Particle Movement
The Behavior of Subatomic Particles through a Field Medium
The physicists
on Earth have
observed through intensive studies that the many forms of energy emissions takes
on wavelike format during movement, but have properties of a particle in some
cases. This conclusion is incomplete.
Mankind with its continuing attempts for understanding physics of particle
motion sees only the final
two dimensional resultant wave. But, it is a stream of individual of energized subatomic particles on the move, where equilibrium of field containment and
a push back to forward motion that creates a redundant pattern as a compromise. If a
series of 2
dimensional slices are sampled, the resultant subatomic particle
path is in the form of a wave, the current accept form in mankind's textbooks.
To consider the simplistic nature of particle movement, after emission, lets examine how the movement of subatomic particles organize within a field medium. Field Medium definition: [It is the spatial area filled with subatomic particles, to completed elemental groupings or compound mixtures of a different composition other than the emitted stream. Where density, vibrational characteristics of the subatomic particle at its most basic level of matter related to the field medium, and ambient polarized charge or lack of has an affect on the particle stream that transverses it.]
The motion of individual subatomic particles will be broken down into basic components of velocity. Setting up parameters an infinite cubic area shall represent the universe, but an specific area within the universe shall be quantified to establish a base. We shall start with an initial flow of particles emitted from a stable point, labeled X, Y, and Z representing the various three dimensional intersecting coordinates in space, designated as the static point of origin. So we can grasp a basic picture of particle movement. The flow of particles will be restricted to a single row pushed from origin in one direction along an equilibrium line, the Z-axis extending indefinitely outward from this point. So how does, what should be a straight line of emitted subatomic particles morph into a path that oscillates about the Z axis?
Sometimes when trying to grasp a new concept, the best teacher is nature. So for your field trip, it is to go to a steep hill (20 to 30% grade) where the water flows freely upon the surface of the road without gutters during a rain shower. What will you observe? The flow of water creates a standing wave pattern as it moves across the paved surface. For the astute student, they will realize that the friction of the paved road impedes flow yet the source of water from a steady is unabated. The flow from behind builds, thus the depth of water increases to a point where gravity counters the push and a crest develops. A trough develops and the water flowing from behinds compresses and builds again, the second crest and now a wave format forms. This you can see and can explain. Now lets move on to particle movement.
Upon exit from point origin, dependent upon the density and composition of the field medium, subatomic particles quickly establishes a backup along the subatomic particle flow line as frictional pressure through the field medium causes the stream to bulge away from the original Z axis. Thus, causing random back and forth lateral motion varying due to the push back from the field in an instantaneous snapshot of direction and speed, takes the path of least resistance. For the more advanced, the derivative of the particle path at a set point in time to determine velocity. Where points of compression slow progression subtlety and pressure voids accelerate movement, but to mankind, which only has the technology to measure the total picture of movement or average, the result is a wave.
Setting up this example to explain particle movement, we introduce a uniform low density homogenous spatial defined field as the transport medium, similar to the interstellar medium primarily composed of dark matter, fragmentary clusters subatomic particles or the basic building blocks of elemental matter scattered about. As the initial particles enter the field, crowding ensues, pressure builds in front exiting particle impeding its forward motion. With each subatomic particle the pressure increases from not only suppression of forward motion, but the build up of emitted particles from behind entering the field. It is when the emission level of the particle stream reaches its carrying capacity, that its path buckles away the Z axis to relieve the pressure. The basis of the peak distance away from the Z axis is a balance of particle flow pressure responsible the deflection away from the Z axis and the equilibrium point where the compressed interstellar medium at the point of interaction of stream builds to a point of containment and flow reverses back toward the Z axis. The higher the energy retention level of the subatomic particle coupled with a low the mass, the higher the frequency as the distance between the subatomic particle reversals of directions across the Z axis closes. The low mass of the subatomic particle ensures an accelerated bounce back within a transport medium populated with higher density subatomic particles, eventually limits low mass particles lateral movement away from the Z axis.
With the previous example we examine a simplistic snap shot basic motion during the initial stages of emission as to allow a picture that mankind assumes particle movement adheres too, which is in the form of a wave. But, if we mapped the total movement of the extreme positions away from the Z axis of the particle stream, and used the tangential lines at the maximum point away from the Z axis it to format a structural curved parallel line pattern linking the points, these parallel tangential lines, would take the form of a tube, where the diameter increases as a result of added energy and the field it travels through.
Moving forward, there are two new concepts to consider, why there is an incidence of subatomic particle movement away based upon a 360 degree rotational pivot from the Z axis of the established line of flow. Where the established line of flow is the position a subatomic 1 wavelength in front is connected by a straight lines that passes through the point and the Z axis. Secondary, amplitude how does this expand the height of the wave, but does not affect the wave length? So lets address both concepts as related to subatomic particle flow.
When an initial particle stream with one exit point is established parameters are set. Once emitted there is a balance between the medium and the emitted stream from the point of no expansion along the Z axis to the maximum a plane intersecting the Z axis at 90 degrees. The equilibrium point extending out in a conical form where angle off the Z axis is a compromise 45 degrees. Upon exiting the point of concentration, this pattern does not change unless acted upon by an outside force. This is what occurs naturally and is confirmed by particle field intensity drop due to dispersion to 25 percent of the original as the distance traveled doubles. This concept has already been established and in current textbooks. So we will concentrate on one central stream from the emission point as all others emerge from this point under compression due to crowding and like charges.
As a subatomic particle enters for example the interstellar medium, there is extreme field compression. What mankind calls the vacuum of space is filled with matter, primarily hydrogen and helium atoms, nuclei and the subcomponents of matter, subatomic particles. Though what seems like a vacuum they are still there to a point to where the atmosphere of Earth pushes back and there is a line of compression and the thin upper atmosphere that achieves equilibrium somewhat contained. What is lost is replaced by the oceans and geothermal activity. If not, Earth's atmosphere would be evacuated into the void of space, we know this does not happen as you are living on this planet.
Examining the movement of a stream of subatomic particles, we will simplify motion by first defining lateral motion away from the Z axis and the more complex interaction of shifting off the primary line of flow and the balance between the rotational pivot about the Z axis and the new allowance for added wave compression due angular shift away from the primary flow, for this forms the foundation of particle movement. Aspects that need to be considered, the free motion at creation, and then subsequent injection into a new medium. Frictional forces due to field interaction on the subatomic level and crowding as the flow slows through the medium, which creates a push back to the original free flow.
Lateral Motion
The basic concept, in the universe is a flow of energy and mass from a position of high density to a low density region until an outside force changes the parameters either created by the interaction of the flow or already established. As a subatomic particle flow is emitted from a source of energy, ( net energy is any level above the surrounding field encapsulation the source of emission) its motion is affected by the medium it enters. Upon insertion, the front end piercing the medium is impeded due to frictional forces, although the flow of emission is maintained. This results in pressure from the rear of the stream, which builds related directly of density resistant from the field medium. This has a direct result on the velocity of a subatomic particle through a medium, such as interstellar space. So if the overall density of a medium changes, due higher energy levels stored in the subatomic particle, which directly affects its natural vibrational rate, there is a corresponding change in the velocity of a subatomic particle during movement. For more on the variations of interstellar medium density, consult Density Shifting and Parallel Universes.
Relief comes, as a lateral pop dictated by the build up of pressure from subatomic particle stream flow and the lower density of the medium away from the central flow ensues, subtle at first, as most of the energy was used to breach the containment. This action creates a bulge in the stream of subatomic particle that moves subatomic particle flow away from the directional Z axis due to this crowding. Thus, the flow expands outward in the path of least resistance until an equilibrium is established between this same subatomic particle flow escaping the pressure along the Z axis and the counter balancing push back force increasing from the compressed medium displaced from the subatomic particle flow.
This outward motion coupled with forward momentum and the reversal of particle flow as compression of the field medium reaches a point where reversal of the subatomic flow path of least resistance is back towards the Z axis. The momentum conserved, overshoots and repeats the process of reversal due compression while forward motion is maintained. This is how what mankind perceives as a wave is created in its most simplistic format.
Motion Sub Set:
Angular Offset of forward motion within a circular plane
Now lets build upon this foundation and examine a more complex version of movement and what other forces affect the movement of subatomic particle stream and how this new approach reveals a concept of a tube format versus the accepted wave pattern. Ultimately this is the elementary basis for rotation of matter.
Mankind assumes that particle movement oscillates within a planes defined by the axis of X (north and south of the line motion) and Z (the line of motion). But, the is an underlying complex motion that is superimposed on the primary shifting of the subatomic particles as they move back and forth across the Z axis to an area of less density that completes the total picture.
We have covered the basics on particle movement resulting in the standard wave format as it oscillates about the axis of forward motion. In our universe, forces react in 3 dimensions so how does this new concept affect particle movement? The primary subatomic particle flow as it is introduced to a new field medium, at inception expands away and towards the line of equilibrium within a set plane. This changes quickly as pressure builds and containment that pops the subatomic particle stream within the original plane slides off angularly to the east or west of the original stream plane intersecting the Z axis as the push back dictates a new path of least resistance. There is a compromise, as the forward pressure is relieved due to the angular shift about the Z axis. The stream compensates and slightly shifts forward, thus compressing would have been the original gap between the waves had movement been maintained within the original plane. As equilibrium is established, and a uniform point of angular separation along the 360 degree plane is set, the resultant is an established wave length for a particular subatomic particle emission.
The Basics
The Wave
This view is to examine overall movement within the X, Y and Z plane. We will address how and why a subatomic particle flow expands away from and returns to the primary axis of flow, the circular deflection off the initial plane of movement, which incorporates the forward motion of the subatomic particle stream. Additionally, for those looking to expand upon the basics, we can examine the motion within the stream itself for a more complex understanding.
As a stream of particles organizes about an expulsion point, ejection in the same initial direction occurs, in the wake of the leading particle there is a pressure void as the particle accelerates against the medium in which movement occurs. The lead particle achieves its maximum velocity as equilibrium occurs between the drag or push back of the medium as a balance against the subatomic particle momentum. A defined velocity is dependent upon the mass and the vibrational frequency of the subatomic particle as the velocity of the lead particle acceleration is shunted and the lagging void quickly fills from the pressure building up from the rear, due particles following within the wake. As with any buildup of pressure, with is a shift away from crowding, that only increases flow away from the original Z axis, but also rotationally about the same Z axis that shifts away from the original plane of primary flow that contains the pop, thus relieves pressure along the Z axis.
This rotational shift only creates a more complex interaction as the subatomic particle stream flows. The off set shift not only suppresses the distance the crest responsible for the wave format, but also allows encroachment on the distance between waves as there is a corresponding shift forward as the pressure is relieved. The shift off axis, is primarily a property of the stream itself caused by the repulsion of the subatomic particles as opposed to the field medium. Once this equilibrium is maintained, the angular off set remains the same.
As angular shift is established, the stream expanding away from the Z axis encounters a steady increasing push back from the field medium until expansion slows creating a crest, then reverses flow back towards the Z axis where pressure is the lowest. Momentum carries the stream with the angular shift intact pass the Z axis only to repeat the process again in a mirror image, thus the wave. Particle flow seeks a path of less resistance so there is a shift away to the left or right of the original line, towards the low pressure void, which seems random but it is this organization that is responsible for the various forms of energy and their related wave lengths.
So how can we explain why the amplitude of a wave expands and what changes occur within the particle stream as a response to an increased the rate of emission?
As the emission rate increases, the first response of the subatomic particle stream crowding is to increase the angular offset from preceding tangent point of the crest with a straight line linking the the Z axis a wavelength ahead. As it is easier to shift away in a rotational angular motion about the Z axis than expand the established crest of the subatomic particle wave against the already compressed medium 90 degrees away from the axis. A point is reached where the influx of newly emitted subatomic particles overwhelm the field medium. The repulsion charge emanating from the stream increases in a plane, 90 degrees to the direction of flow. As the pressure maximizes the point of equilibrium is the 180 degree opposition point for each subatomic particle in the stream, the path original wave stream, augmented by pressure voids left in the wakes of moving particles. So once aligned, no matter what position about 360 degrees of the Z axis, reinforcement occurs and the amplitude of the wave expands in a burst. Any added flow now pops out against transport medium. Where the amplitude of movement about the Z axis is related to the mass, energy and flow of the subatomic particle stream. Once the amplitude is reached a point where expansion is contained, the burst now seeks equilibrium. There is a subtle pullback of the wave crest due to reestablishment of the angular offset of the Z axis. This is what happens within the particle stream as its amplitude is increased. The these same principles apply when the emission is decreased only in reverse. What also needs to be considered is the initial energy burst and the flow needed to maintain a flow of subatomic particles exiting from a single source. Where a multitude of streams with a varied X, Y, and Z-axis are released at this point of origin, dispersion in a random 360-degree spread away from this point due to particle crowding.
Particle movement is a process of how a subatomic particle motion is affected as a stream of these particles transverse our universe. Where its ambient field, in our Universe is primarily composed of dark matter, the basic subatomic particles of matter that fills the void between cosmic objects. It is the relationship between the variables of mass, charge, density of the medium and a static representation of the same unit within the subatomic particle, the resultant interaction to achieve an equilibrium, that determines the final subatomic particle wave format. The natural density is determined by its inherent vibration of the basic structure of the subatomic particle. The lower this level within the atomic structure, the denser the medium, interstellar space for our universe. Our universe at the lowest thus the densest medium which can impede particle movement. It is this medium is what limits the velocity of subatomic particles related to light. Does the density of this medium, dark matter vary? Yes, you can reference this information at Parallel Universes and Density Shifting.
The Exception: Extreme Compression due to a Black Hole
One of the exception to the principles of particle movement is extreme gravitational field compression. Where a particle stream encounters a dense gravitational field when emitted from a mass, its motion away from the Z axis is constricted. Although there is an increased incidence of the gravity particles and contact with the atomic structure of the particle moving within the stream applying a push back, the increased compression extends the original stream's wavelength. As field intensity increases the forward motion deflects at angle equivalent to the balance of oncoming gravitational force to containment of lateral movement due to field density buildup. Field density buildup is when expansion of an incoming field or particle stream expands against the ambient field due to an outside force. This builds until the push back from the compression of the ambient field equals the force driving the expansion of the field or particle stream. This is what bends a particle stream. Under extreme conditions forward motion halts and the path of the particle stream curves back towards its emission point.
Recent improvements in
mankind's particle theory (News Story) has proposed
the electron exists in a duel role of particle and wave, scientists somewhat on
the right tract need to separate the actual qualities of a particle from its resultant
motion the wave form.
With the understanding of particle movement, what seems in impossible now can be achieved within the field of energy production and particle emission wave amplification. The resultant is a quantum leap within the field of this technology on Earth. In particular the ability to exploit naturally flowing subatomic particle streams within our universe by filtering, organizing, amplifying a select group of naturally available flowing subatomic particles streams and then use this oscillation a polarize stream to drive a constant flow of electron related subatomic particles or free energy as it passes through a matrix of coiled conductors yielding a the form of usable electricity. This can be research in the paper Subatomic Particle Flow Exploitation.
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