru will defy all laws of gravity and orbital mechanics, resetting the known field of astrophysics to the basics written here in Astro 101, 102 and now 103 has started. The trailing moons will verify the repulsion force back by subatomic particle density crowding and offsetting the moons by them curling away. Nibiru is a rocky core instead of a hydrogen based giant planet, which coalesced after the two binary stellar masses in a depleted the stellar development zone of free hydrogen, but enough for surface water formation to rain down on Nibiru’s surface and creating its oceans. Lets explain.
The formation of oceans occurred as violent magnetic storms during Nibiru’s formation, free hydrogen and oxygen combined sparked by lightning and rained down on the proto planet/brown dwarf. A few land masses were left, as the available hydrogen combining with oxygen was insufficient to create a total water planet, which was common before the creation of the asteroid belt. Self heating was feature on Nibiru due to its massive size, as the fusion process was invoked within its compressed inner core, which provided light diffused through its deep ocean floors and retaining heat. This allowed ocean evaporation and rain cloud formation over the relative flat land continents setting up the inland river and lake systems, which supported land based life. The land plates only expand due to surface volcanic activity. Tectonic plate movement migrates only due to equalization between land masses, dictated by land mass density and voids.
What about other animal forms developing? On Nibiru, a plant based bio-system is delicate due to limited photosynthesis light coming from the oceans, which shunted the formation of larger animals, but life is teaming in their oceans. They do have a very limited growing seasons for rare plants and vegetables when passing through our stellar system, but this is a banner of seasons, as the passage is decades long. You are asking do the moons rotate about the planet? Yes and no, when Nibiru is at the dither point for thousands of years. They do rotate and a ring system develops. No as transitory movement through our system and the other side, the dark matter, when the planet is on the move, the moons trail.
The inhabitants of Nibiru reached our current level of civilization and space travel a half million years ago. They are the legends of the past, as they ran, jumped in the low gravity environment of earth. They were brutal enslavers of primitive mankind and rapist of women. Are there markers within some of people on earth? Yes, but the current public kits do not recognize them, as the few skeletons that have been found intact on earth, are in an United States Government vault. The residents of Nibiru have been banned from interacting with mankind for thousands of years, but close enough to be legends in your history books, due to developmental differences. This was put in place, when God’s children were banished from Eden to this retched planet in the Middle East through a portal, which closed behind them. There will be no outside interference, as to God‘s Plan.
The pyramids are the surface buildings of choice on Nibiru, due gravitational force almost 10 times that of earth. They were the creators of the gladiator games. They were the ones who mined gold for its reflectivity and resistance to tarnish to reflect heat and light back towards the planet Nibiru surface, when floated in its charged magnetic upper atmosphere. This is why if you are on the surface of Nibiru, the sky twinkles with a golden hue. When the Anunnaki left, mankind continued its value gold and Rome and Greece continued the gladiator fights. They created the original pyramids on Earth and Mars other smaller versions created by the locals. They created Atlantis, which sunk during a pole shift, when they were banished.
Your government doctored the pictures from Caledonia Mars to hide the existence of another civilization within our binary star system. Thin atmosphere where life can not be supported, but drones fly. With the presence of frozen surface water at the poles and the vast pools flowing under the surface of Mars, the bonds of the water molecule breaks down over time into their basic components creating an atmosphere. The oxygen hugs the surface and the hydrogen is lost in the upper atmosphere, as planetary gravity can not hold it. Their primary gold mining base is inside of one of Mar’s moons. No probe dare goes there. You never wondered why the probes go to asteroids and not the moons of Mars? So we will address the 3 primary gravitational subatomic particle flows, which dominate our binary stellar system.
Of the three primary flows it is the narrow flow pattern between the lit and dark matter stars, which pivots about a common dither point and gravitational subatomic particle flow force approaches a net zero affect or expands away from the point of neutrality. This is based on which side of the dither point of flow from neutrality for the gravitational subatomic particle. Acceleration away from the dither point for a hybrid planetary/stellar mass in that gravitational subatomic particle stream, will approach the speed of light. Due to the extended interaction with its mass, maximizing force applied to acceleration until it reaches the edge of either of the two gravitational flow patterns surrounding one the two lit and dark stellar objects.
Both objects rotate due to core compression with inherent spin, this was covered in Astro 101. Any object using this path, like Nibiru, encounters an every increasing push back. As gravitational subatomic particle density increases exponentially from the repulsion force, push back from this repulsion subatomic particle field maximizes. Eventually the movement of Nibiru slows to a crawl, once inside the inner solar system on approach to the outgoing repulsion subatomic particle streams emanating along the ecliptic from the sun. Upon close approach and climbing up towards the ecliptic, the straight line path gets pushed out due to the intensity of the rotational repulsion streams, which also is responsible for the all the sweeping motion of all planetary orbital paths within the solar system. During a close approach to either stellar object, The path of Nibiru pushes outward. This is why a planet traveling between the 2 main gravitational objects like Nibiru follows a stretched out figure 8 pattern.
With the secondary gravitational flows emanating from each of the stellar objects, lit and unlit, both solar systems have either planetary objects or debris in rotation. I have heard from a certain adjacent group with a similar purpose to enlighten mankind, the dark matter star has debris in rotation instead of planets, which did not form. In our example, planets or debris it does not matter. Behavior of a mass within a stellar mass gravitational subatomic particle field results in a similar movement. But the repulsion force between the primary dark matter mass and the rotating ring of debris has a far less density, than if the primary mass was related to planet size objects. If you look at what accompanies Nibiru during its passages, it gravitationally and magnetically acquires iron ore dust and debris when engaging the ecliptic rings surrounding the dark matter star and its moons from what is left of our asteroid belt. Being magnetic in nature, Nibiru has large areas of captured iron oxide is in the debris field. So when the iron oxide magnetically charged fringe fields are captured by earth‘s gravity and magnetic field, water and snow turns red from captured debris along earth’s edges of subatomic particle influence, you know its source.
If we examine the other two gravitational flow patterns around the binary stellar objects, they behave in similar fashions. Both have an inbound and outbound primary flows about the ecliptic. The rest of the repulsion outbound subatomic particle flow bleeds out in all spherical directions. The inbound field as it closes in, spreads due to gravitational subatomic particle field density by dispersing about the sun or dark matter mass. Both have rotation and repulsion subatomic particle streams, which push away planets and debris into an orbital pattern, as a balance to the incoming and outgoing gravitational subatomic particle flow. All of which adjusts, as the sun losses mass through out gassing and the dark one gains due gravitational field capture of debris and dark matter mass. Eventually as the masses diverge, this will lead to the dither point imbalance between the dark stellar mass and our sun. To where the dither point will migrate towards the sun over time, to maintain a binary stellar rotational balance.
Both gravitational fields of the binary dark matter stellar mass and our lit sun planetary and debris field orbital tracks become eccentric, when they pass through the primary gravitational straight line flowing between the stars. The 1800 degrees shift on the other side of our planetary orbital system, there is no additional gravitational subatomic particle flow, the orbits are concentric on the far side of our sun. So the greatest point of deviation points in the direction of the dark mass, which is at a certain angle to the ecliptic from below. This is secret mission of one of the Voyager probes. Why would send a probe with a record of mankind, when all you had to do it hand it to them in the lower restricted areas of our D.U.M.B. bases? Yes your government houses alien life forms to help in reverse engineering of captured saucers. They have learned little in the areas of what they want gravity. They can float objects, but not achieve propulsion. Free energy, still not close. Reverting back to on topic.
In the other unlit system, the debris field is flatten by the outgoing and incoming flow of gravitational subatomic particles above and below the ecliptic. The debris field did morph into vast ring systems, which would rotate about the dark one. You may ask, why wouldn’t spiral arms of debris form instead? With debris its density and particle uniformity naturally separates seeking equalization, not due to the repulsion force, which is the primary driver. As with any debris field settling into a ring formation, due to the return above and below the ecliptic, sandwiching the debris field occurs. Rings if visible would be separated by debris particle size, general field density and separation gaps. Repulsion force streaming out of the dark one applying rotational torque outward for the debris field and would also carve spokes in the rings that tail off in the outer reaches.
The Viking probe when it arrives, as its location given to the general public will be false. It will measure little of valuable data, as temperature differential will discern little detectable signatures of masses with seventies technology, even with the updated code transmitted. Gravitational measurements useless, as base measurements will be far off and the current formulas will not work. With the Voyager probe still on the outer reaches of the dark one‘s system and accelerating once past the dither point. With no ability to re direct the probe in real time, in the future it will crash into the surface of the dark one before most gathered information can be relayed back to earth. The repulsion force will be ineffective against a small mass moving at great velocities. The communications black out or loss of signal is a cover to save energy for the key data relay. The sad part little if any will be shared with the world, as the field of current astrophysics will have to be totally rewritten.
In the final drill down of gravitational subatomic particle flows within an individual stellar system at the local level, the bubble sphere of gravitational subatomic particle flow of influence is at the planetary level and their moons. Expansion or compression does not happen at any planetary level, as it does at the solar and black hole levels, but the basic principles gravitational subatomic particle flow still apply. If there is a fine debris field in close proximity of a planet, rings will form due to the return flow above and below the planetary ecliptic and the outgoing repulsion stream along the equator as the planet rotates. These are the same streams, which will push moons along the ecliptic, when long established orbits which have been in place. Captured moons are those with retrograde orbits outside of the ecliptic plane and somewhat kept there, as the repulsion force emanating from the planet and moons nudge each other. In multi-planetary moons system, the inner moons are the first to line up within the ecliptic, over time others follow.
We have covered the bubble concept of gravitational subatomic particle fields from the black hole, to the multiple stellar configurations, to the various gravitational flow patterns between the stars and their individual fields and finally at the local level planets and their moons. We will now examine the relationship of gravitational subatomic flow patterns and the new relationship to vibrational energy within black hole, stellar and planetary cores. Then finally examine the core of the universe, as the vibrational subatomic particle energy takes on the dominant role and its transfer of energy, which determines the density level of the overlapping parallel universes. Then answer what to expect at the final level.
As we expand our understanding of the universe, there is a need to look deeper into the processes of vibrational density stacking of general matter and their overlapping parallel universe qualities within all universal space. So to visualize this concept, imagine a sphere of thousands of stars to represent our universe. The vibrational frequency or the energy is at base level for all stellar masses. Particle movement, which is based on a wave format, transverses the universal density at the present speed of light and molecular bonds of matter are dense and tight in comparison to other higher density levels.
We refer to stacking as density levels, which is a natural build up and overlapping realities of new versions of matter and principles, as existing within the same space with different properties for all matter based on vibrational frequency. Now lets look at the release of vibrational energy and its various levels where mass solidifies. As it is no different turning the knob on a frequency modulator. This is an universal setting to determine the amount of vibrational energy, which will be absorbed by the stellar matter in order to materialize within representative sphere of a parallel universe. The concept is complex arrangement between matter and vibrational frequency, like a TV with a new active reality, that is associated with each new higher frequency, but occupies the same air ways. Except it is real-time stars, matter, subatomic particle movement embedded with life. All exist at certain points of the vibrational frequency of general universal matter. We will dig deeper into the properties of the upper density levels and how there is a spiritual peak associated with the universe.
So as the vibrational frequency which excites matter elevating its natural frequency, at key points matter solidifies and the parallel universe becomes visible, but was always there. With different rules for general matter, lighter extended bonds, lattice molecular reinforcement and a rarer universal density medium allowing faster subatomic particle movement. So there is a relationship between black holes and the vibrational frequency of matter. The process allows vibrational frequencies to be elevated through a series of steps. We can now introduce these new basic concepts.
Black hole anchors or nodes on both sides occupying a shared relational space, allows vibrational energy to flow between parallel universes is new. So exactly how does this concept of shared relational work space with two different universal densities and coupled with matter adhering to different principles of behavior? In a simple answer, the black holes at the base density do vary in location within the our base density, the corresponding exit point at the next level also varies, which is set by the base location. Again how does this work between densities?
The basic difference between the density levels is the spatial differential of matter between both levels. Both have basic parameters, as to placement in each universal density level. So if there is a movement within the basic grid of our universe, from point of reference to another using established measurements, the translation of positioning is related to the new parameters involving particle movement in a new rarified spatial environment. So for the astrophysicists there is a relative positional relationship, as the black hole on our base level moves, there is a corresponding movement at the new level which does not conform to our metrics.
Within the fourth density level, the principles of matter and space change. So what is meant by that? We will drill down at the molecular level, as there is new bonding variations. We have gone over that molecular bonding creates new opportunities from our universe, as bonding at the molecular level is basic in our universe, with bonds connecting in a two dimensional relationship. In the fourth density there is a change in particle movement, due to the much rarified universal environment. The speed of light changes along with molecular bonding into a three dimensional bonding. There are so many differences, increased color recognition of the eye, enhanced hearing, an increased level of love and bonding. All emotions expand into a new reality. This is just the beginning.
At the fifth level of universal density, real changes occur with organic matter. There is a moves towards transparency at the skin and muscular level, as the molecular makeup of bio-mass is stretched thin. The life force now elevated, is constantly visible within the being, thus creating a representation of light, as it moves closer to the essence of God. All life at the planetary level is in harmony and lives as one collective in the late fourth and fifth densities, but still has independent thought within the common collective. Lets look at how a black hole increase vibrational energy through compression, to create and maintain the upper density levels.
The black holes provide the compression to elevate the vibrational energy, as excess flows to create the additional high vibrational energy streams to maintain the ever decreasing in volume in the upper density levels of visible matter, which is solid. At the sixth density level, matter is in a quasi state above solid matter and organic life for the most part is disincarnated or light beings. Any density levels above this is unknown to me except the pinnacle, the God level, which many on earth call Heaven. So how is existence different there, than on present day earth without going into spirituality and its many levels of service?
Like many of you heard, there are many levels in Father’s house. The first thing you notice is all the little orbs floating around you, what is unique they transpose at your will by your expanded thought process into what they looked like on earth relevant to you with regards to age. This varies individual to individual. The size of the soul was apparent, due to lessons learned on earth. As you look around, the colors have so many different vibrant shades, but could not discern the new colors due to my earth based senses. There was no sense of discomfort, because it was just there. No thoughts of heat, cold, wind or light. It was just there. The cool part was, when you looked down and the vastness of space was there below what seemed like the ground, which you floated above. The greatest part, you could feel the immense love and compassion of God, but I did not visually see Him, Jesus or Mary. I did not experience the tunnel, which for many souls pass through various density levels to God’s light at the end of the tunnel.
For me, travel was instantaneous and have only been there once in spirit form with my current memory and did not get to sight see the universe and its wonders. Spoke to one recently deceased family member to straighten out things by telepathy, saw no others in past human form by design or those which are higher beings, just the orbs of new arrivals. Now back to how vibrational energy flows from our base level universe to the upper densities and the return flow back to base level.
With the flow of vibrational subatomic particles increasing in energy, due to the great compression of matter within the center of black holes, these transfer points exists at relative space and time positions between the densities. They are critical points of entry at our basic universal level and exit points in fourth density black holes or there reference point in corresponding space and time, as vibrational subatomic particle flow nodes. This distribution channel of elevated vibrational energy is to maintain the upper density levels. Vibrational energy distribution nodes are abundant through our base universe with some limited to binary nodes (2 parallel universes connecting) varying to the great multi-nodes near the center of the universe, which connect many parallel universes, the path departed souls take. Once the vibration subatomic particles is spent and loses energy, they fall back through the various densities in steps back to base level and the process starts again. Where can this vibrational energy be studied on earth?
Surface observation of this vibrational energy only happens within stretched areas of earth’s crust, which primarily is along the Western Atlantic coast line. An area called the Bermuda Triangle has a thinner crust and shallower waters compared to most other regions on earth. During core compression within the earth, there is an overwhelming internal burst of vibrational energy released, which migrates towards the surface to escape subatomic particle crowding in the core region. These vibrational subatomic particles easily pass through the liquefied inner core and earth’s mantle. But are usually reabsorbed as the pass through the thick crust, where molecular bonding restricts pass through of more dense rock.
A vibrational energy burst is when particle movement builds up below a thin portion of earth’s crust like the Bermuda Triangle. During a breach of the crust, there is a concentrated release, which bleeds into the lower atmosphere energizing all matter within the spherical bubble super saturated excess subatomic vibrational particles. Matter caught and saturated may move to the next density, but most matter temporarily elevates and takes on a green hue and then drops back to the basic level of general matter. Matter that tends to move to the next density, drifts in the space-time 3 dimensional format and is usually lost, as they tend to sink towards the new gravitational core and upon reemergence back into our density, where positional drift of the affected matter does not line up with the point of origin. It is usually deep within earth’s crust, due to translation of movement, density to density shifting. Lets look at current theories for gravity present on all of academia books, which is now far outdated.
Mankind’s Gravitational Formula
The gravitational formula given to mankind were basic and meant to work in the local area of universe containing earth when Newton asked. With his limited understanding Newton scribed G = M1 M2 / R2 now a stepping stone into the understanding of gravity. The where the mass of the earth was in play, as the secondary mass fell towards the ground. The gravitational constant g added later only to dictate a measurement, as any multiplying constant added to the formula yields a proportional result. So lets examine the crude components of the gravitational formula currently used on earth.
M1 is at the heart of gravitational subatomic particle flow towards its center. The math works with most massive objects within the local universal plane, but changes shift from proportional, to exponential, to hyper as a mass approaches the size of a black hole. The M1 is the determinate of compression at its central core. This is what sets up the basic flow of gravitational subatomic particles towards the center of the mass and the resultant gravitation subatomic particle field density.
M2 is where the confusion sets in among your scientists at the basic level. You push back saying how? The gravitational force between 2 objects is not an attractive force, but a pass through force on M2 towards M1. The most accurate part of the equation is R, where distance does represent gravitational sub atomic particle field density as an inverse square. It is this flow that provides the force due to subatomic particle crowding, as the flow passes through M2. Now you ask about the experiments related to the curvature of space and time, which proved Einstein’s theory?
During an eclipse stars that should been hidden behind our sun shown, this was true. It was the analysis of the end results of the experiment, which was wrong. The fabric of space and time seemed to bend, so the scientists were not suppose to believe their lying eyes? How would stars behind the sun show, if the fabric of space did not bend? Your scientists observed the stars and so eager to prove the theory, all agreed. Not one of you considered, that space is massless and just a containment area, which is seemly infinite.
Your answer was the light from the stars itself. Light is composed of subatomic particles, which means the stream can be bent. Water and lenses prove this. When the light from a distant star passes through the intense gravitational subatomic particle field heading towards the core of the sun, light related subatomic particles passing to the outside of the solar object are bent towards it. So starlight which is behind the sun, is bent by its gravity towards the earth for observation in the low light environment of a solar eclipse. The fabric of space does not fold or bend, but the path of light related subatomic particle streams do. Einstein, a great mind did not improve on Newton’s gravitational theory, as neither concepts would work in other parts of the general universe. Let’s move on.
This is the second phase of gravitational formulas and practical knowledge before the final phase or update to move mankind forward. We will concentrate on gravitational subatomic particle frequency, filtering, separation and amplification for free energy, before moving forward to shielding, light speed travel and weaponology. The technology release for subatomic gravitational particle generators will move forward, but not released until the patents can be protected. Why because you think you can steal the technology, so be it. Try it please and 3 generations of direct family will cease to exist. It will be painful for all. All will gain, but do not steal. You can work with us and gain or steal and perish. You all think that some are such the geniuses, but we can read your minds. Your theme of power is just a joke, heed the message. This is final offer, as self development will be a slow process. We can do it our selves with a few years set back. Oh, nuclear weapons against a force field. Particle stream weapons that downgrade the atomic structure to a new elemental level or slices through city infrastructure and buildings fall on top of millions. EMP pulses that keep coming and destroy bunker power supplies. How will that work with mobs outside of your doors? Becareful of who you choose to go against deep state.
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